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There is a page on the site that shows the slots on the servers and says weather it's in game phase or lobby phase. You enter in lobby phase.

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Oh I know HOW to do it, I just can't seem to get in much. >_> I got in one in the end, collected a full suit of armour and three swords...

Fell down a hole, couldn't get out.

Nice hole though, really enjoyed my time down there. Would recommend to a friend.

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Oh I know HOW to do it, I just can't seem to get in much. >_> I got in one in the end, collected a full suit of armour and three swords...

Fell down a hole, couldn't get out.

Nice hole though, really enjoyed my time down there. Would recommend to a friend.

You're crazy! Also, tell me when you wanna play next :shifty:

Edit: Just had a round where I finished 4th. I didn't find ANYONE. But I did find some equipment.

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I DID IT! HOLY SHIT I WON! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Ran for the center at start and grabbed a golden sword that I kept mostly for mob killing. Managed to survive without encountering anyone by keeping the the edge of the world and scavenging all the chests I remembered the locations for as I went along, plus finding others hidden at the edge. Built up a nearly full set of Iron Armor (missing the helmet), found an Iron Sword, two stone swords and went on the hunt for a bow. Took me forever before I finally found one with four tributes left, and right when I did this guy comes swimming up to my island. I'd stockpiled arrows so I had a few to shoot, then he busts out a diamond sword and comes swinging.

Naturally I run and pop a few other arrows off at him, suddenly he's switched to a bow and is shooting back. I'm swimming away, taking damage, but I get an idea and while he's aiming I drop under and come up at him with my iron sword. He wasn't ready and I think I crit'd him because after a few hits he was swimming away. Didn't bother chasing him, swam for land and fought as many skeletons as I could to get more arrows as I'd run out. I kept food stockpiled from my travels and gathered enough mushrooms that my one bowl healed me of most of my damages.

After a bit more gathering, I hear thunder and get sent to spawn. He and the other guy I guess killed each other because I'm up against a guy with a gold sword and gold armor. I shoot my arrows at a distance, let him get close and then bust out my iron sword and start swinging. Next thing I know there's a pile of items and it says I won. I found out there were even a few spectators rooting for me. It was great ^_^

If I didn't find that bow when I did I'm certain the dude with the diamond sword had me beat. Unbelievable timing and I'm amazed I got out of the fight alive. I love this game mode!

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I pretty much am just making a habit of bolting for the ship at the start and skipping the centre altogether. If you get there first you're pretty much guaranteed to make it far since you get loaded up with food, armour and weapons in one go.

The smaller castle is good too since people seem to miss at least one chest and tend not to head there anyway. The hidden chests near the spawn are handy too.

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I'd +1 that, but you used terrible techno pop songs for it as opposed to Alice Coopers "Schools Out" (N)

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Sohodolls are wonderful. I tried using minecraft related songs but couldn't find three I liked. I thought of Schools Out but I didn't want one song on loop.

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You could have followed School's Out with "Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen.

And then Pink Floyds "Another Brick In The Wall"

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Played two survival games. In the first I got a wood sword, stone axe,leather helmet and chestplate and a shit ton of food. I was the final 5 but got double teamed and murdered. Second I found a stone ax,some bread and a red stone torch but I got attacked by a dude with an iron sword as I was trying to fight off a creeper and was like the 4th eliminated.

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My god that map is a pain in the ass. Full of hiding places but the chests are few and whats inside sucks.

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