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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Just had quite the mark-out moment. I'm Brock against Undertaker in a fatal four way elimination match for the number one contender spot. Having beaten Randy Orton and Tyson Kidd (don't ask) to within an inch of their lives, Brock's pretty tied, but Taker's fresh. I can't reverse anything, get hit with the Last Ride and the Tombstone, but I miraculously kick out. Every time I go to do a move or even throw a punch, it's reversed. Properly getting beaten down and eventually caught with a second tombstone. Kick out again by the slimmest possible margin, and eventually catch Taker going for another Last Ride, hit the F-5 out of nowhere and get the win.

I had the exact same thing happen with me....only I was controlling Eve against Maryse in a No.1 contenders match :shifty:

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As I mentioned, the same night that my enthralling Otunga vs. Roode storyline finished with Otunga getting injured, Roode was also facing Triple H in the main event. Undertaker came out to ringside for commentary but nothing happened. I forgot to mention that Royal RUmble winner and challenger to Triple H's WWE Title stormed to the ring at the start... and attacked Roode leaving Triple H all WTF. Afterwards, Roode was going to crush the ankle of HHH, but Sheamus returned from injury.

Eventually at Wrestlemania, it's Mark Henry vs. HHH, I'm Henry, and before the match Roode attacks Henry. I'm about to pin HHH, when a cutscene happens where HHH kicks out at 2, Henry gets mad and attacks the referee and he sort of rings the bell on the way down. But I carry on with the match and win anyway. After it, HHH is out injured.

With the draft, I tried playing as Raw's Punk vs. Big Show, but lost twice (and Show won Cena for Smackdown). The main event was Smackdown's WWE Champ Henry vs. Smackdown's World Champ Undertaker for a draft spot. I simmed it, but watched the match. Henry won and drafted... Smackdown's Sheamus to Smackdown (I assume he was drafted over from a simmed match earlier). Smackdown won most of the picks and got the likes of Del Rio, Cena, Sheamus back and Truth as well I think. I swapped Edge/Sheamus & Bryan to Raw myself.

Raw is still without a champion, I'm going to see if I can do Undertaker vs. Henry to combine the titles at Extreme Rules. Also, Lesnar vs. Mystery opponent... turns out to be Otunga returning from injury. :shifty: And he beat me as Lesnar. :shifty: For some odd reason, despite the return, he's injured still. :unsure: Also, Edge vs. Mystery opponent... turned out to be Ax, again. Ugh.

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My Universe mode just decided that the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania should be between Royal Rumble winner R-Truth, who is not the WWE Champion, and CM Punk, who is also NOT the WWE Champion...

Anyway, I corrected it and had Miz retain the WWE Championship against Truth. Cole in the match "If R-Truth picks up the win here, he's got to be in contention for the WWE Championship." No shit, Sherlock.

Anyway, after the match, Swagger comes out and celebrates with Miz. Cole says "They've travelled the world together and share a heart-felt embrace now that they are both world champions."

Jack Swagger is not a World Champion.

Nice to see that they've got Cole's commentary to be realistically inaccurate >_>

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I got it on sunday and I went straight to Road to wrestlemania and it started and I was Sheamus all of a sudden in Villan mode. Is that it or once Ive got through that will there be options to choose from or what like last year eg Taker, Christain and Cena. etc.

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My first Mania card was pretty good actually.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison for the US Title

Demolition vs. The Road Warriors for the Tag Team Titles

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio

Wade Barrett vs. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title

John Cena vs. The Miz (Royal Rumble Winner) for the WWE Heavyweight Title

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It's the night after Elimination Chamber; but it's a confusing mess. There will be a special match, you have the option of watching the match as the Royal Rumble winner. Only, both guys in the match will keep trying to attack you for no good reason, and whoever loses seems to be the guy you end up facing.

Only sometimes, the two guys in the special match aren't even the Champions to begin with, and I have no sodding clue what happens then. It seems to be quite badly coded.

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Quick way to get through that is to choose to watch the match at ringside, attack the champion you want to face and the match ends immediately. The champion you've attacked is chosen. Atleast that's how i got through it. I had Cena (WWE Champion) vs Henry (World Heavyweight Champion) Cena threw Henry to ringside and i pretty much just stomped on him and the cutscene started.

Edited by The Sandman
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Following Extreme Rules, Bobby Roode is the new US Champ after beating Ryder & Kingston in a three way falls count anywhere match. I hit my signature spinebuster on Kingston, turned around and put Ryder in the Crossface.

Meanwhile, (after editing out the 2 singles title matches), Mark Henry battled Undertaker in a submission match for the WWE & World Titles. Before the match, as Taker was waiting, Henry slid in from behind. Instant signature move, went for the WSM, countered, Taker went for the Tombstone, countered, hit the WSM. A couple minutes on and Taker was tapping out to the Bearhug. Afterward Henry celebrated with his new title(s), he was about to crush 'Takers leg, when returning from injury came Triple H, as Henry put him on the shelf after their WM match.

I've swapped out Over The Limit for King of the Ring, and I'm probably gonna have Daniel Bryan win it. I want to make Bryan my MITB winner though, but also Bobby Roode (to get a trophy :shifty:), but Roode's only just won the US Title. :/ If Bryan win's KOTR, it's not going to be recognised in game like winning MITB is.

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Sucks that you can't edit participants in the draft matches. I like the idea but don't really feel like playing Eve Vs. Kelly Kelly just to see Husky Harris then drafted. The stuff I like best is the little things, I had CM Punk (Champion) vs. Daniel Bryan on one show when I was trying to make my own draft match and afterwards Cena came out and made the title sign. Also, Orton attacked Bryan before the match. Because he's a heel and a jerk like that.

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Knew they'd fuck her up from the start shamre really, thought they'd have put more effort into what will be the "highest downloaded diva in game history"( they don't care it's the first divas to be available to download >_>)Gotta say though they got her stomach spot on. Everything else, not so much.

Edited by zrc
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Guest flierthananostrich

Just had a great back and forth match as McGillibuddy against Willie Regal, just just so many near falls and in the end Michael comes out on top with the Not So Perfect-Plex. Enjoying pushing him and Otunga currently might push Koslov next on RAW just for something different. Love the fact that you can have a Money in the Bank at any time as well although Kofi seems to win every time.

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