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The Cleveland Show


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If this gets a full season I am going to make arbitrary threats and stuff. But really, holy shit. I watched five minutes and couldn't watch anymore.

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Apparently The first season is 22 epis and the second season has already been done up for 13 episodes. I just hope the ratings bomb for the show before the first season is even over. I seriously cannot understand how Macfarlane gets this shit to air. I saw a commercial for Fox's "Animation Domination" thing for Sunday Nights, and just shook my head that the majority of the shows are ALL Macfarlane created.

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At the very least, American Dad and Family Guy are good. Family Guy is the random cutaway show while American Dad is just the regular Simpsonsesque show. The Cleveland Show hasn't come on yet here, but I can only assume it's similar to Family Guy (considering it uses one of its characters).

And if McFarlane didn't seem spread-thin-enough, he's reportedly in talks for a fourth show... meaning either Animation Domination is being extended to 7PM or they're taking off a show.

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And wow, second episode of the Cleveland Show and I'm already off of it for good. I figure that since there hasn't been a post in this topic since last the 27th, that nobody really cares if I spoil it.

I wasn't in the room for much of the show, but when I was in, Cleveland was telling the family that he had run over their dog. In graphic detail. Having lost my 14-year-old dog less than 2 months ago, the fact that it was made light of sickened and offended me to the point where I don't care if next week's episode is a 30-minute ad for the ASPCA, I'm not watching another episode of this show.

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I saw a promo where the baby observed that what appeared to be oatmeal is a dish that would be served in the 1800s.

GET IT BECAUSE.. uh.. wait a goddamn minute, that's not a joke nor is it a particularly keen observation. It's just fucking retarded. God, I hope this shit gets cancelled.

EDIT for ratings: Ugh, 2nd in its timeslot and 4th overall for the night on the night of the premiere. I hope that's just a bunch of people tuning in out of curiousity and that the ratings for tonight's episode will be worse.

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  • 3 months later...

I was looking for a thread on this show, as I couldn't believe how unfunny it was. I mean I find family guy and american dad hit and miss but this show was a total miss.

Was determined to keeping watching it until I laughed at least once. Came close enough in the 3rd episode, so I left it there(I think it's about a half dozen episodes into its run down here now).

How's it been doing stateside in the ratings? Hope it bombed after the initial curiousity factor wore off.

Also I have no idea why ADHD Cleveland Jr now looks almost exactly like a young Peter Griffin with black face? shifty.gif

edit:- Just found this on wiki.

The show, which was picked up to air a first season consisting of 22 episodes,[21] was picked up by Fox for a second season, consisting of 13 episodes, bringing the total number to 35 episodes. The announcement was made on May 3, 2009 before the first season even premiered.[3] Due to strong ratings FOX picked up the back 9 episodes of season 2 which would make a 22 episode season and bring the total episode count of the show to 44


Edited by The Ego II
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I have no interest in watching this. If it's just the black unfunnier version of new Family Guy, then hell no.

The first couple of years of Family Guy were alright, then the season or two after cancellation were very hit and miss. Now it's just terrible. I saw an episode the other day where they had a lengthy manatee cutout about Aquaman hanging out in the ocean while some guy tries to rape a woman (screaming for Aquaman's help) on the beach. Yeah, after seeing that I'm done with FG.

I do think American Dad is decent though, for now.

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