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I'm going to go out on a small limb and say that whichever team wins game 5 of OKC/LAL wins the series. If the Lakers don't get that one, their title defense is ending in OKC next week. Crazy.

I really should have used the the predictions I gave my cousins over here as well. It is great to see Durant getting to show his talent on national TV. Lakers are one and done here and it is simply amazing that even though I did believe that Thunder could take this in 7 I had lost most hope once Phil tried to play mind games with the refs. Have to give the fans in Oklahoma City a big hand. They've been fantastic and the atmosphere has been electric.

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The OKC "whiteout" is one of the more impressive things I've ever seen from an NBA crowd. You just don't get that level of solidarity in the pro ranks nowadays. OKC stumbled in the first game but these guys are for real. I see them winning at least one championship in the next five years.

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I don't know for sure but if I remember correctly when Miami was doing the whiteout for the playoffs every fan was given a shirt before the game.

That's how OKC did this one, as well.

The Lakers will need a nice homecourt jolt for Game 5, because the Thunder are flying high right now. And it wasn't just the Durant Show, either, which is why this team is often fun to watch. Westbrook, Harden, Green, and now even Maynor can put up good games if needed.

Never would have foreseen Kobe taking only 10 shots. Over/under for his shots next game: 30. :shifty:

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I have to say that I'm really surprised that we're going to see at least six games in the Lakers/Thunder series. I would have thought that despite all of their problems, the Lake Show would easily dispatch of Durant and company. Not that I really wanted them to - I really like Durant, I like Westbrook enough, and I love the energy that this team brings to the floor. Their fans are great and they really give the game that electric atmosphere that you can only get during the NBA playoffs.

I'd love to see this go to seven, but I'm with naiwf. Whoever takes game five is getting the series. Hopefully it will still be the Lakers, because even though I like the Thunder and will probably be rooting for them, I'm still looking forward to a Denver/LA series in the second round as well as Lakers/Cavs in the finals.

Portland/Phoenix is also shaping up to be a good series, and not as one sided as I thought it would be. I still gotta say that the Suns take this, despite Roy coming back. I had high hopes for the Celtics/Heat series, but Pierce really put the nail in the coffin the other night. Everything else seems to be going like many on here predicted it would though. So far, anyway. :shifty:

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The Western Conference is completely upside down right now. The Spurs are on the verge of eliminating the 2 seed, a decimated Utah is beating up the Nuggets and should be up 3-1 shortly. The Blazers and Suns are even despite Roy missing 3 games and Portland getting blown out twice in a row. Finally, the Thunder took both games at home to even the series after the Lakers were looking dominant and on the verge of an easy first round just a few days ago.

Edited by naiwf
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It's defintely been an exciting playoffs. That Spurs-Mavs game was excellent. Wade and James are just amazing. Even the Bucks are putting up a fight.

As for the Western Conference, since the 1st seed only had 7 more wins than the 8th seed, a few upsets were more than likely.

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As for the Western Conference, since the 1st seed only had 7 more wins than the 8th seed, a few upsets were more than likely.

That's true, but when you consider that the Blazers played 3 games without their best player and are still even with Phoenix, that Utah's not playing with 2 of their best bigs and are still no worse than even, that the Spurs had a less than healthy Parker and Manu suffered a broken nose and they're up 3-1 and that the Lakers didn't take OKC's heart after Game 2 it's still incredibly surprising that the "better" seed doesn't have a lead in any of the match ups, while the East is straight chalk right now.

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I'm absolutely surprised at Portland. I did feel OKC-LA would be 2-2 and that the Lakers will win 4-2, but I def didn't see the OKC blowout happening. The year I count out the Spurs in the playoffs, of course they will probably beat a stacked Dallas team and I'd take them to defeat the Suns-Blazers winner. Utah-Denver doesn't surprise me, it is tough to overcome a head coach loss in a series that would be just about even normally.

The East, it should be straight I guess. I thought Boston would fold against Miami, but everything else makes sense.

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Some thoughts on the games yesterday:

Lebron and Wade, as mentioned, had spectacular playoff performances yesterday. Too bad in Wade's case it was to survive rather then take a commanding lead or even tying the series up. I'm kind of bummed that I won't get to see them go at it in the second round, although seeing Lebron and Pierce go at it again is a fine substitute. I have to say that while I'm not surprised about the Celtics being on their way towards advancing to the next round, I am surprised in the manner that they have done it. I would have thought it would be a six-seven game series at least, but here's hope towards Miami getting some decent help for D-Wade so he can compete next year.

Shame about Denver. They're just not all there right now with George Karl being out. This was looking like a team that was definitely a favorite to be in the WCF, and dare I say the NBA finals and now are more then likely heading for a first round exit. I'm pretty sure they'll take game five, but I can't see them winning game six in Utah after losing the home court. Denver really fell apart at the end of the season, and I'm not even sure that being a second or third seed would have made much of a difference for them at this point. Got to give props to Utah, they're just dominating Denver at every turn.

Same with the Mavericks, although I believe they have a lot more fight in them then Denver does at this point. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see them win game five and take the home court back in a close game six. I do have to say that like the Celtics, I may have underestimated the Spurs. Actually, probably more so then the Celtics, as I expected the Spurs to be on the brink of elimination right now. I guess the boys in SA aren't quite as done as a lot of people think they are.

Looking forward to Portland/Phoenix tonight, that should be a hell of a game that could go either way. Magic might let one go tonight, but I'm pretty sure that if they do lose, they'll finish them off when they get back to Orlando. Atlanta will probably take game four tonight as well.

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The Mavs just scored 8 points in the first quarter of an elimination game in San Antonio. The last four games of the 2006 NBA Finals were the beginning of their window closing shut, and barring a miracle it's done tonight. Dirk is not good enough to do it on his own and they haven't yet been able to put someone with him that's capable of making another run at the Finals. By next year OKC and Portland will have another year to develop and Dallas will end up with Dirk having a Patrick Ewing type of career where he sets all kinds of franchise records but never had a reliable sidekick.

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Def the better team won that series in my eyes. The Spurs are never really that turned on until about 3/4 of the season is done, that is when everything clicks. I knew the Manu would step up and the biggest surprise comes from George Hill (who I think should have won MIP) who stepped up where Roger Mason took steps back. Also with "The Big Fundamental" I would never count the guy out not even at his "Old age" of 34 (which is weird to say).

The next round may be a challenge if it's Phoenix with their Run n Gunnin. Or Portland's HEART playing, they just won't die!

The Bucks are surprising everyone, hell I didn't think they'd get even two games. This will be a big step backwards for the Hawks if they are eliminated. PS. I miss Delfino right now as a Raptor fan :(

Cavs and Celts is gonna be a 7 gamer, hopefully Bron Bron's elbow will be good to go to make this a very competitive series.

I'm telling you right now, one way or another, next yr. Watch out for OKC they are gonna tear through the West Division, no doubt about that!

The Nuggets are JUST hanging on, if they can put something together like they did last game, this series might not be over just yet, but they have to get their shit together asap.

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