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Bands you used to adore but just stopped listening to for no good reason other than you didn't think to do so. Feeder right now are absolutely belting my earphones on a regular basis, fucking loved Echo Park and can't believe I stopped listening to a band this wonderful :wub:

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Most of the bands in my collection who awren't releasing new stuff (or at least nothing like they used to) tend to phase in and out like that. Ash, Pulp, Garbage, Air, Robert Miles, Suede, The Verve, Manic Street Preachers, Sleeper and so on are all decent examples, they get back on the rotation for a while until I get bored. Only a couple of bands like Queen and Oasis pretty much avoid that but even then I'll switch from one album to another for a while.

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Futureheads and other 'indie rock' music from roundabout that time. It was through the likes of them and the Strokes that I first got into music. I don't listen to them anywhere near as much anymore but there were plenty of good bands. Also tons of trash but that has been forgotten now.

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Recently it has been the Prodigy. I loved them in middle school and only recently started listening again. I remember why I enjoyed them so much, they are a lot of fun. I have been on a techo/electronic/dance sort. of kick lately and figured I would re-discover them. Glad I did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feeder are the perfect example of this. The singles they have are absolutely unreal, and you totally forget.

But here's one for me, I sort of get it for the band (although they do have a lot of shitty songs), but in particular the song, which is one I can go months (hell I've possibly went a year at some point not thinking about it), but it's one of the most massive songs of the 00's, sod the first album singles, the Michael Jackson cover etc...this was where it was at;

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Feeder are the perfect example of this. The singles they have are absolutely unreal, and you totally forget.

But here's one for me, I sort of get it for the band (although they do have a lot of shitty songs), but in particular the song, which is one I can go months (hell I've possibly went a year at some point not thinking about it), but it's one of the most massive songs of the 00's, sod the first album singles, the Michael Jackson cover etc...this was where it was at;

Shit, I remember this from Madden 2004(I think it was Madden). The other week "Movies" came on in a club, we loved it.

Also love the video, yay for borderline racial tension!

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Yeah, Madden '04, I think. I keep deleting the albums because I never listen to them for ages, and then I have to download them again because I can't find my CDs.

I had to cover in a different store today, and they played Streetlight Manifesto's Somewhere in the Between and the topic title was pretty much my exact reaction.

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As far as Feeder goes, it's all about Sweet 16. That's a fucking TUNE.

After seeing them last week, I HAD to bust out Gran Turismo.

I always primarily remembered 'Lose Control' by Ash more than this song, but putting it back on gives me some good memories.

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