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Gaming Pet Peeves


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Games, that aren't MMORPGs, where you get a super-awesome weapon of ultimate doom and destruction... as a reward for an epic battle right near the end. Thanks, but that would've been a whole lot more useful, say, five minutes ago... and now I have bugger all opportunity to use it.

That reminds me of Uncharted. I know you get the awesome 'Eddy's Golden Gun' but the only way you can earn enough reward points to use it is to beat the game on Crushing difficulty... pointless.

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2) The Shin Megami Tensei rule where it's Game Over if the main character dies, even if you have someone/an item who can resurrect him in your party. This is especially irksome when certain enemies have 1 shot death abilities, or gain "1 more" attack if they hit your elemental weakness.

Yeah I've just played through Persona 4. Good game but it was annoying to get a Game Over after some regular enemy hits with the light or dark spells.

Games where cut scenes cannot be skipped (especially annoying when you've played the game through once before).

This. This, this, a thousand times this. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SUIKODEN V!

Um. Games where your main character looks like some kinda metrosexual and doesn't talk. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SUIKODEN V!

I've got this game sitting on my shelf waiting to be played. Crap.

In terms of RPG's I used to focus pretty much entirely on Final Fantasy games where obviously the main character speaks. However I've broadened my scope lately and purchased a bunch of RPG's to work through. I've completed Persona 4 and Dragon Quest VIII and in both game the main character never speaks, and apparently the same is true of Suikoden V. Is this common amongst most RPG's?

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Auto-saving when you were just doing something out of curiosity and it horribly backfires. I'm looking at you Fable 2! *points at his own breasts and lack of penis*

You know Fable 2 autosaves. Before you do something out of curiocity, like apprently using the gender change potion, why didn't you save to a new file...even as a "just in case" thing it would've been a good idea

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The second one being when you first encounter a character in an RPG when you're at level 5 or so and he's 20 times stronger (10+ levels higher) than you are when the computer controls him. He then (reluctantly) joins your party at the same level as you because of some random event that negates the fact he was Jesuslike just 10 minutes earlier <_<

Beatrix from FF 9 is a prime example of this. Impossibly hard to beat when you face her, then shes on your team and nowhere near as strong as she was.

What i hate, and GTA is the prime suspect for this. Having to follow someone around in your car, but having to be so far behind that you cant see where there going. Besides, how the hell would he know im following him anyway?

I hate following missions in GTA, they make me want to beat my teeth out with a hammer. I especially hate driving missions in GTA that have a time limit. "Get to this phone in a minute, it's only on the other side of the map, and you'll just have to avoid all of the fucking traffic in your way". This is why I rarely finish GTA games.

Auto-saving when you were just doing something out of curiosity and it horribly backfires. I'm looking at you Fable 2! *points at his own breasts and lack of penis*

This screwed me once. I decided to kill a guy in the Mages Guild because I'm a dick, suddenly I'm standing on the outside of the door where it says "You have been booted for being a dick" and I see the words "Autosaving HAHAHA" at the top of the screen. Luckily, I keep a few back up saves in case one of my stupid idea's totally fucks me.

In wrestling games, I can't fucking stand constant reversals. I understand that reversals are part of wrestling and can really add to the enjoyment of the match. Unfortunately I do not want a match that is 75% reversal and 25% actual in ring action. The latest Smackdowns are so fucking guilty of this (I haven't played 09 so can't comment on that), and it always seems I can never match these computer fucks hold for hold with the reversals.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Oh yea..

Try to punch Triple H? Get reversed..

Try to kick triple H? Get reversed

Try to grapple Triple H? Get reversed...throw controller across the room..

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Oh yea..

Try to punch Triple H? Get reversed..

Try to kick triple H? Get reversed

Try to grapple Triple H? Get reversed...throw controller across the room..

It was even worse when Kurt Angle was in the games...

Try to punch Kurt Angle? Get Reversed

Try to Grapple Kurt Angle? Get Reversed

Try to Kick Kurt Angle? Get reversed and get LOCKED IN THE ANKLE LOCK!

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People who pick Frank Mir.

Agreed, but I add Anderson Silva and GSP.

I don't mind the odd fight against them, but it's honestly just boring seeing these same three crop up every time, and the only options are to either use similar guys (I tend to go for Matt Hughes or BJ Penn against GSP for example), or back out.

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Multiplayer Trophies/Achievements......ok, they aren't so bad, but it means that if you don't get a game whilst an online community is still fairly active, you kneecap a good third of the trophies you can potentially get.

I'll go one further on this one - trophies and achievements that need to you play with anything except single player and use anything outside of the base game - I hate online achievements with a passion because finding decent people to play online with (especially when most of said achievements force you to have random partners) is nigh on impossible unless you find somebody to "trade" achievements with, which then defeats the entire purpose of achieving anything.

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I don't mind the cumulative online achievements, like win x matches, it's the win x in a row that piss me off because of the likelihood of encountering glitchers or cheats. And it sucks if you're late to a game and there's just no one to play for the achievements anymore.

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On the subject of trophies/achievements (and I have no idea if this has been mentioned up to now), I hate the ones which are just there in an attempt to get you to play through the game umpteen times.

You get things like

-Beat the game on Easy

-Beat the game on Normal

-Beat the game on Intermediate

-Beat the game on Hard

...You would think by beating the game on Intermediate, you could do it on the two levels before it, so it should award you with them trophies straight away.

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Games with gamerscore achievements not a multiple of 5. I'm looking at you, Forza Motorsport 2 and your "1 GS for unlocking all the cars from this country, even though one unlocks straight away and the other requires 100% completion to unlock!" garbage.

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On the subject of trophies/achievements (and I have no idea if this has been mentioned up to now), I hate the ones which are just there in an attempt to get you to play through the game umpteen times.

You get things like

-Beat the game on Easy

-Beat the game on Normal

-Beat the game on Intermediate

-Beat the game on Hard

...You would think by beating the game on Intermediate, you could do it on the two levels before it, so it should award you with them trophies straight away.

That drives me insane, I like games like Resi where you get the lower achievements for playing through on the higher one - but it brings me to another gripe - having the hardest difficulty locked until you beat the game on another setting. Fuck that, if I want to struggle, I'll struggle :angry:

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Games with gamerscore achievements not a multiple of 5. I'm looking at you, Forza Motorsport 2 and your "1 GS for unlocking all the cars from this country, even though one unlocks straight away and the other requires 100% completion to unlock!" garbage.

Ugh, I agree 100%! I hate playing Blitz the League because I am afraid that I will get one of the many achievements that does not end in 0 or 5.

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When a game asks you to do something, which you do.... but it decides that you did it too well and it wants to make you do it again.

Good examples were the mission in GTA3 where you had to stop the ambulance getting to the Police Station. If you knew the route you couldjust wait for it with a bazooka and shoot it as it drove by.... but then you'd be told it was a decoy and have to wait for another one.... which would probably also be a decoy - until you chased down an ambulance in a car.

I'm just playing through World at War on veteran, and in the Stalingrad mission there's a bit where you have to "out-sniper" a German in a building opposite you. So I shoot him, and I'm told it's a decoy. So I shoot him again, only to be told he's only wounded. So I shoot him again, only to be told he's only grazed.

Seriously, I shot the damn bastard. Die already.

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