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So, the baby wasnt that bad to be honest. It COULD be a good character if it isnt exploited too much. Keep it having its brief one liners and short scenes and it could be a decent character. The two white neighbors could be decent as well, mostly the short one.

Other than that the pilot rather sucked. Not funny, the cutscenes werent good, and they covered all Family Guy bases in the first two minutes: lack of good humor, stupid cutscenes that dont make sense/arent funny, and one dimensional characters. Not looking forward to the show being brought to FOX and I hope ratings bomb for it so that it doesnt get past 2 seasons.

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This is the worse comedy pilot I've seen. It's worse than American Dad's first episode, but that show picked up pretty quickly. I have no hope for this. You shouldn't make lots of references and nods about how this is exactly like Family Guy (only blacker) when there's nothing funny about it. At least Family Guy these days gets a couple of laughs per episode. This was just dreadful with no indication it'll improve.

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I'm shocked as to how many people here are shitting on Family Guy. I usually hate those type of shows (American Dad is decent at times and The Simpsons was great, then turned to utter shit), but I find Family Guy to be sheer hilarious at times. Some of it is hit or miss though.

Sadly, the same cant be said for this. How horrendous and I've got even less desire to watch it from here on than I did before. It still baffles me as to why they took the worst and most annoying character in Family Guy and did a spin off, seemingly just because they're black. Awful doesn't even sum up this show.

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What gets me is that everyone used to be on Family Guy's jockstrap and now everyone is all about the hate.

This was also before "Seth MacFarlane cartoon" became a formula for three shows with variations of the same formula, not to mention, by season 6, Family Guy's became an irrelevant show...and we're already on season 7. I'm happy that the idea of a show returning from cancellation not only occurred but led to more shows, but maybe getting more Family Guy, which led to more American Dad, which leads to more of this was a bad decision at the end of the day.

This makes me think that a brilliant but cancelled thread and a went on too long thread should be in development. There's a lot of TV that should've been shot out of its misery a long time ago.

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Family Guy before it was canceled was fresh and new, something we had never seen before. Then when it came back and American Dad hit and the movie.. it was just the same old stupid shit. People always bitch about how the Simpsons slowly changed throughout the years; yeah, this is why. Family Guy hasn't innovated itself once and this show is just variations on the original; BUT BLACK!

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What gets me is that everyone used to be on Family Guy's jockstrap and now everyone is all about the hate.

Yeah, when the show first came it was something fresh and new and was genuinely great. It was pretty much always funny back during its first run, and when it got canceled it was during the time where people loved the show and wanted more. Then it got brought back by FOX and people were ecstatic over the news. Then new episodes started coming out, and FOX began airing old episode for an hour every day. That is what personally got me hooked off Family Guy. Seeing the same old episodes over and over and over, and seeing the new episodes nothing but poor attempts at humor most of the time. I used to love the show and wanted it to come back, but now I wish FOX never brought the fucker back to life because we're stuck with one shitty MacFarlane show and now have to deal with a second one that is nothing more but Family Guy with black characters. I have no idea why he can get away with basically the same show, but for some reason its going to bring him money.

Its not that hard to get. Its like if you love vanilla ice cream. You love it, but once you eat it 14 times a day for a week you eventually get sick of eating it. The only difference is there doesnt seem to be a period where Family Guy becomes good again whereas eventually youll get back to wanting more of the ice cream. Family Guy is a lot worse than The Simpsons for me. The show got old, tiresome, and shitty in only 7 seasons and doesnt seem to produce that many decent shows, whereas even with The Simpsons there is always at least a few episodes in the new seasons that I enjoy.

Once again, I hope ratings for this show bomb just to show MacFarlane that his shitty style of cartoon needs to change instead of doing the whole "shitty plot, uninteresting characters, lol cutscenes everywhere" thing more.

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The funny thing with me is that I like the more recent episodes of Family Guy possibly more than the first seasons. Then again, maybe I love the show because I'm not completely hooked on it and don't watch it over and over. As I said before, some episodes just don't click for me, but I loved the last season (was that season 6 or 7? I'm thinking of the season where in one episode, Stewie takes steroids and turns massive. Seriously, that episode was sheer hilarious I thought). It's just one of those programmes that will never get old for me, because it's so different and I find the majority of it to be so over the top that it's usually hilarious. Stuff like a chicken attacking Peter out of the blue and the two having a fight for three minutes, it's so simply, yet just gold.

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Well now I want to be co-moderators of this board with stokie. We can be like wacky mismatched roommates.

That or a Bat-Signal, I suppose that would suffice.

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I Think there are alot of little bitches in here because I honestly see this being a big hit

and I can honestly see you dying in a fire. Could just be me hoping though. <_<

Anyways, the family guy formula was funny at first, but when you try to stretch it over three different shows, spanning multiple seasons, its going to fail. There's only so much wacky cutscenes you can take before it goes from funny to annoying.

Edited by Hellfire
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If we're going to continue this thread, let's continue it on without feeding the flames of Cartman's post up there. I've already dealt with it, just move on from it folks. If he comes back with more, we can handle it then.

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