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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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Lost has turned into a Serial Drama* now that it's reaching the end of it's run. Used to be that each episode would have some kind of ending scene, where as now it seems like each episode leads into another.

*I'm not 100% that's the correct term.

The thing I don't get... Jack believes in Jacob. He believes that he needs to stop Locke from leaving the Island. So... why did he go back to be 'with' Locke. Surely his best bet would be to go with Sawyer, let them take the Submarine and then destroy the plane, leaving Smokey with no way off the island. Also, I'm so glad Desmond is still alive. (I believe he is, anyway) And I'm really loving the connections in the Flash Sideways, I have no idea where it's leading, but I like it.

I don't think he went back to be with Locke....I think he was jsut going back to the Island and BAM! Evil Locke just happens to be where he washes up on shore. Just bad luck for Jack.

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I just love this picture so much.

I don't know what's better, Jack doing the worlds worst jumping Jack*, or Locke standing nonchalantly in the background whilst a freaking explosion happens about ten feet away.

* Yes, I'm aware that technically it's a "flung by explosion Jack", shut up.

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So... the Smoke Monster was disguising himself as Christian on the island, and we've seen Christian inside the cabin, so was he the one that said "help me" all the way back in Season 3, not Jacob?

They've hinted at this when Illana and crew burned down the Cabin. They said that someone else had been in there and that the ash circle around the Cabin had been broken. I'm assuming that the Smoke Monster was trapped in the Cabin with the ash circle and now we're left wondering who let him out.

And for Jack going back to the Island... all I can put out there is that Jacob wants them on the Island so that is where Jack wants to be.

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I'm guessing he was gonna go back to the main island with the intention of staying there to see what happened when MIB tried to leave with a candidate still there, since MIB made it clear he needed "everybody" to come with him (though I'm guessing he only needs the candidates since he wasn't bothered when Richard, Ben and Miles weren't there). But yeah, ran into MIB and when the bombs went off he ended up in MIB's arms so now he's pretty much stuck with him.

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And for Jack going back to the Island... all I can put out there is that Jacob wants them on the Island so that is where Jack wants to be.

Jack never wanted to leave, Jack wanted to return (to the island, after they were back in the real world) because of desteny and because his life of the island went to shit. (even though he grew a mighty beart wich could have caused keith to stalk him)

I still stand by my guess that Sawyer will be the one that takes over for Jacob.

They did not clearify yet why jacob even was having the casting show, right?!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Jack said why he went back, because leaving with Sawyer "didn't feel right." He knows he's not supposed to leave until he figures out what the island wants him (and the rest of the team) to do.

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But... how could they be? It's not like anyone is jumping through time any more. tongue.gif You could probably have made an argument for that when the time jumps were happening, but not really now.

Yes, but Zero, he wants to stop Fake Locke, which he could have done by going with Sawyer to the other Island and destroying the airplane.

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But... how could they be? It's not like anyone is jumping through time any more. tongue.gif You could probably have made an argument for that when the time jumps were happening, but not really now.

Yes, but Zero, he wants to stop Fake Locke, which he could have done by going with Sawyer to the other Island and destroying the airplane.

Has it even been said that he wants to stop Locke? I cant remember him actually saying that. He explained everything on the boat to Sawyer. He wasn't going back for Locke/MIB.

Unbelievable episode, everything has just gone crazy. And the stuff with Desmond is just awesome, cant wait to see where it's actually leading.

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The island would have gotten Jack Bauer for that asignment.

The Island is the wrong climate for growing heroin.

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But... how could they be? It's not like anyone is jumping through time any more. tongue.gif You could probably have made an argument for that when the time jumps were happening, but not really now.

Yes, but Zero, he wants to stop Fake Locke, which he could have done by going with Sawyer to the other Island and destroying the airplane.

Has it even been said that he wants to stop Locke? I cant remember him actually saying that. He explained everything on the boat to Sawyer. He wasn't going back for Locke/MIB.

But he said "if that thing wants us to leave, maybe he's afraid of what happens if we stay". Just seems like typical Jack going against what people are telling him to see how far he can push it, eg staying next to Richard when he tried blowing himself up, beating the shit out of his mirror in the lighthouse...

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So Sawyer stated in this episode that the only way off the island was on the sub due to the bearings, but Locke wants to take a plane off of it despite knowing that Widmore has come in on a sub? That's my biggest issue, I wish they'd take a rule and stick to it (and heck, maybe even explain it a little). Having said that, this season that's been my only issue (besides too much Sayid), I'm going to have a massive hole left in me when LOST is over :(

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My current biggest problem is that the plane is either a giant red herring, or the show is somehow going to magic that plane into being able to fly again. After all, the plane, in its landing, probably fucked up its landing gear, which would more or less screw with its ability to take off again. That's assuming that what served as an okay enough of a runway for more or less a crash landing can serve well enough for a take off.

Oh, and the fact that the plane is missing part of, if not all of, its windshield.

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I wonder how they would even start the plane, you usualy would figure that there needs to be a long flat area to start a big passanger jet. Maybe smoky just turns into smoke and lifts it up from the inside... that would make no sens at all physics whise (since the plane still would need speed and not just running engins) but i doubt people would ask that question.

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Could it be that Locke needs the candidates at the plane so that he can crash it? (And therefore commit them to the deaths they should have already had maybe?).

It's probably just the more simple - if he can convince all candidates to leave, then he can also. I just expect more twists from Lost :P

Gotta say I'm loving this last season.

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