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QBs who have terrible O-Lines can still shine through anyway if they're elite, see Aaron Rodgers last year. A lot of Cutler's picks were on him, the game against the 49ers was painful to watch. He'll be better this year, no doubt, buut it hurts my brain when I see him ahead of Eli in the fantasy rankings on NFL.com.

And the majority of Grampa's picks have been on him over the years. Six of one, half-dozen of the other. And many of those were with GOOD offensive lines.

Grampa does get a free pass on most anything at this point, it's all written off to being "the ol' gunslinger."

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I'm on HttK's side when it comes to the is Favre a dick/isn't he because I fucking can't stand him anymore after all the shit he has pulled with the Packers and now the Jets, but the whole point of the 2 year contract was so that they would control Favre's rights this year more so then anything.

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What's the over/under on ESPN reminding us all that Favre's just having fun this year?

I dislike him because it seems now that he's deliberately stirring things up every year, either that or he's taken one too many painkillers in his time to realise there are far more subtle and fairer ways to end your career. This doesn't happen with any other older players, year in and year out, even future Hall of Famers. Essentially, he's taking the piss. And I know you can't hold it against him personally, but why does he get a free pass when he throws these ridiculous interceptions and costs his team important games? He's just having fun, see. Yet any other quarterback throws a pick because his horrible line can't protect him and he'll get crucified.

See Cutler comma Jay?

I wasn't thinking specifically Cutler, although he did come to mind, I didn't want to name him as I'd be labelled a big homer. It just seems to me favre gets the credit when it works, and is free of all blame when it doesn't.

QBs who have terrible O-Lines can still shine through anyway if they're elite, see Aaron Rodgers last year. A lot of Cutler's picks were on him, the game against the 49ers was painful to watch. He'll be better this year, no doubt, buut it hurts my brain when I see him ahead of Eli in the fantasy rankings on NFL.com.

As it's been said, a lot of Favre's picks are on him. And not always the picks, the NFC title game where he could have run for the first but chose to throw comes to mind. Although I think he actually did end up throwing a pick on that play >_>

And HttK is making my point for me, obviously there's plans of actions that they could have taken if Brett balked and didn't play the second year, but it's Brett fucking Favre, you can't take him at his word, they got what they paid for.

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I can't even watch ESPN anymore. The attention he gets drives me bonkers. I'm so over it and wouldn't mind seeing someone take him out on the field. Of course, then we'd have to listen about that every damn week.

At least they didn't give him a one-hour primetime special hosted by Jim Gray to announce whether or not he was coming back and to which city he decided to take his talents.

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I can't even watch ESPN anymore. The attention he gets drives me bonkers. I'm so over it and wouldn't mind seeing someone take him out on the field. Of course, then we'd have to listen about that every damn week.

At least they didn't give him a one-hour primetime special hosted by Jim Gray to announce whether or not he was coming back and to which city he decided to take his talents.

I would prefer that over the current setup which devotes 40 minutes out of every hour to him

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Percy Harvin collapsed and was taken via ambulance to the hospital. Apparently he was just standing there and vomited then collapsed, they are thinking it was a migraine attack but they don't really have any idea yet.

Childress is saying now that Harvin was fielding punts and it happened when Harvin looked up into the sunlight.

Edited by Trey
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Percy Harvin collapsed and was taken via ambulance to the hospital. Apparently he was just standing there and vomited then collapsed, they are thinking it was a migraine attack but they don't really have any idea yet.

Childress is saying now that Harvin was fielding punts and it happened when Harvin looked up into the sunlight.

Yea thats a migraine. Sucks that a player with that much potential isn't even potentially a day-to-day question, but an hour-to-hour question

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What is this situation I'm hearing of Brett Favre thinking Childress isn't the right coach to take them to the Super Bowl? On ESPN (2, the one here in Mexico) the announcers were talking about this and saying that Favre doesn't trust Childress. Didn't the guy, personally, pick him up and talked him into joining the Vikings last year?

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What is this situation I'm hearing of Brett Favre thinking Childress isn't the right coach to take them to the Super Bowl? On ESPN (2, the one here in Mexico) the announcers were talking about this and saying that Favre doesn't trust Childress. Didn't the guy, personally, pick him up and talked him into joining the Vikings last year?

The way it seemed last year, on offense Farve was the coach, not Childress.

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Last year I remember reading an article on espn about how the author felt Favre didn't respect Childress..based off things like calling him Brad as opposed to Coach Childress etc

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