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So what are your top movies?

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Been a while since anyone asked I think.

So what are your favourite movies?

Maybe this thread will tip people off to some decent films.

Anyway mine are....

(links are trailers)






6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

7. Alien



10. Trainspotting




14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLn1y9v6yno

15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8jbt0wBkMI

16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gXY3kuDvSU

17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDiUG52ZyHQ

18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8qcxinp5g

19. Run Lola Run

20. Infernal Affairs

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I don't really have a ranking system, though the movie at the top of the list is my favorite movie. I'm sure I'll miss some as well.

The Deer Hunter

South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut


Kill Bill

A Beautiful Mind

Young Frankenstein

Starship Troopers



Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

28 Days Later

Dr. Strangelove

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Star Wars

Harry Potter

Lethal Weapon

Dr. Strangelove

Coming to America


A Few Good Men

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Major League

Blazing Saddles

Just 10 films I really enjoy, not really a ranking or anything just a short list of movies I can watch over and over.

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Without ranking...

American History X

American Psycho

Reservoir Dogs

The Dark Knight

Batman Begins

Iron Man


Sin City


Kill Bill 2



Dawn of the Dead


Starship Troopers

Blade 2

Love Actually

The Prestige

Pulp Fiction

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

...Yeah, Love Actually is on the list, what, you wanna fight about it? :shifty:

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I'll be back to say more substantive things, but I think my films "pantheon" consists of "The Rules of the Game", "Wild Strawberries", "Persona", "Shame", "Scenes from a Marriage", "I Stand Alone", "Gummo", "The Producers", "Back to the Future", "Airplane!", "Funny Games", "The Third Man", "Double Indemnity", "Mulholland Dr.", and "Magnolia".

There a fuckload of honourable mentions. A lot of Hitchcock films into that category -- "North by Northwest", "Vertigo", "Rear Window", "The Lady Vanishes", "Saboteur", "Frenzy". Some excellent-but-not-quite-unique-enough thrillers and noires like "The Conversation", "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Big Sleep". The whole ocean of comedy full-lengths that just aren't as gleeful as "Airplane!", as heart-warming as "Back to the Future", or as straight-up balls-out funny as "The Producers" (the whole "Naked Gun" series, "Silver Streak", "Stir Crazy", "Three Amigos", "Blazing Saddles", "Young Frankenstein"). Some 'secondary' works by some of my favourite directors ("Irreversible", "Cries and Whispers", "Boogie Nights", "The Apartment", "Lost Highway"). And then just... some other stuff.

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CSAMH -- can you explain the appeal of "Seven Samurai" to me? I started watching it several years ago and only made it about an hour in. I've always felt like it was my fault, though, considering the reputation of the film and the fact that I was both sixteen and really sleepy. Since then, I've seen "Rashomon" and enjoyed it tremendously -- it's a fantastic nugget of murky minimalism visually, and packs in some tremendous images of atonement, solidarity, humiliation, etc.. All this has kind of piqued my interest in Kurosawa generally. I'm just not sure whether I'd enjoy three hours of the bloke. So can you talk up TSS for me?

Oh, and a man who likes "Amelie"? Now I've seen everything...

Does anyone know anyone who doesn't like "Back to the Future", incidentally? I can't imagine what someone could hold against that film -- it's probably the most likeable thing I've ever seen. It has a human plot-driven aspect for people who find stuff like "Airplane!" too relentless or "show-me-the-funny"-ish. It deals with fairly comfy themes (unlike, say, "The Producers"). It's very PG all around; but still thumpingly amusing. "Toy Story" might go in this category too, but I'm sure there is probably a quite significant rump of people who are opposed to "kids' films" on principle.

I probably should've listed "Parenthood" in my 'honourable mentions'. If I were a person who believed in such things as 'guilty pleasures', then that would be one. I mean, I don't think it's any more or less flawed than various films we're allowed to like ("Memento", say). But its 'sin' -- shlocky American "all cosy at home in the family house"-ness -- is one that 'should be' fatal.

(Yeah, that's right. "Memento" and "Parenthood" -- very related and comparable films...)

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Hmm, let me just go with the top 10 for right now, then see what I can think of later.

Top 5 Movies

1. The Dark Knight

2. Fight Club

3. Memento

4. The Matrix

5. Stranger than Fiction

6. Star Trek

7. Step Brothers

8. SuperBad

9. Funny People

10. Click

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Amelie is an extremely well crafted romantic movie. The characters are immensely likeable and rounded. It's ok for an adult man to enjoy whimsical French movie making, it doesn't cut into his "manliness". It also helps that it's directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet who also directed the excellent Delicatessen and City Of Lost Children which I believe even younger men are allowed to like.

Seven Samurai has incredible timing, amazing cinematography and great nuanced acting. Mifune is really really good.

Kurosawa's use of weather, the shots of battle contained within the wide natural setting....Then the muddy downpour. It's good. Also, techniques we take for granted now, that we see in Seven Samurai, were actually PIONEERED by Kurosawa in his movies - the panning wide shots for example. There are numerous story focusses to enjoy including the plight of the villagers, Mifune's acceptance in the group, the relationship between the Samurai...Lots to get into.

It's a masterpiece and I believe critics would generally agree (unlike some other films I've picked!)

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I'll have to dig out my old VCD of "Seven Samurai". I think I have "Ran" somewhere about as well. I always have a problem when viewing Japanese films, in that I constantly think I might be missing the cultural significance of images or plot elements. It happened with "Audition", too, though I did enjoy that rather a lot. The whole stream of gynophobia that runs through the film is kind of interesting -- is it ironic? Is it "personal" rather than cultural? I've heard that Miike is quite reluctant to talk about the "ideological" aspects of his films, which is annoying. I guess sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, or I suppose the film might be read as a kind of Japanese "Fatal Attraction" or something. But I'd like to be able to make that judgement for myself, which I don't feel capable of doing at this point.

I was semi-kidding about "Amelie". I think I've been turned off that film more by its fans than its content -- they all seem to be "kooky" (sc. "dull") Europhilic girls who go frolicking in No Frolicking Zones. But when I offer that observation, most people just tend to tell me that I have a heart of stone. Which is bollocks -- I CRIED DURING "PARIS, TEXAS"!!!!!!

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I can see the turnoff of the girls who get too excited, much as how I quite enjoy (the first series especially) Mighty Boosh but the female fanbase can make it harder to accept my liking of the programme.

Hah, I cried during "The Thin Red Line"...

Jim Caviazel's character goes AWOL from the army, is found and has to return and so fights, knowing that his wife back home is waiting for him so it keeps him going through all the crazy horror....All the way through the film he's fighting to get back to her....

Then he receives a letter from her telling him that she's left him for another man...

I welled up a bit.

But I well up quite a bit nowadays, must be getting old :shifty:

First time I experienced such strong emotion was probably Schindler's List....

When the women are herded into the "gas" chamber and are sobbing in terror.

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Funnily enough I was thinking about what I could officially call my favourite movie the other day. And I don't think I can name one definitive "this is my favourite ahead of everything else", but I can probably name about 20 that I could just watch over and over again (and have already). I actually started off with 10 and then kept remembering other ones as I was doing this. >_> In fact as I'm doing the top 20 I'm gonna make it 25. That's it though.




American History X

American Pie

Back To The Future

Battle Royale

The Breakfast Club


Dawn Of The Dead

The Dark Knight

The Fugitive



Groundhog Day

Jackass: The Movie

Jurassic Park

Shaun Of The Dead

The Shawshank Redemption


Starship Troopers


Toy Story

The Truman Show


Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Big gap from J-S there for some reason. But yeah, show those in a loop from now until the end of time (or until I die, whichever comes first) and I'll more than happily sit and watch it. Not many "proper" movies in there, but them's what I likes. Yes, even Jackass, sue me. >_>

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Wow and so my favorite list is quite a bit different then the others I have seen here.

Star Wars: Episode 4 (Still my favorite, guess that will never change.)

The Crow (Having met the man himself... J O'Barr, a true revenge masterpiece)

When Harry Met Sally (Yep a huge Meg Ryan fan and this is by far my fav romantic movie ever)

Finding Nemo (Simply my fav cartoon ever!!)

Will think on it some more.. but these stand the test of time in my opinion and are far and away the best.

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I'm going to add more films to my list...


400 Blows

A Hard Day’s Night

Bowling for Columbine


Dog Day Afternoon

Donnie Darko


From Russia With Love

Invasion of the Bodysnatchers



Once Were Warriors

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest



Rear Window


Run Lola Run

Shaun of the Dead

The Green Mile

The Outsiders

The Running Man

The Truman Show

The Wrestler

Total Recall

There are about 25 other films I considered, such as Pan’s Labyrinth, Dr Strangelove, The Apartment and Twelve Monkeys, to name just four. Thought I’d best leave it to the top 25 or else the list would be too crowded.

I watched eight of these films for the first time in A-Level Film Studies. My teachers had good taste!

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In no discernable order:

The Usual Suspects

The Prestige


Die Hard


Taxi Driver

The Green Mile

The Dark Knight

In Bruges

The Godfather

Ten right there. I could probably switch in Apocalypse Now/Catch 22/Full Metal Jacket/Battle Royale/Clerks/Serenity etc etc in for those spots, but overall I think it's pretty accurate.

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Tried to narrow to a top 10:

1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

2. Rocky

3. Rudy

4. The Lion King

5. Forrest Gump

6. Back to the Future

7. Pee Wee's Big Adventure

8. Revenge of the Nerds

9. Anchorman

10. The Wizard of Oz (Yeah, What of It?)

plus there are tons more i could put here like Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Hangover, Die Hard, Field of Dreams, Blood Diamond, Major League, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Aladdin, It's a Wonderful Life, Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars, Independence Day, South Park - Bigger Longer Uncut, Shaft... etc. But 1,2,3 are pretty locked in. Roger Rabbit was the first movie I saw and I am still in love with it to this day.

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Something like this...

A Clockwork Orange

Down By Law

Le Samouraï

City of God

Kill Bill

The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford

The Dark Knight

Fallen Angels


Once Upon A Time In The West

A Better Tomorrow

Election II

Apocalypse Now

The Life Quatic With Steve Zissou

Children of Men


Raging Bull




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