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Your favourite sci-fi series


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Damn, that's a really tough question. I've got five or six that I'm in love with. I guess if I had to choose, Buffy would just top the list. Man, do I fucking love that show. Battlestar Galactica is amazing, as is Fringe, Firefly and Smallville. There's so much out there in terms of Science Fiction which is just kick ass. Other than Fringe, are there any really good running Sci-Fi's people can recommend? I can't say I'm big on any Stargate or Star Trek stuff, but I'm open to suggestion.

What's Warehouse 13 like, Essa?

Yeah, if we can class Buffy as Sci-Fi then that'd be my number one, but I don't think you could really call it Sci-Fi. Fantasy, yes, but apart from a few elements of Series 5 & 6, The episode with the Alien (even then, that's just a summoned demon) from series 5 and Ted in series 1, there's not really much Sci-Fi.

And if you classed yourself as a proper Buffy fan you would know Ted was season 2 :angry:

Buffy would be my top one if counted. If not either TNG or DS9 from the Star Trek persuasion... was never a massive Voyager fan. I think its because I was eith ambivalent to most characters on it if I didn't downright hate them.

I feel I should punish myself for this mistake. I'm a disgrace to Whedonites everywhere. :(

EDIT: And if YOU were a real Buffy fun, you'd realise that I had also forgotten to mention The Buffybot! :angry:

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It's like someone took some unused Classic Who sets and went 'I know, I'll make Robin Hood... in space!'. The series borrowed pieces here and there from things like Dr. Who, Logan's Run etc.

Whilst with most 70's/80's sci fi there's some questionable sets/acting, there's some fan-dabi-dozi plots and some simply immense work put in from (particularly) Paul Darrow as Ker Avon - the true star of the show. He takes sardonic to whole new level, and comes out with some fantastic put-downs, particularly aimed Michael Keating's Vila.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWHLU8fwi80's a compilation of quips from the show - mainly from Avon.

Also, how can you not like a show where one of the 'villains' in a filler episode is, effectively, green vampire sand.

EDIT: It also had two of the best 'end of series' cliffhangers ever (series 2 and 4). Series 2's cliffhanger was considered fairly revolutionary at the time, as not many series did that kind of thing. Series 4's finale is famous for it's rather bleak outcome implied.

Beyond Blake's 7, I do really like Doctor Who (both Classic and New), as well as all forms of Star Trek (particularly DS9), Farscape, Lost, Firefly, the re-imagined BSG and I quite like what I've seen of Fringe and Flash Forward.

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Doctor Who. More the classics than the new stuff, but Tennant was a good doctor, and there've been some decent enough episodes. I just miss the old days of one story lasting five or six episodes. Naturally, Tom Baker's my favourite.

Actually...Twin Peaks. Does that count? If not, it should.

To be honest...my sci-fi love died down years ago. I was a massive Star Wars geek as a kid, and I could still probably outgeek most people when it comes to the original trilogy, and around that time I watched a lot of sci-fi stuff on telly, but most of it just fails to hold my interest nowadays. That's true of most TV shows, though, not just sci-fi.

I've never watched The X-Files, Farscape, Stargate, Firefly or Heroes. I've only seen a handful of episodes of Lost and Buffy. I've seen all of Star Trek TOS, but only bits of DS9 and TNG, yet half the people I know just assume that I'm a Star Trek geek for some reason.

I quite liked Life On Mars, but I've no inclination to go back and watch it again.

If a really good sci-fi series comes along, I might end up watching it, because I've got a lot of dead time lately and I have been looking for that one TV show to get into as deeply as I did The Wire, but I've found nothing yet. I umm and ahh about buying The Next Generation boxset every time I'm in HMV, but I'm a little concerned about being a self-fulfilling prophecy...

Edited by Skummy
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Babylon 5. I highly recommend it to anyone. The first season is a bit tedious, but once the second season gets going, it is a fantastic show. Season 5 is below average but has some fan-dabi-dozi episodes in it and it really closes out the show in a proper way.

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Add 'Sapphire & Steel' to list of awesome retro sci-fi shows. I mean, come on, it's lead characters are the embodiment of the periodic elements named in the title, and they team up to save regular people.

Oh, and the villain is time itself.

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Damn, that's a really tough question. I've got five or six that I'm in love with. I guess if I had to choose, Buffy would just top the list. Man, do I fucking love that show. Battlestar Galactica is amazing, as is Fringe, Firefly and Smallville. There's so much out there in terms of Science Fiction which is just kick ass. Other than Fringe, are there any really good running Sci-Fi's people can recommend? I can't say I'm big on any Stargate or Star Trek stuff, but I'm open to suggestion.

What's Warehouse 13 like, Essa?

Yeah, if we can class Buffy as Sci-Fi then that'd be my number one, but I don't think you could really call it Sci-Fi. Fantasy, yes, but apart from a few elements of Series 5 & 6, The episode with the Alien (even then, that's just a summoned demon) from series 5 and Ted in series 1, there's not really much Sci-Fi.

And if you classed yourself as a proper Buffy fan you would know Ted was season 2 :angry:

Buffy would be my top one if counted. If not either TNG or DS9 from the Star Trek persuasion... was never a massive Voyager fan. I think its because I was eith ambivalent to most characters on it if I didn't downright hate them.

I feel I should punish myself for this mistake. I'm a disgrace to Whedonites everywhere. :(

EDIT: And if YOU were a real Buffy fun, you'd realise that I had also forgotten to mention The Buffybot! :angry:

And if YOU were a really Buffy fan you would talk about the TRIO, pure sci-fi Geek goodness, that and the Bot Warren made in Season 5... That and she fights a god, how Sci-Fi can you get? :shifty:

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Add 'Sapphire & Steel' to list of awesome retro sci-fi shows. I mean, come on, it's lead characters are the embodiment of the periodic elements named in the title, and they team up to save regular people.

Oh, and the villain is time itself.

Having looked this up after seeing it mentioned... this sounds cool as hell!

I might have to see if i can find it here in the states...

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Damn, that's a really tough question. I've got five or six that I'm in love with. I guess if I had to choose, Buffy would just top the list. Man, do I fucking love that show. Battlestar Galactica is amazing, as is Fringe, Firefly and Smallville. There's so much out there in terms of Science Fiction which is just kick ass. Other than Fringe, are there any really good running Sci-Fi's people can recommend? I can't say I'm big on any Stargate or Star Trek stuff, but I'm open to suggestion.

What's Warehouse 13 like, Essa?

Yeah, if we can class Buffy as Sci-Fi then that'd be my number one, but I don't think you could really call it Sci-Fi. Fantasy, yes, but apart from a few elements of Series 5 & 6, The episode with the Alien (even then, that's just a summoned demon) from series 5 and Ted in series 1, there's not really much Sci-Fi.

And if you classed yourself as a proper Buffy fan you would know Ted was season 2 :angry:

Buffy would be my top one if counted. If not either TNG or DS9 from the Star Trek persuasion... was never a massive Voyager fan. I think its because I was eith ambivalent to most characters on it if I didn't downright hate them.

I feel I should punish myself for this mistake. I'm a disgrace to Whedonites everywhere. :(

EDIT: And if YOU were a real Buffy fun, you'd realise that I had also forgotten to mention The Buffybot! :angry:

And if YOU were a really Buffy fan you would talk about the TRIO, pure sci-fi Geek goodness, that and the Bot Warren made in Season 5... That and she fights a god, how Sci-Fi can you get? :shifty:

Heh, Heh, Heh, I'd hardly class fighting a god as a Sci-Fi element, when it's clearly much more aligned to Supernatural/Occult due to her being a hell god!


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Pfft, he was so forgetable, he was like half demon, half human and half cyborg (I know thats stupid). While at the same time being entirely rubbish. If we are getting really anal we can say we all forgot about Moloch from the first season who reincartnaes himself in to the internet!

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