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NBA Thread 2011-12


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With the move to Brooklyn happening I think the Nets brass is going to do everything they can to try and keep him so they have a marketable star to open the new home with. It's going to look real bad if the franchise whose city you're moving into with the expectation to take a foothold in that market has Melo, Amare, and Lin and you've got Brook Lopez, Anthony Morrow, and Marshon Brooks.

But how much of a WTF moment would it be if Deron Williams exercised his option for next year? In today's NBA anything is possible.

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But how much of a WTF moment would it be if Deron Williams exercised his option for next year? In today's NBA anything is possible.

Deron Williams staying with the Nets and the Bobcats winning the NBA title this year have roughly the same statistical likelihood of happening :shifty:

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But how much of a WTF moment would it be if Deron Williams exercised his option for next year? In today's NBA anything is possible.

Deron Williams staying with the Nets and the Bobcats winning the NBA title this year have roughly the same statistical likelihood of happening :shifty:

Unless Dwight forces his way to New Jersey. I'm not counting out the Lakers making a deal where they get both Deron and Dwight.

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Highlight of the season was Lin giving Amare and Melo an ear full after they failed to get a board towards the end of the bucks game.

Most unfortunate news of the year is that Rubio may have torn his acl last night. Don't know how you can dislike the guy so fun to watch him play. Poor wolves are cursed.

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What a load of fucking bullshit. I just hope he does it properly and doesn't do something stupid like try and make it back for the Olympics. But it has really pissed me off. I have never adopted a team like I had the 'Wolves. Generally I just like players, but this year I was liking the whole team. But you take away Rubio you rob the team (and the entire league) of the spark. Now they will be listless. I have never seen a player play the way he does, he lives on his toes and is always bouncing to make sure he's in position. It's like watching a super eager child play the game. It's also how he manages to snatch so many boards and steals. He just does all he can.

That's what worries me really. I know that an ACL shouldn't have a massive impact as whilst he does penetrate it isn't really explosive, it's more off his handle and court sense. The impact I see it having is if he remains on his toes when he comes back. I can't say I have watched Cleveland, but to me Rubio deserved consideration as MVP, not just ROTY. I know people will laugh at that, but for every mistake he made he did ten small things you just don't see in the NBA that influenced his entire team. If he ever manages to develop a consistent shot from 15+ foot he will be impossible to cover. At the moment on defence teams are slumping off to help shut closing lanes to try and tempt him. He can penetrate and/or pass at will but the only way he will be held in the same light as Chris Paul and the ilk is if he learns to his shots and wants the shot.

I'll be interested to see how guys like Pek and Williams go without him. I don't know, you just can't overstate what he has managed to do to a team with only one bona fide star (who up until this season was seen by most as having heavily padded stats given how shit his team is). I know he's been a pro since he was 14 and all that shit. But having watched documentaries I can't see how the pressure would be any less intense than it is for American kids who are pegged as stars at a young age. I'm also not sure on how strong the Spanish League is.

But to me, if I was building a team from scratch, I'd likely take him over any other point guard in the league. If being able to say that off of half a year's output doesn't make you a star already, then I don't know what will.

Plus I'd really like to fuck him senseless.

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Jesus like I like Rubio a lottttt but if you'd really give Rubio the MVP that is nuts.

1) Lebron is having literally one of the few most statistically incredible season I've ever seen personally.

2)Love would get the nod over Ricky on his own team. He is having an incredible year. Like if he keeps these numbers up he'll basically be at or a little above Tim Duncan's best season ever.

3)I understand that he's awesome to watch and makes the team measurably better but the fact is he is shooting at a poor percentage, averaging 10-8 and is something like the 33rd ranked pg in PER.

Like I get that he's awesome and really really exciting to watch and his energy seeps into the team but he's not even the best rookie point guard.

Edited by rocksta
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I believe he would have gotten consideration. To me, an MVP isn't necessarily the best statistical player in the league. It's who makes the biggest difference, and last year Kevin Love had the Wolves among the leagues worst. With Rubio they are fighting for a playoff appearance for the first time since trading Kevin Garnett.

I will never agree with having LeBron as the MVP as long as he has two other All Stars running with him. When he played for Cleveland, obviously he was the MVP. With the Heat, however, they would still be among the league's elite if they started Battier for James and facilitated the offense between Wade and Bosh.

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Ricky Rubio getting any kind of serious MVP consideration would have been almost as bad as Nash winning back to back trophies. You can't shoot less than 36% from the field and be in the discussion when LeBron is putting up otherworldly numbers and guys like Durant, Rose and CP3 are leading their teams to great records AND still putting up MVP numbers.

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IMO, it should be Chris Paul if the season ended today. He's taken a lottery team to the top of the standings and stayed (somewhat) healthy.

Steve Nash winning two MVP awards was kinda de-facto. It was before LeBron was really established and if I remember correctly, it was during Kobe's temper tantrum years. There wasn't really anyone else those two years that deserved it more than Nash. He led the Suns to the upper echelon of the league while posting rediculous assist numbers and always hitting clutch shots.

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