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What have you been playing this week?


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I'm about 1/4 of the way through FFIX and I still don't enjoy it. There's not a single thing I really like about it. I mean I'll probably finish it just because the other games I have at the moment aren't on the PSN just yet so I can't play them at work, but man, this bores me to tears.

Also about 6 hours into Legend of Dragoon which is just as fun as I remember it being, the only problem is that I've got the massive urge to play FFX. But I don't want to start playing it because I know it means I'll never get around to playing Legend of Dragoon again, at least not until I finish X which would be a long ass time away seeing as if I'm playing it through now, I'll be playing it to do everything. I'm talking breaking the Health Limit and Damage Limit, levelling like crazy, beating all the Dark Aeons and Penance. Maybe even getting everyones Ultimate Weapons. Apart from Wakka's. Because fuck Blitzball. I remember being awesome at it ages ago, now I suck.

I actually cheated to get his weapon. In the Blitzball menu tournament thing, you can hit reset, which resets everyones level/team, just keep resetting until his weapon appears in the prize list.

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I'm about 1/4 of the way through FFIX and I still don't enjoy it. There's not a single thing I really like about it. I mean I'll probably finish it just because the other games I have at the moment aren't on the PSN just yet so I can't play them at work, but man, this bores me to tears.

Also about 6 hours into Legend of Dragoon which is just as fun as I remember it being, the only problem is that I've got the massive urge to play FFX. But I don't want to start playing it because I know it means I'll never get around to playing Legend of Dragoon again, at least not until I finish X which would be a long ass time away seeing as if I'm playing it through now, I'll be playing it to do everything. I'm talking breaking the Health Limit and Damage Limit, levelling like crazy, beating all the Dark Aeons and Penance. Maybe even getting everyones Ultimate Weapons. Apart from Wakka's. Because fuck Blitzball. I remember being awesome at it ages ago, now I suck.

I've had that urge too. FFX was one of few succesful play alongs we ever did. Maybe we should do it again.


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I'd be all over that and how dare you Benji! Me or maybe someone else, I can't remember, so I'm going to take the credit for it anyway, did a playthrough of like, every Final Fantasy. We got all the way up to like, the 3rd one! That one lasted a whole two games!

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I got all confused because I remembered making a banner for it and just assumed I wouldn't put effort into something that I wasn't running. >_>

But yeah, get on that Benji, FFX playthrough sound glorious to me. Just don't be surprised when everyone reaches Guadosalm and activity dies down a lot. >_>

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After having completed Mass Effect 1 and 2 recently, I started a new game on Oblivion (Yes for some reason I'm going back to old games on Xbox360 haha)

I still need to complete Assassins Creed II though.

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I found it earlier but everything is in the old spoiler tags. >_>


I just went through and re-read the thread (distracting myself from work I should be doing ^_^), and I had the last post! I said I would beat II and skip to VI...and that was partly true. I did end up playing VI, but I didn't beat II,...I got to the last boss and just couldn't beat him.

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I think I got to the end of 2 but hated the levelling system. I really enjoyed 1 though, so much so that I'll probably pick it up for my PSP at some point.

So is there anyone other than me and Benji that'd be up for a FFX playthrough? Like, let me know and I'll start a topic tonight. If not, I'll just start playing tonight and forget about the whole thing. >_>

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Guest Canary4life

Had a go at SimCity 4 for the first time in ages. For once, I was actually able to run a city without running into financial problems. I've... grown wise. crying.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing Catherine this week...it's effing hard. I was fine up until world 6-2, then it went from challenging to almost impossible <_<

Also, last night I played Star Craft 2 for the first time! It was 3 vs 3AI on easy, then normal, and then hard.

I really freaking sucked at it.

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