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The Avengers


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I think at this point, coming in here without having seen it is kinda asking for trouble if you don't want it spoilt.

We American folk have to wait till next Friday to see it, thank you very much.

Or do we…

Legally we have to. Besides I'd prefer to watch a movie of his magnitude on the big screen.

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I think at this point, coming in here without having seen it is kinda asking for trouble if you don't want it spoilt.

We American folk have to wait till next Friday to see it, thank you very much.

Or do we…

Go scrape ten bucks together. It's not hard.

I'm going to see it Midnight on Thursday, that's not the problem.

But we don't have to wait until then to watch it.

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Awesome Movie

I can only back up what most of the posters are saying:

Oh Joss, you did it you son of a bitch. You really did it.

Also bye bye Dark Night as my favorite movie,you are second now.

Kind of dissapointed how just me and about 5 others guys got excited during the credits scene,but we are not a comic reading country.

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

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Kind of dissapointed how just me and about 5 others guys got excited during the credits scene,but we are not a comic reading country.

Kind of like how I imagine the majority sat there at the end of Thor were like "...So it's a cube. :/ :/ :/"

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Kind of dissapointed how just me and about 5 others guys got excited during the credits scene,but we are not a comic reading country.

Kind of like how I imagine the majority sat there at the end of Thor were like "...So it's a cube. :/ :/ :/"

Exactly,also everyone complaining about the villains in both Iron Man movies.

A little more on the movie:

-Maria Hill

-The Secuence at the End.

-Iron Man/Tony Stark.

-Coulson rules (Y)

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I wasn't expecting much to be honest asI only went to see Hawkeye and Thor. But found myself entertained by all of them, Hulk especially. Definatly my favourite movie in years, note to future Superhero movies, this is how it's meant to be done!

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It's good. The interplay between Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Cap is every bit as good as I'd hoped for, the final fight sequence is spectacular and the script is hilarious. Oh, and I normally couldn't give a drizzling shits about Hulk, but he is fantastic in this.

On the slip side, most of the build isn't too well paced, the story is by-the-by and you never feel like Earth is in any danger at all. A three block section of Manhattan Island, yes, Earth, no.

In summary: Well worth the wait, not a knockout.

Agree 100%.

I actually mentioned this to a friend, who seems very intune with me on comic book related geekery.

He didn't go into details (because he didn't want to spoiler things for me)but he disagrees with the notion that the Earth never felt like it was in danger.

However he said he did have 2 other minor quibbles with the film though and I'd be intereted to find out what those are(of course he wont tell me until I see it first :P ).

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For anyone on this side who's doing a marathon before Thursday Night/Friday, try watching them in this order:

Captain America, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Hulk, Thor.

Someone who's opinion I respect said it flows perfectly.

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You know, it probably does... Even the post-credits bits don't screw it up (although you don't get told who Nick Fury is when he appears at the end of Cap).

Hulk really seems separate from all the others of course, and the only real continuity bit that matters comes from the Stark appearance at the end.

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This movie is amazing. I can't believe I was able to stay out of this thread for a week to save myself on the awesome bits. And there were a lot of awesome bits.

I'm upset with myself that I couldn't remember the guy in the post credit's sequence but I still geeked out, I just couldn't explain it to my friends.

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You know something, this was not too horrible in 3D.

I had to see it like that because the regular screening was sold out. Fantastic movie. Just great fun to watch, funny, well written and it doesn't blow it's load too early.

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