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Lance Armstrong doped (update 2013 - lose ? add !)

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The International Olympic Committee has stripped Lance Armstrong of his bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney Olympics because of his involvement in doping. The IOC sent a letter to Armstrong on Wednesday night asking him to return the medal. The move came after the IOC was notified by cycling's governing body, the UCI, that Armstrong had not appealed the decision to disqualify him.
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He can be tried for perjury now. In 2010 he lied in court under oath about all of this.

Sounds like the interview and confession didn't cover it all, only what has already been proven by UASDA. People want this to be over but sadly it isn't. Thankfully the Tour Down Under is going to start soon and the cycling season is just about to get going again.

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Forbes lists him at $100 million. There are a fair amount of suits that can be filed (and have been being prepared for a good while) to take a good chunk out of that, but he's too famous not to ever lose all his wealth unless he spends it extravagantly or suddenly owes multiple people alimony and child support. Basically he'll be able to write a book, he'll get paid for appearances in spite of his, and if he ever gets desperate he can go on TV and make a fool of himself like a lot of other celebrities with growing financial problems do.

He avoided mentioning anyone else though, which is huge for all of them since a lot of his old teammates could be liable in certainly quite a few civil suits.

This audio isn't available until tomorrow, but save this link because when it goes up there's a good rundown of where the seven and eight figure suits lie. http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2013/01/18/169716506/lance-armstrongs-confession-could-cost-him-millions

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He avoided mentioning anyone else though, which is huge for all of them since a lot of his old teammates could be liable in certainly quite a few civil suits.

That's the most interesting thing about all of this, to me.

With as much as it appears he did do now, plenty of other people did things as well. It kind of explains how he wasn't completely blown up several years ago. Sure, he's the kingpin asshole in all of it but he's hardly alone and hardly the only one at fault (in the entire mess with the USPS team/etc). There are reasons it took this long and reasons as to why only a select few have said anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lanky mountains specialist and CSAMH's favourite cyclist of Tour de France 2007 Michael Rasmussen has admitted to doping between 1998 and 2010. He's already served a 2 year ban for lying about his whereabouts (for which he got pulled from the Tour while wearing the yellow jersey) and has now fully retired.

He's going to help with the investigation into Rabobank which, it seems, was a team built on doping for quite a long time.

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