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Hamster's ten films you may not have seen that you should.

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"Dog Soldiers" by Neil Marshall


Why may you not have seen it?

It's British so never got huge international acclaim. It's a werewolf movie without any CGI or super-duper special effects.

What's so great about it?

It's soldiers vs werewolves. It's very funny, massively quoteable, has gritty violence and has Sean Pertwee playing a sergeant. It was quite a big shot in the arm for the horror genre in 2002.....Oh and the trailers played on the British Army recruitment ads of the time.

For those who will never watch it or want a reminder of how great it is, here's an action-packed clip from late on:

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I've seen two of those; Zatoishi, which I enjoyed but failed to see quite what all the fuss was about; and The Proposition which is superb. I'd give my thoughts on it, but Hammy summed it up precisely.

Also, my Mum got a free copy of Croupier with a newspaper years ago in one of those flimsy cardboard packets and neither of us have ever bothered to watch it. Maybe I should.

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"Dog Soldiers" by Neil Marshall


Why may you not have seen it?

It's British so never got huge international acclaim. It's a werewolf movie without any CGI or super-duper special effects.

What's so great about it?

It's soldiers vs werewolves. It's very funny, massively quoteable, has gritty violence and has Sean Pertwee playing a sergeant. It was quite a big shot in the arm for the horror genre in 2002.....Oh and the trailers played on the British Army recruitment ads of the time.

For those who will never watch it or want a reminder of how great it is, here's an action-packed clip from late on:

this is one of my favorite movies of all time.

the Actor who played Sergeant Ryan became Internationally known after it.

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Big love for Kurosawa and Takeshi, though neither of the films you've listed would be my favourite by those directors - I think "Throne Of Blood" is a much better "Kurosawa does Shakespeare" movie, and while I loved Zatoichi, I prefer some of Takeshi's other work - especially Dolls and Hana-Bi - though, yeah, it's a Takeshi movie that isn't about Yakuza, and that has to count for something.

Delicatessen and The Proposition are top notch too.

Have you seen "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not", or "A Very Long Engagement" - both starring Audrey Tatou? I've got a feeling you'd probably like them.

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I had totally forgot to bring up my feelings on "Throne of Blood". Since I consider Macbeth my favorite tragedy I would be doing a disservice by saying "Throne of Blood" is anything but my favorite adaptation. But such an epic fail by forgetting to bring it up earlier. Just out of curiosity Hamster, are you a bigger fan of King Lear than Macbeth?

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A Very Long Engagement is about her fiancee going away to war correct?

That's the one. I haven't seen it in years, and I was on a bit of a French cinema kick at the time, so might be looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, but I remember loving it.

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