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2011 NFL Offseason Thread


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Just remember though..Philadelphia is the terrible city with thugs for fans <_<

Yes, it is,

Like the national talking heads, way to bring up the Vet and stuff that happened 14 years ago

and you've taken the link out.

Incase anyone is wondering, this is what he linked to an article from 1997

I took out the link because listing just one example was stupid and I was headed out the door. Almost as stupid as you trying to take two incidents in California and trying to use that to somehow claim the innocence of Philly fans.

There are bad fans everywhere....yes.....but that doesn't stop Philly fans from being the worst.

Atleast he didn't beat her into a coma or shoot her.

So the standard we're holding people to now is "at least they didn't kill someone"? Unless there is an epidemic of fans being killed everywhere but Philly that I don't know about, what's your point? We could put together a list a mile long but I remember us doing that not so long ago.

Jesus christ Sahyder shut the fuck up. This is the stupidest argument. No one is going to change your opinion on this, nor are you going to change anyones mind because it's totally an arbitrary distinction. I don't know who the worst fans are because thats a pretty fucking hard and generalized subject but I do know who I think the worst poster on EWB is.

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I know it's pre-season but, The Chicago Bears... the team that makes the Buffalo Bills defense and David Carr look good. :pervert:

I fully expect Dragsy to give me hell for that.

I kid I kid. The numbers made Carr look better than what we know of him. Plus, he was working with the 2nd team. I just wanted to say something because it was against the Bears.

Edit: Here are the numbers for those who are curious. Nothing fancy.

QB Rating: 138.1 - 9/11, 84yds, 2 TDs, 0 INT

How about I give you a little hell for it? :devil:

No Lance Briggs, only four series of Urlacher, and Carr shredded the backups. Yep, it's preseason.

Besides, I still assert that Carr would have been a fine QB if his pocket in Houston hadn't been slightly less safe than standing in the middle of an Interstate highway. Now, the dude's jumpier than Tweek from South Park.

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I always wondered what Carr's career could of looked like if the Texans stuck with him instead of getting Matt Schaub, and if the Texans would be having the same luck they are having now. Even though their line was as bad as it was, Carr did a lot for what he had. He also had a career high completion percentage his last year in Houston also.

Could it have been a sign that there was better things to come from David Carr? I guess we will never know.

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I always wondered what Carr's career could of looked like if the Texans stuck with him instead of getting Matt Schaub, and if the Texans would be having the same luck they are having now. Even though their line was as bad as it was, Carr did a lot for what he had. He also had a career high completion percentage his last year in Houston also.

Could it have been a sign that there was better things to come from David Carr? I guess we will never know.

Houston still hasn't ever improved their offensive line. Yeah, they signed Schaub. Yeah they signed Andre Johnson to a huge deal. But they still haven't addressed the offensive line. I don't believe things would have ever changed. Matt Schaub =David Carr 2.0

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I always wondered what Carr's career could of looked like if the Texans stuck with him instead of getting Matt Schaub, and if the Texans would be having the same luck they are having now. Even though their line was as bad as it was, Carr did a lot for what he had. He also had a career high completion percentage his last year in Houston also.

Could it have been a sign that there was better things to come from David Carr? I guess we will never know.

Houston still hasn't ever improved their offensive line. Yeah, they signed Schaub. Yeah they signed Andre Johnson to a huge deal. But they still haven't addressed the offensive line. I don't believe things would have ever changed. Matt Schaub =David Carr 2.0

Arian Foster hasn't seemed to mind it, either.

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Houston still hasn't ever improved their offensive line. Yeah, they signed Schaub. Yeah they signed Andre Johnson to a huge deal. But they still haven't addressed the offensive line. I don't believe things would have ever changed. Matt Schaub =David Carr 2.0

Their offensive line is fine, what are you talking about? Chris Myers, Eric Winston and Mike Brisiel are some of the top ZBS guys around, and Wade Smith/Duane Brown aren't bad by any stretch of the imagination.

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I think Foster's production will drop this year without Vonta Leach as Fullback. I'd attribute a lot of it to him. big boost for the Ravens getting such a quality FB.

This is true. Biggest reason I was jacked to get Ray Rice in the first round.

I'm expecting his production to drop a little bit. Now defenses will be gameplanning for him all year long, and he won't get any of those 'Wait, who the fuck is that guy?' crazy stats like last year. Not as many anyway.

Yeah, they can gameplan for him and then get lit up for 300 yards and three TDs out of Schaub all year. The defenses have to weigh their options very carefully.

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I'm expecting his production to drop a little bit. Now defenses will be gameplanning for him all year long, and he won't get any of those 'Wait, who the fuck is that guy?' crazy stats like last year. Not as many anyway.

Yeah, they can gameplan for him and then get lit up for 300 yards and three TDs out of Schaub all year. The defenses have to weigh their options very carefully.

To Owen Daniels, if you wouldn't mind.

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