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America tries its hand at Cricket


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I can't remember which article I read on this (I think it was one of the UK tabloids), but there seemed to be less of a "lol, Americans playing cricket ('cause they usually don't)" bent and more of a "lol, poor/black/insert-stereotype-here guys from Compton playing our middle class sport of gentlemanly refinement" bent. The sensationalism behind the report was therefore rather awkward.

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

And now there's a beach ball on the field! And the ball boys are discussing which one of them is going to go and get it!

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

What the fuck? Anything presented by Blowers and Boycott is not monotonous!

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We have a cricket team here, and a handful of cricket clubs, but the sport is so far down the radar and too much like baseball for anyone to truly care. If T20 was marketed well it would probably do well enough here. Plus, as Pesci said, we'd hype it up and make it absolutely ridiculous. Team names like the Typhoons and Shockmasters and such and the advertising opportunities are immense since it has so much downtime.

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We have a cricket team here, and a handful of cricket clubs, but the sport is so far down the radar and too much like baseball for anyone to truly care. If T20 was marketed well it would probably do well enough here. Plus, as Pesci said, we'd hype it up and make it absolutely ridiculous. Team names like the Typhoons and Shockmasters and such and the advertising opportunities are immense since it has so much downtime.

I think New Zealand played Sri Lanka in a Twenty20 series last year sometime, but it went down like a fart in a lift because no one cared and the pitches were awful and teams were only making like 100. Would much rather the ICC try to consolidate it in the areas they have already expanded into, than pouring money into a white elephant like the US or China.

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

What the fuck? Anything presented by Blowers and Boycott is not monotonous!

I mean the commentators Sky Sports uses since it invented cricket in 1990.

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

As opposed to baseball or all the standing around after plays in American football?

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An American cricket league would be utterly fantastic. I'd probably watch it as one of the major problems I have with cricket in the UK is the monotony of it's presentation. It's just so drab. In the US they'd hype it up to shit, have some arrogant and utterly detestable commentators and make it more... exciting. Plus it would just be funny to see them handle a game like that where there are so many down periods.

I always thought that the IPL was Indians trying to be Americans while doing a cricket league.

But an American version of the IPL on good pitches would be something epic that I would actually watch.

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Before Allen Sanford got caught up in all his troubles there were reports he was financing a Twenty20 tournament here. A couple of years ago ESPN2 showed parts of a Twenty20 tournament that was held in the Caribbean somewhere. From my understanding the ICC does want to expand into the US for obvious reasons but there are supposedly two groups fighting for control over who gets to be the official board or something like that. I'll be honest, I haven't read up on it in a couple of years. Twenty20 can definitely take off here given some time.

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