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Comic Book Hero: The Greatest Cape General

Herr Matzat

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has anyone of you gotten to a point were the game feels like storytelling? My very short atempts (with skyrim and uni around...) at the game felt a lot like fighting and skilling only.

Did you talk to people, etc? Team HQ? It's pretty cool then.

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I started off playing as Big Chill which was some fun before I kept losing and dropped down to the fourth volume. The final issue I played was after I went patrolling and there was a couple superheroes about to kill Lady America, so I interfered and used the SOS to bring others in. Captain Awesome and Mach III showed up, but we lost to the Duo as Mach III was down about two hits in, and I didn't fare well. In order to save Lady America, Captain Awesome sacrificed himself, getting hit with the blast or whatever they were using to kill her. Then I played as Captain Awesome and around the 16th issue on Volume 1, his clone killed Bolt Lightning, his protege. I can see some sort of story playing out here. Very fun game, even with he limitations, as I played for a couple hours. I will defiantly pick this one up. I don't know where it'll fit alongside getting Skyrim though.

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has anyone of you gotten to a point were the game feels like storytelling? My very short atempts (with skyrim and uni around...) at the game felt a lot like fighting and skilling only.

Did you talk to people, etc? Team HQ? It's pretty cool then.

Nah, i only played a very short game with a new character that had no relations to begin with.

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Liking this game so far, though all I've really been doing is testing a zombie apocalypse mod I'm working on.

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has anyone of you gotten to a point were the game feels like storytelling? My very short atempts (with skyrim and uni around...) at the game felt a lot like fighting and skilling only.

Did you talk to people, etc? Team HQ? It's pretty cool then.

I keep getting snubbed in my social interaction and/or not finding the person I'm after. Becoming friends with Captain Hurtguys or whatever is hard. :(

The game is a little repetitive so far, but I haven't really taken it out for a spin too much. Ran some patrols, got my ass handed to me a few times, managed to stop PsychoSis from robbing a bank and get my face beaten in by English Rose and the mineworker guy (Major Miner I think?). There's a lot of stuff there that looks cool, but I don't think I've committed enough time to being able to access it, or I'm just doing it wrong. Are you guys also getting this many unproductive patrols and unsuccessful social interactions? Do I just really suck at this game?

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The game is a little repetitive so far, but I haven't really taken it out for a spin too much. Ran some patrols, got my ass handed to me a few times, managed to stop PsychoSis from robbing a bank and get my face beaten in by English Rose and the mineworker guy (Major Miner I think?). There's a lot of stuff there that looks cool, but I don't think I've committed enough time to being able to access it, or I'm just doing it wrong. Are you guys also getting this many unproductive patrols and unsuccessful social interactions? Do I just really suck at this game?

Social interactions don't involve any skill as such, the outcome is dependent on your personality vs. the other person's - so a lot of unsuccessful interactions just means you have a personality that doesn't mesh well with that particular group of people.

Unproductive patrols will happen if there's a low crime rate in the area you're in (especially the first handful of days as there hasn't been time for any villains to put together schemes), so it's best to go heavy on patrols when you know there's a lot going on - or to move somewhere like Ravenholme where there's a lot of crime going on. Also, by being proactive in searching for Word On The Street you can get a better idea of when things are going to happen and be prepared for them.

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From a few minutes playing about with the demo, the apparent inability to close windows and go through fights using the keyboard rather than the mouse is almost enough to complete destroy my interest in getting it. It was part of the problem with Wrestling Spirit - I liked the game, but the matches always took much longer than they should have with having to coax my notepad's poxy mouse-substitute-tracker-pad-thing into working every time I wanted to do a move or did a move.

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From a few minutes playing about with the demo, the apparent inability to close windows and go through fights using the keyboard rather than the mouse is almost enough to complete destroy my interest in getting it. It was part of the problem with Wrestling Spirit - I liked the game, but the matches always took much longer than they should have with having to coax my notepad's poxy mouse-substitute-tracker-pad-thing into working every time I wanted to do a move or did a move.

You use space bar to close windows. The attacking options are all hot-keyed too. You just have to hover over the button to see a pop-up telling you what the hotkey is if you're not sure.

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From a few minutes playing about with the demo, the apparent inability to close windows and go through fights using the keyboard rather than the mouse is almost enough to complete destroy my interest in getting it. It was part of the problem with Wrestling Spirit - I liked the game, but the matches always took much longer than they should have with having to coax my notepad's poxy mouse-substitute-tracker-pad-thing into working every time I wanted to do a move or did a move.

You use space bar to close windows. The attacking options are all hot-keyed too. You just have to hover over the button to see a pop-up telling you what the hotkey is if you're not sure.

Oh, thank bollocking Christ for that. You're a good man Pieland.

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I HAD A BRUTAL CRASH IN YOUR GAME. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Patch seems to have sorted out the issue I had, though.

I'm starting to get this! Just put my hero, Honky Tonk Dan, to Level 2 after a climactic battle with the minotaur guy. Ghost Hornet and I are tight like a bee hive y'all.

Thing That Helped Me: don't try to set up a brooding antihero who shuns everyone the first time. Honky Tonk Dan (my third attempt) was super-friendly and approachable, which helped him get on with the locals, which led to lean. Upping the stat that increases the likelihood of encountering people (Cunning, I think?) also helps speed up finding things to do, decreasing the amount of pointless clicks.

So make friends, find a buddy or two for patrol (and to deflect enemy attacks when you do have a fight), and the stories will start happening. Already I've got a strange relationship with Burning Ember (a wildcard character) wherein I'm trying to ally with him while he keeps beating me up. Over and over and over.

Also, go with boosting one or two attacks early on instead of having as many powers as you can. That was an early mistake I made.

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Hmmm, i bought it today and played a cupple of houres... still did not get nothing going that is more than fighting without any story. But maybe thats due to my character being to silly to solve any riddle at all... hopeing that these are more than "word on the street info".

The game plays tons better with hotkeys, but i would wish that some events get a different key. For example i never noticed how and wen i lost the secret identety. It just got lost spamming space in a fight i was shurly about to loose.

I think you should be able to form relations from fighting with another hero you meet while patroling. It´s a bit strange that i need to chase them down to get to know them... that just feels like a very unnatural flow of relationships forming.

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