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iDOM 2010: Input Thread


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No Nicole Matthews in Stampede, personally I'd see her connected with Stampede than Portia myself but hey I'm not the "mind" behind this one.

Why would Idol add workers that very few people have heard off, to a scenario where half the charm is the fact that it's workers everyone know's and love's in different promotions?

To be quite frank both Portia and Nicole are on the same level in terms of how known they are, I do think that Nicole is more well rounded and based on her improvements over the past few years in the real world I feel she has the talent to be one of the top independent women in northern America and she has had good matches with Melissa and Del Rey who are considered some of the top women around the independent today.

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No Nicole Matthews in Stampede, personally I'd see her connected with Stampede than Portia myself but hey I'm not the "mind" behind this one.

Why would Idol add workers that very few people have heard off, to a scenario where half the charm is the fact that it's workers everyone know's and love's in different promotions?

To be quite frank both Portia and Nicole are on the same level in terms of how known they are, I do think that Nicole is more well rounded and based on her improvements over the past few years in the real world I feel she has the talent to be one of the top independent women in northern America and she has had good matches with Melissa and Del Rey who are considered some of the top women around the independent today.

I don't think I've ever heard of Portia Perez either. hmm.gif

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*reminds TKz of how he watches most TV shows*

*informs Livid that independent wrestling isn't as available as something like Lost might be. sad.gif*

the term is lazy and tight, i own shimmer DVD's and im in the UK, havent got some of the more recent ones but still, dont blame the fact that its not out there for not watching its just your too lazy to bother to get/watch it

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*reminds TKz of how he watches most TV shows*

*informs Livid that independent wrestling isn't as available as something like Lost might be. sad.gif*

the term is lazy and tight, i own shimmer DVD's and im in the UK, havent got some of the more recent ones but still, dont blame the fact that its not out there for not watching its just your too lazy to bother to get/watch it

God forbid I spend my money on things like food and rent when there's WRESTLING out there that I haven't watched.

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TheWho87 why the attitude, man?

No attitude I was just saying the fact someone doesn't watch something because its not widely available is actually them being lazy more than any other factor. I'm in the UK and I choose to go out and find these things rather than being limited and not do it because "they don't do it here" if I kept that mentality I wouldn't have Fire Pro Returns or my collection of independent wrestling DVD's (I don't have a lot but I have a good collection).

Also isn’t it more helpful for this database if there are people who know the wider world of wrestling if only if its to bring something different to these promotions than the usual people that everyone uses.

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It will certainly be helpful in terms of the International promotions, as I know NOTHING about Japan, Europe and Great Britain. I'll be the first to admit that. So certainly, suggest away (or even come up with suggested feds/rosters) for the international ones if you'd like. I have taken note of your previous suggestions a couple pages back too.

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It's CHIKARA in the iDom... minus a few people that will surely show up elsewhere... I had GoGo work with me on it so it had at least two CHIKARA fans giving their blessing to it.

The Tecnicos side of things looks similar to people on the current roster. CC is off in Stampede but I think the rest are ok.

The Colony have always been a pairing. No Worker Ant, no Green Ant, no Carpenter Ant. Just them as perennial tag contenders but never the Champions.

Pelle Primeau is the other third of the Future is Now because Equinox is still masked.

Eddie is a semi-regular roster member. Jack Marciano and Jigsaw are a more regular tag team of the New York Connection but when needed for Trios action, Eddie rocks up.

Edited by FlatDoughnut
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