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Dragon Age: Origins


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surprised there hasn't been more comments on Awakening. I finally finished Origins the day Awakening came out. Still need to pick up return to Ostagar. Some of the Companions in Awakening were similar but I liked them for the most part. I wish they had more dialogue options. It was good having a somewhat different take on a mage with Anders, and actually making friends with a Howe of all people.

Finally did the other origins too. I think I'd rate them somewhere like

Human Noble

Dwarf Noble

City Elf


Dwarf Commoner

Dalish Elf

The Dalish one was the only one I didn't really like much, Duncan's appearance was just way too convenient and didn't seem to fit.

I hope we keep a good amount of the same cast for Dragon Age 2 which seems to be next year. more Alistair/Morrigan interactions would be great.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't actually finished yet, I'm at endgame but then spring quarter started. Took me like a week, week and a half, but that was with me playing it a ton due to spring break.

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awakening is decently long... 20-30 hours ? decent amount of side quests. not as much companion dialogue but some good banter and most of the new party members are interesting. it doesn't seem there's much more dlc at least, anytime soon but Dragon Age 2 is heavily rumored for February 1st, 2011.

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So was Awakenings worth the price? It's like... £30, which is basically the price of a whole new game over here. I want it, but I don't know if I want to spend that much on DLC if it's not too long.

Thats a bit of the problem i am having, it seems like Awakening is only a DLC for the PS3, so it´s stuck at 40€ while i could already import the xbox disc version for half the price. :-/

So i was thinking, wait for the GotY edition or just go for it and up having to pay 40€ + 26€ for the orgins DLC because Sony rarly reduces prices on PSN...

It´s like with Fallout 3, you can get the game for 10€ but you´ed have to buy all the DLC for 50€ (if you want it) or you could just go with the Goty Edition for about 25-30€...

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, new DLC, called Darkspawn Chronicles.

You now fight as the Darkspawn! The city of Denerim, jewel of Ferelden, girds itself for war. As a hurlock vanguard, you alone hold the power to make thralls of your fellow darkspawn and drive them into the heat of battle. Heed the archdemon's call--Denerim must burn!

* A look at an alternate history: what if your character had died in the Joining ceremony, and the Grey Wardens marched under Alistair's command instead?

* A standalone adventure in which you command genlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and even the mighty ogres.

* Complete the module and unlock an epic Darkspawn item in DA:O and Awakening.

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Usually it's about a year - and I'm not even sure if they'll do a GOTY edition as that's usually a Bethesda thing. It'd be nice though, what with the major amoung of DLC they have out.

Nah, there is a lot Game of the Year Editions flowing around in the Shops. Sooner or later this will all be packed on one bluray...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally bought Origins. I'm a little late to the party, I know, but I was waiting for the Collector's Edition to drop below £20. Won't be able to play it until Saturday due to my PS3 not being at my student digs, but I'm kind of excited all considered. Especially seeing as after my last exam on the 27th, I'm not back in uni until late September which means I should be able to really pump some hours into it (unlike Oblivion shifty.gif) in the interim.

Just wondering, what class and race did people go for on their first playthrough? After reading the manual, I'm veering towards a City Elf Rogue/Mage but I'm not sure just yet. I never usually go Human on the first time round - kinda defeats the object of a fantasy game to me really. I remember cycling through the Race options on Oblivion, stopping at the Khajiit and thinking, "Why the fuck would I not choose to be a cat person?"

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