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The "Man That Movie Wasn't As Shit As I Heard It Was" Thread


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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls - I didn't see it until it came out on DVD and I thought it was pretty good. It seems like everyone forgot that Indiana Jones has never been realistic (see melting Nazi faces, etc.) and was made as a tribute to B movies.

I honestly thought I was the only one on the planet who liked that one. Now I know.

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The Tri-Star Godzilla movie isn't as shitty if you realize that its actually more of a remake of The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms and ignore the Godzilla name. (Its still a shit film, just not AS shitty)

Van Helsing is amazing and I will not hear a bad word against it.

This, this, oh god this. Van Helsing is spectacularly grandly terrible like few other movies have ever been. It's consistently entertaining from start to finish just because of how bad it is.

Well, that and the fact that Kate Beckinsale is absolutely fucking hot in it.

Godzilla would have just about made it into 'okay' territory if it wasn't an entire film of Matthew Broderick running around.

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Yeah, apart from the bits where it was too shaky cam, Cloverfield wasn't so bad. If just for all the promotional stuff of it and all the little bits like the monster falling into the sea at the end, I like all that kind of stuff.

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The Boondock Saints 1&2. Avoided them both because people told me they were shit. Watched them last weekend, they're not bad at all.

Jesus' Son: Heard it was horrible. Watched it. One of my favorite Dennis Hopper movies ever.

True Romance: My other favorite Dennis Hopper movie. Again there's criticism leveled against it being too slow, and too over the top, but if you havn't seen it? I recommend you do. Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, and Christopher Walken. Fucking worth it.

Tiptoes: This one has some controversial elements, and I think that's what stirred up the hate surrounding it. It's not a horrible movie. A little bad, someone behind the scenes seems to have a problem with continuity, but there's some excellent performances handed out, and overall if you can get over the cheesieness of the whole thing it's entertaining.

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky. If you haven't seen it? See it. Simple as that. A japanese prison movie based on a manga? Fuck yeah. Critics can soak their heads, it's a classic.

Running Scared (2006): I was told the most believable acting of this entire movie was done by a tatoo of John Wayne. I avoided it for the longest time but watched it this morning.

The tat does have a good showing. *Nod*

I can see the criticism here, and actually understand why most people would choose not watch it. I thought it'd be a shitty drama action picture. I was wrong. Sorta. There are some deliveries that fall a little flat, and some of the twists and plot points are a little broken. But what this film does right it does wonderfully.

The lead IS bland, now this is just my opinion, but he doesn't get better as the movie goes on. He stays bland, but interesting if not believable supporting characters salvage it from being awful and make it a semi-enjoyable movie to watch on your MEH days.

Smoking Aces 2: Not that bad. It's a direct to dvd sequel sure, and some actors feel out of place, and the plot feels a little familiar, but in the end it's not the worst piece of cinema in the last 50 years.

200 Cigarettes: I actually can't blurb this one. I'm worried I'll give something away, but it was trashed for various reasons, but is a suprisingly good and funny movie.

YPF: THIS SHOULD BE HORRIBLE. Callum Blue turns in a performance that actually makes me question for a split second why I love him so much, if he's always going to act the same way no matter what character he's playing, but then I remember I love him and it's all good. Everyone else is pretty good, but the writing tells you that it should have been god awful, and would have been if not for such a nice cast.

Avoid it if you have problems with sexual themed materil (it's all about various couples fucking, and a character study of them. that's it) no heavy nudity or anything, but different things bother different people.

Also avoid if you don't like movies where the writer puts himself in the story. He shows up with the most conventionally hot girl in the story, and conviently has the best line of the picture.

"Noone eats an ass out of obligation!"

Which is right up there with some of the greats.

Besides my pet peeves it's a decent movie and I'd recommend it.

Fanboys: I've heard Spoony, and many others trash this movie, ontop of my suspicions that it would be shit, I avoided it. Having watched it, it's a somewhat forgettable comedy. You wouldn't write-in an oscar vote for it, but it's good and a wonderful performance by Kristen Bell to boot.

Trick R Treat: Alot of people hate this movie. On the otherhand quite a few enjoy it, and I personally think it's one of the best horror movies aimed at kids/teens/AND adults in years. The complaints I heard about it were all unfounded, except for a brief flash of titties taking you out of what is otherwise a very fun family safe (but not required) movie. It's a must see if you haven't had the chance.

All of these are available to netflix, and all are worth atleast a curious watch.

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The Boondock Saints 1&2. Avoided them both because people told me they were shit. Watched them last weekend, they're not bad at all.

People hate on Boondock Saints? :o

I must agree with Ruki... people hate on the Boondock Saints?

Where would these people be? i must have a talk with them...

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