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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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The CFL is too dominant.

Nobody cares about the CFL in Toronto. We could support an NFL team easy in Toronto if the stadium didn't suck. But it does, and new stadiums are expensive.

I'm not sure why California needs 3 teams to begin with let alone a 4th?

Because lots of people live in California? And it's not like you can drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco to watch a game. Why does this make Toronto a better idea than LA? The drive from LA to San Diego (the closest NFL city) is just as long as the drive from Toronto to Buffalo.

Edit: Changed nobody cares about the CFL in Canada to Toronto. People care about the CFL in the prairies of Canada where about 12 people live, and then again in Quebec, but in Toronto, where everybody is suggesting the NFL puts a team, nobody is really that interested in the CFL.

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How many angry private messages about how beloved the CFL is did MPH send you, -A-?

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Isn't the big push for another team in Cali to do with TV markets? Like LA's a massive market and doesn't have a team? Or was that years ago?

That's always the reason the NFL wants a team in LA. It's the # 2 media market behind NYC, but their fans are much more fickle than most which is why they keep losing football teams.

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Guest mr. potato head

How many angry private messages about how beloved the CFL is did MPH send you, -A-?

None! People in southern Ontario can't stand it and I've lived most of my life in southern Ontario!

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A team in London would just be ridiculous. The closest team is New England, five time zones over.

Moving St. Louis would probably make less sense than moving Jacksonville. If LA gets a team, please pick off the Jaguars.

Actually, with trouble the Vikings are having putting everything together for a new stadium, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being them before the Jaguars.

But Minnesota has been there for decades, and actually has a decent sized fanbase. Why take that away from them?

If the Jaguars move, how many people will actually miss them compared to the Rams or Vikings?

The Colts, Rams, Browns, Raiders, Cardinals, and Oilers all moved from cities where they had both success and loyal fanbases. When you can't find a new stadium it doesn't matter how dedicated your supporters are.

We could see a three-city swap where someone goes to LA and then in a few hours someone takes the vacant Minneapolis/St. Paul or St. Louis spot.

Anyway, it's time. Go Ravens!

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