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5 hours ago, Ruki said:

How exactly does religious combat happen?

You buy Apostles with Faith and they just roam around the map, able to 'attack' enemy Missionaries/Apostles just by moving to their tile in the usual way. You can do this even when your Civs are at peace.

One side-effect I know is that when a religious unit is 'killed' in this way, nearby cities actually lose some of their conversion to that religion (you'll see something like "Islam -125" appear above the city). Or the victorious faith will be boosted ("Islam +125"), or whatever.

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Started a game with France the other day and couldn't get going, then tried America and ditto, so finally went with England last night and SO MUCH FUN. Not gone to war yet, but my science is the best in the world, I'm the best at culture, and I have the best standing army, but I'm waiting for redcoats to start my campaign as there's a huge desert between myself and my nearest enemy, so I'm slowly encroaching on them. Only problem is my lack of faith and the fact everyone seems to hate me... the second one will not be a problem :shifty:

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18 minutes ago, Mad Jack said:

Are the Shoshone in this? Had so much in the last one with them.

They were fun to play as. I always quite liked playing as Polynesia, but apparently they aren't in this one :@

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7 minutes ago, Benji said:

No, but from what I understand Russia's special ability is similar, plus they can make use of tundra tiles, meaning you can spread your empire and not worry too much about encroaching on other Civs as they rarely use tundra.

What? How can Russia be similar to Polynesia? I meant the ability to embark at the start of the game is well handy. 

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I hate religion on this game. Basically everyone is fighting for their religion to be in the main religion in my cities yet I'm too busy using troops to take over cities cause they keep trying to convert my people <_<

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1 hour ago, Benji said:

I thought Norway's ability was just to be able to enter deep ocean tiles early?

They also have "Units ignore additional movement costs from embarking and disembarking".

In other words, land units treat water tiles in the same way as flat land tiles. If your unit has 2 movement and the tiles are Plains > Coastal Sea > Plains, it can literally hop over to the other bit of land in one turn.

Add this in with the Beserker unique unit (whose movement of 2 is doubled to 4 when they start their turn in enemy territory) and the potential for serious viking rampaging on an islands map is astronomical.

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