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Deus Ex Human Revolution

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So how's everyone doing? I'm about 20 hours in and nearing the end, I think. I've still got the third boss to go, but I don't think there's many after.

Spoilers up until the end of Hengsha Port

The second boss was a bitch at first, but she just needed time in the end. I ran one way, waited for her to finish her attack and pause, shot her and continued. Ruki's advice of using the tracking is good, too. Make sure to pick that up as it makes it a lot less stressful if you have the ability to mark the enemies, as using the see through walls augment won't help without a vast stack of energy bars. I saved Malik afterwards too! Hooray. Took about four tries to do it, but in the end I just about managed it. Typhoon saved me, never used it once before now but it helped me take out the big mech thing in the end.

I've got most Augments, my hacking is fully upgraded and my energy is getting there. Just started spacing out my inventory, though a lot of it is taken up by a Laser Rifle that's apparently very helpful against the final boss which I decided to keep on me. Haven't really bothered with the Health and Armour ones though, I don't think you really need them unless you're literally just running into rooms and opening fire.

So yeah, advice for people playing... Complete hacking ASAP as it's so useful to just let robots and turrets mow down the enemies, or to turn them off if you're playing for the Foxiest of the Hounds trophy. If you've got a spare Praxis early on, get the Jump Augment as it does make life a little easier at times. I haven't seen any need for the Punching Walls Augment yet, but it's worth picking up the Move Heavy Crates Augment if you're playing stealthy.

Oh and a little advice I'll pass along that hasn't helped me yet but apparently makes a boss fight later on a lot less difficult, DO NOT get the new Biochip implanted from the LIMB clinic. It'll give you the option to say Yes or No eventually and apparently having it makes a boss fight later 1000 times harder.

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Oh and a little advice I'll pass along that hasn't helped me yet but apparently makes a boss fight later on a lot less difficult, DO NOT get the new Biochip implanted from the LIMB clinic. It'll give you the option to say Yes or No eventually and apparently having it makes a boss fight later 1000 times harder.

Awwwwww fuck.

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Before you leave for Hensha Port, stock up on Nuke and Slow virus' and don't use them until you find the person you're looking for after the boss fight. There's a room to the left, hidden behind a crate after opening the hangar doors that has a secret path leading to a computer that you can hack and get a trophy for. The only problem is, the damn thing is like... impossible to hack without any nukes or slow virus'. It's not the computer in the persons room, just fyi.

All that will help anyone that wants the trophy without spoiling anything for anyone, hopefully.

So yeah, I'm on the final mission now. Exciting stuff! Going to try and get the 100 knock outs trophy, but I get the feeling I won't. Damn you, Silenced Pistol.

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I hate running low on my pistol ammo :(

I used most of it when I had to save Malik when the plane crashed. That took me a few tries...I'm just glad I had an EMP mine, otherwise that fucking mech would have tore her apart.

But thanks for the hint about the bio-chip, I'm at the point where I can go get it.

So, besides making boss fights harder...does anything else change if you get it/don't?

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I really am enjoying the game, I haven't done much but the options and choices you have in approaching everything is just really enjoyable whether you just wanna run and gun or actually try and sneak around and not get caught.

Shame that I cocked up already and whenever I load up a save file I get shot by about 5 people and die straight away so just gonna restart it again, not really bothered though as I only did the first mission that's about it.

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I think I stealthed like two missions, the first Shanghai one, and the one in Singapore. The rest I just walked through and mowed down anything that moved <_<

Also, fuck Bots. Bastards take AGES to kill, unless you have an EMP.

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I upped my hacking too. right after I tried to go through TYM, and came to a level which had a patrolling robot AND a camera that continually spotted me.

I figured it would be better to hack the damn things, rather then fight them more. <_<

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Holyshit hard-bossfight.

Edit: WOo!!! I beat his bitch ass.

Jaron Namier fight...

i always started off by flinging two frag grenades and a frag mine at him. Then ran and shot...hopefully able to get the tracking on him. BUt somehow....we ended up in a hallway duel....him on one side, me on the other. I waste all my revolver ammo and a bunch of my heavy rifle ammo, but I came out on top

Edit: Woo! Final boss time!

I am thinking, for my next playthrough: Easy, Pacifist, Foxiest of the Hounds and No Alarm....anyone think that is possible?

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