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Have there been any plans for Minecraft to come to the PS3?

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I've never seen any concrete statement, just vague comment talk which i'd take with as much salt as you can handle, ranging from 'OMG M$ throw money at them for exclusivity' to 'Microsoft were willing to invest money for production costs, Sony weren't.'

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I give you the latest in deprived sex experiments, the Testificate forced mating unit AKA "The Love Shack".

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Friend of mine bought it for the 360 today and left his 360 at my house.. umm why is this game so much fun? Hell I had more fun spending the last hour trying to relocate my mine after digging into a lava flow only to run around in circles but found my original stash house where I had set of stone pickaxes saved.

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And to think you're playing a way outdated version of the game thats missing a ton of stuff <_<

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And to think you're playing a way outdated version of the game thats missing a ton of stuff <_<

I know, but fuck if I'm paying 27 bucks for a game that my piece of shit rig won't run.. I'l just grab a 360 next time I get paid and wait for the update that will come "eventually".

And fuck its 9pm already I can see this game becoming a problem.

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Played the 360 demo a bit more after watching people from RoosterTeeth play it, and it was pretty fun. I may end up getting it since I have some gamestop credit to blow, and I can't exactly afford the PC version right now. Only made a simple place to hide out in at night, but I can see myself actually having fun making an extravagant fortress. It gives me the fun of building a place to live in like The Sims does, but without the potential to get too bored too quickly.

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Yeah, my friend posted that on Facebook and I didn't expect the ending to be that good. I laughed like a maniac.

And also, I ended up buying it, so feel free to add me. I've been hording a ton of stuff so that I could eventually build a proper house, instead of a cave, but now I've been thinking of creating a new world to find something that has a better layout. Of course, the first time I entered the world I'm in I spawned right near some lava after cracking through one block of dirt. Now that I have a bucket I'm nowhere near there, though.

Edited by Vitamin E
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