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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


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You gotta go with Chloe. Claudia Black named her son ODIN. Nothing trumps that. NOTHING.

So I'm taking a break from this for the time being (I can't play a game like Uncharted non stop, the action get's a little tiresome for me after extended periods of time.) I'm doing pretty well I think, had a few deaths from getting used to the controls again and I've picked up a few trophies/achievement/medals/whatever you want to call them. Some I really didn't expect to be getting like kill 3 enemies with one grenade etc.

Overall I quite prefer this game to the second, the stealth element is a nice touch, but it could do with being worked on a bit. For example, I'll be hiding next to a door way and there'll be a man on the other side of the wall, yet I can't grab him? Nor can I grab him as he walks through the door. (And by that point he's spotted you and you need to make with the guns/fists.)

The hand to hand combat seems a lot better this time around though, before I could barely ever get a brutal combo in, but now it seems to be a lot easier thanks to the whole "Press Triangle to Counter" thing, which I don't think was in the first one was it? Either way, I seem to be better at combat on the sequel. Also the story is still very impressive, I really like the fact we're taken outside of the jungle this time around as well.

My only problem: Needs more Sully :(

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The rope swinging can be annoying at times.

I think I'm at about Chapter 18 now, which requires quite a bit of swinging. There was a part where I was trying to swing over to a ledge, but it wasn't having any of it. I tried about 5 times as well. After about 15 minutes of searching for another way around, I went back to the swinging again. This time Nate grabbed on to the ledge straight away, and I advanced. Wasn't amused. This happened to me a couple of times in Drake's Fortune too. :/

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So I just cleared it.

I really can't say enough good things about this game, the graphics, characterisation, atmosphere, dialouge and gameplay are all perfect. The last battle was a pain though, Lazarević was like a fucking tank. On my way to beating him, I hung off a ledge so he couldn't get to be and shot in the face 63 times without reply, wasting my entire supply of pistol ammo. I found the correct formula to beat him though, in the end, oh and 4 grenades at a time are a cunt. The way I finished him was funny too, he grabbed me and I hammered square as usual, but that did him in as it was his last shred of health.

So yeah, this game, just. Wow.

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So I just cleared it.

I really can't say enough good things about this game, the graphics, characterisation, atmosphere, dialouge and gameplay are all perfect. The last battle was a pain though, Lazarević was like a fucking tank. On my way to beating him, I hung off a ledge so he couldn't get to be and shot in the face 63 times without reply, wasting my entire supply of pistol ammo. I found the correct formula to beat him though, in the end, oh and 4 grenades at a time are a cunt. The way I finished him was funny too, he grabbed me and I hammered square as usual, but that did him in as it was his last shred of health.

So yeah, this game, just. Wow.

so how long exactly did it take you to realize that you never needed to fire a single shot at him? All ya had to do was shoot the resin growing on the trees as soon as he got next to it and BOOM. Took like, 5 or 6 times, maybe a few more, and he was done for.

Amazing game by the way. I month or two ago I had planned to play through the first one again but got side tracked. But I'm definitely going to have to go back and play through both games again. I was kind of disappointed with how easy the end of Among Thieves was compared to the final boss on Drake's Fortune, though.

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So I just cleared it.

I really can't say enough good things about this game, the graphics, characterisation, atmosphere, dialouge and gameplay are all perfect. The last battle was a pain though, Lazarević was like a fucking tank. On my way to beating him, I hung off a ledge so he couldn't get to be and shot in the face 63 times without reply, wasting my entire supply of pistol ammo. I found the correct formula to beat him though, in the end, oh and 4 grenades at a time are a cunt. The way I finished him was funny too, he grabbed me and I hammered square as usual, but that did him in as it was his last shred of health.

So yeah, this game, just. Wow.

so how long exactly did it take you to realize that you never needed to fire a single shot at him? All ya had to do was shoot the resin growing on the trees as soon as he got next to it and BOOM. Took like, 5 or 6 times, maybe a few more, and he was done for.

Amazing game by the way. I month or two ago I had planned to play through the first one again but got side tracked. But I'm definitely going to have to go back and play through both games again. I was kind of disappointed with how easy the end of Among Thieves was compared to the final boss on Drake's Fortune, though.

I knew I had to do that, but I accedentially landed in a spot where I could unload shots on him, without harm, so I went for it. Every shot reduces the amount of resin blow up needed.

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So I just cleared it.

I really can't say enough good things about this game, the graphics, characterisation, atmosphere, dialouge and gameplay are all perfect. The last battle was a pain though, Lazarević was like a fucking tank. On my way to beating him, I hung off a ledge so he couldn't get to be and shot in the face 63 times without reply, wasting my entire supply of pistol ammo. I found the correct formula to beat him though, in the end, oh and 4 grenades at a time are a cunt. The way I finished him was funny too, he grabbed me and I hammered square as usual, but that did him in as it was his last shred of health.

So yeah, this game, just. Wow.

so how long exactly did it take you to realize that you never needed to fire a single shot at him? All ya had to do was shoot the resin growing on the trees as soon as he got next to it and BOOM. Took like, 5 or 6 times, maybe a few more, and he was done for.

Amazing game by the way. I month or two ago I had planned to play through the first one again but got side tracked. But I'm definitely going to have to go back and play through both games again. I was kind of disappointed with how easy the end of Among Thieves was compared to the final boss on Drake's Fortune, though.

I knew I had to do that, but I accedentially landed in a spot where I could unload shots on him, without harm, so I went for it. Every shot reduces the amount of resin blow up needed.

Ah, gotcha. I read what you original said as if you didn't realize til near the end that you had to shoot the resin haha. My bad.

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Just now cleared the game on Medium, man, what a game.

The Lazarovitch fight was slightly challenging, it wasn't so hard it took me LOTS of attempts to do it, but it was difficult enough that it took a few run throughs. It was quite a tense battle as well, what with the scenery starting to fall down around you, but after a while I realised that the easiest way to end it was to stick to one pattern. I can't really explain what it is, but basically I only ever really exploded the resin that was on the sort of bridge made from a tree. I ran past that, shot it, then jumped down and circled around to the exact same spot, usually it'd take enough time so the Resin would be back and after a few more explosions, he was done for. The worst was when I tried to roll away from Grenades with O, only to end up taking cover right next to them because there was a small wall next to me. >_>

The very final sequence was great, I loved the happy ending, but I wish it had been a tiny bit longer. I did like the sweet banter between Elena and Drake, as well as Sully going after Chloe. ;) There's got to be another one of these, there's still more that can be done with this game and these characters by far. Either continue on with the same guys, or go back in time with some of Drake's older missions - Hopefully with 99% more Victor Sullivan next time, maybe a cameo here and there from Chloe or even Flynn.

Also just so everyone know's, the unlockable weapons for a second time around - apparently you can only use them on the same difficulty and lower as you completed the game on, but on the plus side you get something like 20,000 extra for having a save file from Drakes Fortune, and an additional 80,000 if that save file is completed. (on top of the 20,000).

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So, after taking things slowly as I said I'd do when I bought the game on release day, I finally completed it today. Wow, what a game.

Also, afterwards I noticed that the cut-scenes length totals around 80 minutes. I didn't think it'd be that long, but a significant portion of them were good to fan-dabi-dozi, especially the 4 minute plus ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone see the "Comic Book" episodes from Uncharted in the Store?

I downloaded and watched the first earlier as it was free, but then noticed the 2nd ep was on there at 79p. They can fuck off if they think I'm paying for it. I'd rather watch the remaining 3 episodes on Youtube or somewhere. shifty.gif

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