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Assassin's Creed II


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Got NSMB and have been playing that nonstop... that game is hella nostalgic and fun. As for Assassin's Creed, BLACK FRIDAY I CAN PICK UP THE COLLECTOR'S WOOOOOOO! I got me some connections and will be getting a new collector's edition for myself, so damn happy.

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Got a question for someone farther then me, spoilers.

After you go back and become Desmond again then you get to be Altair and are chasing your target up a tower, how in the hell do you climb up it? There's a post hanging a light right above a door but i just spent 20 minutes trying to get on it with no luck. I just jump on the fucking door ledge and jump off like a God damn retard. Any help would be appreciated.

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Got a question for someone farther then me, spoilers.

After you go back and become Desmond again then you get to be Altair and are chasing your target up a tower, how in the hell do you climb up it? There's a post hanging a light right above a door but i just spent 20 minutes trying to get on it with no luck. I just jump on the fucking door ledge and jump off like a God damn retard. Any help would be appreciated.

You need to get on the ledge, so the light is effectively right above your head. Should be able to jump up onto it from there

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So, beat the game tonight and...

What the fuck did Desmonds hallucinations mid game have to do with the main plot at all. I was expecting something to come of it, but nothing ever did.

The ending. Wow, just horrible. I hate to tell you Ubisoft, but in ACIII, I don't want to fight Global Warming. And the final boss wasn't much to shout about... either of them.

Other than those two minor points, the game was continually badass. Might play through it again this weekend in one whole go. See if I can get some of these trophies in the bigger fights.

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  • 3 months later...

Got this free with my new Xbox and having hated the first one I'm finding this to be amazing.

  • There's an actual plot
  • You don't have to access a certain memory to get to a certain city (to collect stuff)
  • You can buy maps to collect those 'collectable' things... no more searching frantically for a flag that you missed
  • It doesn't keep cutting back to the story... it knows that you just want to play as Erzo
  • You find that Altier actually has a personality.
  • You actually want to complete the side missions... because you don't have to do the same one 30 times like you did in ACI where you were bored by the 6th attempt ¬_¬
  • And last of all... The story doesn't involve you doing the same thing 7 times.

It's improved EVERY flaw in the original... and because it explains the backstory within 5 mins, you won't even have to complete ACI to get the jist of it

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  • 1 year later...

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