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What films are you looking forward to?


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This topic stems from me thinking about making a topic for two different films, and then deciding it'd probably be a whole lot easier to just make a topic like this.

2010 is looking to be pretty insane for films, but the two films I cannot wait for at all are

and one that I'm sure a fair few people will be looking forward too... The Clash of the Titans Remake.

Any more that people can't wait for?

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Oh I don't know maybe;

Nightmare on Elm Street

A Couple of Dicks(Bruce Willis buddy cop film)

The Expendables

Iron Man 2

The New Twilight movie(just to heckle the shit out of it in the theaters and piss all the screaming fans off)

Solomon Kane(looked pretty cool when I was sitting in on the panel at ComiCon, so I'll take a look)

And that's really all I can think of off the top of my head right now.

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The New Twilight movie(just to heckle the shit out of it in the theaters and piss all the screaming fans off)

I'll never understand this. You can make fun of the movie outside the theatre for free, but once you're in the production companies have your money, and are positively reinforced to make more movies like it.

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Iron Man 2

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows

The Book of Eli

A Couple of Dicks

Robin Hood


And I hate hate Megan Fox so I will wait until I see a trailer for Jonah Hex before I decide if I really wanna see it.

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The New Twilight movie(just to heckle the shit out of it in the theaters and piss all the screaming fans off)

I'll never understand this. You can make fun of the movie outside the theatre for free, but once you're in the production companies have your money, and are positively reinforced to make more movies like it.

Meh, they're making all four of the books into movies anyway. They're making their money regardless of "lol hecklers".

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The Sherlock Holmes movie :w00t:

A thousand times seconded. Anything with Downey. Jr's worth a look, but still - this should be brilliant, as long as Guy Ritchie doesn't cock it up too badly.

I'm still pretty stoked about the prospect of watching Prince of Persia soon but that's only 'cos I haven't seen a proper popcorn flick in aaaages. For some reason, I'm also quietly expecting good things from this.

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Iron Man 2

Sherlock Holmes

Sin City 2

The First Avenger: Captain America

The Avengers

Hotel Transylvania

The Lone Ranger

The First Avenger: Captain America

The Avengers

You'll be waiting a lot longer then 2010 for these mate.

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So these are the movies I'm looking forward too next year and they're in the order they're being released so I'm actually looking forward to some movies that are further down the list.


The Book of Eli

Edge of Darkness (Even though I'm not a huge fan of Mel Gibson, this looks really good.)

Shutter Island (Probably at the top of my list, really because the book is insanely good. I've wanted to see it for awhile now and was extremely upset that it got pushed back from it's original October release.)

A Couple of Dicks

Clash of the Titans

The Losers

Iron Man 2

Jonah Hex (If only because Mastodon is doing the score of the movie and I'm insanely curious to see how that turns out.)


And I'm sure there are more that don't have an official release date yet that I can't think of off the top of my head.

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I was reading that apparently Lionsgate scaled it's advertising budget back so that it probably wouldn't get a huge ad campaign but there's still a little over a month until it's released (January 8th) so I'm assuming we'll see a some advertising for it to start but again, apparently not too much.

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I was reading that apparently Lionsgate scaled it's advertising budget back so that it probably wouldn't get a huge ad campaign but there's still a little over a month until it's released (January 8th) so I'm assuming we'll see a some advertising for it to start but again, apparently not too much.

...and ironic, because I just saw an ad during the season finale of Sons of Anarchy for Daybreakers.

And I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to Kick-Ass or not yet. I like Matthew Vaughn and it has an intriguing premise but I want to see more than a teaser before knowing for sure.

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Daybreakers has been trailing for a few months already, I think I remember seeing it when I went to see District 9. It looks OK but I'm not sure I'm that interested, Vampire flicks have been kind of done to death in the last 5 years.

Definately want to add Shutter Island to my list though, forgot about it completely until I saw the trailer the other day.

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