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The Nine Inch Nails are no more.

Herr Matzat

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The Interview in wich he talkes very honest and open about whats going on will be replayed tonight on a German Radiostation (i asume he still talks english)

2 Houres of NIN, starting in 105 Minutes from now. (22:00 German Time, i guss thats 21:00 UK Time)

Radiostation Steam


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The new Album (The Slip) is already out for Free on the NIN WebSite. They are currently on a tour that is called "wave goodbye". (that had a lot of People gusseing)

From what i know he talkes about his future Wife and the wish to have and be able to raise kids.

I have just seen them a little over a week ago at the Hurricane Festivall, it´s kinda sad, they have growen much better in the last 4 or 5 years, as one of the few "old" bands that were able to do that it´s sad to see them go. He is talking like it would be over for good, but who knows....

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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From the sounds of it, this means absolutely no more tours from Trent (therefore NIN in the future) but he'll probably still do the odd production job over the next few years. Some of the stuff he's knocked together with Saul Williams is gold, and lets face it, most music guys never stop the creative process even WAY after retirement... so will probably just give away new songs to other artists.

Then again that's just me hoping that Trent will release something else within the next 10 years :o

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Reznor's been talking about this for some time. Good for him.

I'll always regret the fact that I've never seen them live, and won't be able to now... but good for him, getting out while he's on top, instead of fizzling out like many others.

I fully expect him to stay away from music for at least 6 months... and then start dabbling in remixes and production, before eventually doing another Nine Inch Nails album, with no tour... then back to remixes and producing, and maybe another album or random downloadable songs whenever he has the motivation to do one...

and in about 5 to 10 years, I expect a huge Nine Inch Nails world tour, 6-10 months of awesome, before he goes back into hiding and being a family man.

All this, I say, because for someone as passionate as he is... you can't just walk away and have it end. He'll always be involved somehow, and he's going to be jonesing for the live shows again at some point, which he will return to temporarily to get his fix.

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I think Reznor's got a steady future in producing and bringing attention to other artists. His efforts certainly helped Saul Williams a great deal and I'm sure there's a few groups, like Street Sweeper Social Club, that still could be brought to the attention of the public by him, even if SSSC already has Tom Morello as a member.

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As selfish as it is to say that he shouldn't stop, he deserves a break for a bit. He's been making music/touring for like 4/5 years straight now so I'm sure he could use a break.

And yeah, I'm sure he'll spend some time producing stuff and then gradually work back into a groove and hopefully we'll get another NIN album. If not, I'm sure he has something up his sleeve.

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Music retirements usually last just a bit longer than wrestling retirements.

He stayed away from music for almost 5 years straight. And that wasn't even a "retirement". I don't expect NIN to be back in any form after this year for a good while.

He's already said before that when this tour ends, he's going to work on starting a family, production, movie scores, software, etc. Stuff he's been wanting to do for awhile but never could because of NIN. This apparently includes a tie-in to Year Zero, whether it be a magna or a mini-series or something. Last I heard on his twitter, the meetings and pitch with HBO earlier this year went pretty well.

I always thought he'd be running Nothing Records long after NIN was gone, but apparently it's the other way around. Which is heartbreaking, really. He has an eye for talent.

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These European dates won't be the last NIN shows. Well, for the US anyway..

Getting right to the point, we're going to play a handful of shows in NYC, Chicago and LA starting August 22nd. They will be informal affairs in medium to small venues with longer set-lists, possible special guests, cool openers and other surprises. Upon reflection, the NIN/JA tour felt like we had to rush through sets due to a limited allotted set length and many shows were in daylight - it just didn't feel right to end NIN that way. An offer to headline V-Fest in Toronto (being announced soon) set the idea in motion to play some FUN shows to end this up with. If we can get it together we'll film these shows, too.

In NYC we'll be playing Bowery Ballroom, Webster Hall and Terminal 5. In Chicago, the Aragon Ballroom. In LA we'll be at The Wiltern, The Henry Fonda, The Palladium and The Echoplex. These should be cool, unusual and unique shows and I hope you come out - this is it.

So far, The Horrors will be joining us for some shows in NYC, Mew will be with us at other shows in NYC, Chicago and LA, and perhaps more.

Details and ticket info will be announced shortly, so check back.



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