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Didn't we learn anything tonight? Playoffs = Games are 60 Minutes

I'm naturally pessimistic about everything, it's a horrible trait I have being Scottish.

Huge, huge, huge penalty after that Holmes drop.

Oh dear lord why did we try and bomb it down the field right there? This fucking team.

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I've given the Jets a lot of shit this year, but that was a good game, and a good comeback.

That said, I would pretty much put my house on them not getting pass New England or Pitt/Baltimore.

But if that Saints/Seahawks game has taught us anything, it's don't bet your house on an NFL game.

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Well, I'm 0-2 and 1-1 for tonight's games. 0-2 on picks, 1-1 on teams I wanted to win. (Was pulling for the Seahawks to beat the Saints)

However, the Seahawks making the playoffs in the first place in an example of what I hate about team sports with divisions. I don't think its fair that a team makes the playoffs because they're the best team out of a handful of losers when there are teams with better records who don't get in. Same thing happened in baseball shortly after they switched to their current division system, when the entire AL West was a pile of suck and every team had losing records.

Tomorrow I'm expecting the Ravens and Eagles to win. Which will suck bigtime if true, since I'll be pulling for the Packers and Chiefs. (But will be fine if the Ravens win. I'm mainly pulling for the Chiefs due to Eric Berry being on the team)

Colts need to re-tool their D bigtime next season, I think.

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I expected Colts-Jets to come down to the team with the ball at the end. Only I expected Peyton to take on the Jets D at the end and march his team down for a game-winning Vinatieri field goal. I did not expect all that time to be left on the clock, that great kick return, or that miracle catch by Edwards. Good play by the Jets, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

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My Sky+ recording ended literally as the snap was made on the final field goal in the Jets game. I was pissed off to begin with, but it being so hilariously perfect timing, I had to laugh. I should upload it really, I'm sure a lot of people who didn't stay up over here, will be angry.

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Fucking Jets tonight! Cannot wait, super pumped. Staying up all night to watch it

I bet you don't stay up to watch it to the finish. :shifty:

I did, stayed up through the whole thing. Finished at 4 and I am super tired. Bloody worth it!

Pats next though. We've got revenge on Indy for last year, hopefully we can get some on NE for this year

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So the Pats get the Jets next weekend.

I'm hoping for another 45-3 game personally. Just a Pats win would be nice though. Can't blow it to the Jets now.

Just don't run the ball when you're only up a score (or tied, or behind) and you'll be good.

It's Belichick vs. the Jets... Law Firm isn't getting all the action until the Pats are up 35

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