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First Date Films


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Help me choose first date films. DVD titles, preferably. I'm thinking something in the 'horror' genre, which I practically know absolutely sod all about, although I'm considering picking up that Paranormal Activity, because it's meant to be pretty good by all accounts and then something 'comedy', probably either Apatow or Farrelly, because they're all cutesy as all hell, kinda gross and quotable to the nth degree.

Basically, what films do you use when wooing ladies? >_>

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It doesn't matter, you'll have your face buried in those badboys by the time the opening credits are done. (Y)

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Go classic horror.

Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday The 13th, Halloween, The Shining, Amittyville Horror.

Or if you want something newer, get something with werewolves in it. It'll be scary but at the same time laden with inuendo to unleash the animal within. I hear Wes Craven's Cursed from 2005 is pretty good.


The Hangover, Step Brothers, Superbad, Pineapple Express, The Ringer

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I have used Paranormal Activity as a first date film. It worked wonders, I strongly suggest it.

Comedy would be best served as something that she might not have seen or just films that never get old. Funny People was fairly underrated, but there's always the classics that work wonders. I find Big Daddy is a good choice if you enjoy Sandler's comedy, it's got the laughs and all the 'awwwh' moments.

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Paranormal Activity was awesome sauce. Probably a little overhyped, but the actual film itself was fairly fun and I was genuinely a little scared when I went home alone the night after the night I saw it. A lot better than any other Horror/Thriller/Whatever I've seen in years.

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Over the years before I found a woman willing to settle for less and marry me, I used one movie for first dvd dates.

The Princess Bride.

Based on the simple logic that it's a movie that evokes alot of emotions, and even if it's not a 100% guaranteed panty peeler, it's still a fun experience so no big loss.

More recently, I bought Up and used it for a first dvd date with my future wife. Unfortunately, I hadn't watched it before hand, and ended up openly weeping for most of the movie.

Not the best course of action unless you're going for sensitive dude pity sex, and despite being a great movie it's really kind of a downer for a date, so I wouldn't recommend it.

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Over the years before I found a woman willing to settle for less and marry me, I used one movie for first dvd dates.

The Princess Bride.

Based on the simple logic that it's a movie that evokes alot of emotions, and even if it's not a 100% guaranteed panty peeler, it's still a fun experience so no big loss.

More recently, I bought Up and used it for a first dvd date with my future wife. Unfortunately, I hadn't watched it before hand, and ended up openly weeping for most of the movie.

Not the best course of action unless you're going for sensitive dude pity sex, and despite being a great movie it's really kind of a downer for a date, so I wouldn't recommend it.

Both great date movies in the same way things like Philadelphia and Shawshank Redemption, because they're genuinely moving and all the same awesome, but I wouldn't class them as first date movies, first date movies need to have a bit of 'holy shit' factor, as far as I'm concerned. There's nowt like being scared out of your wits or giggling like a school girl when it comes to breaking the ice.

I'm thinking it's gotta be Paranormal Activity and Superbad. If we have time for it, I'm busting out Closer or Garden State.

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