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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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Cast bios are out! Haven't delved into them yet but now I get why South Pacific wasn't so mactor-y, they saved them all for this one. We are getting another Survivor first, though, as Leif is the first little person cast on the show.

Will edit in opinions as I read through the bios, but first thought is Troyzan seems like a douche and is this season's Coach.

EDIT II: Alicia thinks Jenna Morasca is from "the first season." Oh boy. Christina Cha's Survivors she thinks she's the most like are Kristina and Francesca from RI so she's a plant. Colton seems like he's somewhere between Todd Herzog and Coby Archa, first person I've been impressed by.

EDIT III: Oh, Jay. Survivor he's most like? "Colby or Rupert. They tried to play the game fair and honest, but they didn’t have the physical ability to perform." :lmao:

EDIT IV: Jeff Probst gives some gameplay details. Of note: Hidden Immunity Idols are basically being used like the clues to the HIIs were in China (you have to give it to a member of the other tribe) and there will be challenges that the castaways have to run themselves (a la that one for chickens in Samoa) because Jeff Probst doesn't want to work so much anymore I guess.

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Go eat a big red candle CBS, of course I can't watch the damn bios on their website. Loads of mactors I see. Leif looks like a midget in his picture. Greg Smith seems to be the token crazy guy of the season.

Edit: It's so obvious most of these people have only watched 1 or 2 seasons or none at all. Hell, Bill's bio doesn't even have the question about which previous Survivor he likes, and one of the girls is like; there hasn't been a strong country girl like me. Basically saying she has no clue. Natalie maybe?

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Yeah, I remember the days when Survivor had real people on it.

You mean like last season? They clearly deliberately split the types of players up for the most part for the 23/24 cycle.

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Yeah, I remember the days when Survivor had real people on it.

You mean like last season? They clearly deliberately split the types of players up for the most part for the 23/24 cycle.

Yes, all the way back in 2011. Although I may have been confusing myself with Big Brother. :shifty:

Edited by Do You Smell It?
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Yeah. Being fair, Survivor has skewed towards mactors waaaay more lately than they did in the early seasons. South Pacific was a notable exception for a couple reasons (trying to right the ship after some awful casting choices, trying not to overload the season with challenge players so Coach and Ozzy could stand out), really.

I think they also deliberately made it mactor-y for One World because it's all "look at all these hot sexy singles doing a battle of the sexes... but they HAVE TO SHARE ONE BEACH!" Which makes me worry for Greg a little.

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I alerted one Survivor uploader about the bios being online and asked him to put them on so non-US peeps can watch. He's uploading them now:

http://www.youtube.com/user/wednesdayjoy#p/u/4/c0exbCcBc78 :)

Colton seems like a guy who could do well, just because he's very gay and thus might be able to connect with the girls easier.

Jeff doesn't hide the fact they are all good looking either. I guess that was the deliberate casting choice due to the one world theme.

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Go eat a big red candle CBS, of course I can't watch the damn bios on their website. Loads of mactors I see. Leif looks like a midget in his picture. Greg Smith seems to be the token crazy guy of the season.

Edit: It's so obvious most of these people have only watched 1 or 2 seasons or none at all. Hell, Bill's bio doesn't even have the question about which previous Survivor he likes, and one of the girls is like; there hasn't been a strong country girl like me. Basically saying she has no clue. Natalie maybe?

He is a midget, the first one ever. Interesting. So are they going to adapt challenges to him? I can see it be a burden on him at the start, he'll have to convince people he's valuable.

Like I thought, Bill has hardly watched Survivor, he started with HvV and has been "loyal ever since", whoopee, hardcore fan RITE DERE!

Jonas is the token Asian person that gets kicked off early. He seems very sloooow.

Sabrina sassy outspoken black woman, hey hey hey girl!

Colton is definitely going to the villain. An evil gay villain, interesting...

Aww, Kourtney is cute, shame about the tattoo's.

Bring on One World! :)

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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I must admit this is shaping up to be either a really funny awesome or an outstandingly awful but still funny one.

Matt? My first impressions were he would go very quickly. The guy just seems way too eager to wear the daddy pants. I was ready to kick back and watch him be easily dismissed as the most insufferable guy on the island.

And then bam! I'm met with a double dose of Troyzan and Greg... First, yeah I love the IDEA of Greg, but in practice? I see him crashing and burning quickly. I respect Troyzan's desire to play the game but I see him flaming out like Jimmy T, if he shocks me and manages to pull off the white cao boi strategy? He'll be one of my favorites ever.

Colton I like very much, he's funny, seems to respect the game, and has to be aware of the challenge he's facing so it atleast to me indicates some sort of plan.. But I'm kind of worried he's TOO gay to be surrounded by so a majority of mactors and a couple of trying too hard to be kooky survivalists. If he makes it through the first few episodes he's my pick to win.

I was ready to woohoo about Jonas' surfing experience and cheer on the stealth physical threat, and then half the women reveal they're also strong swimmers and fishers. It bodes well for good water challenges, but Jonas' chances of making a lasting positive impression may not be too good.

Leif has a hard road ahead of him, and I'm almost certain atleast one douche bag will suggest during the opening episode that they get rid of him immediately because of the sympathy factor... Which I'll never understand because if your plan works and everyone agrees to vote out the sympathy card.... They weren't sympathetic at all.

Jay to me smacks of Jesus Matt. Maybe it's the condescending attitude about his mission trips, maybe it's just the general air of nothing going on pretty surrounding him, or maybe it's his admittance that he is incapable of strategy and has a Joel like plan to kill all the smart people, but something about him makes me want to see him drown.

Kourtney I want to see do well because of the tats and her kid. The bringing back civility and shineyness bullshit? I can live without that. Throwing around the words good and character makes me think she's playing for a comeback season.

If Monica wins I will be absolutely puzzeled as to how.

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My luck. Sitting in the airport last Wednesday, about to head to Cuba for a week and just as I'm about to board, head on Entertainment Weekly and see the cast reveal. Didn't get a chance to read any of the bios. D'oh! Had to wait a week to read the bios. I'm excited about the new season. A lot of interesting players mixed in with the mactors. I've gotta cheer for Colton, as he's on team gay, but everybody else seems interesting.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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  • 2 weeks later...

Corinne Kaplan does a First Impressions burial of the One World cast on Rob C's podcast. She did the same for the South Pacific cast, and it's just as fabulous the second time around.

My favorite is her excitement at Leif's name being pronounced "leaf" because "that's such a whimsical name for a gnome!"

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Good first episode, with the only real bad part being out of the producers control. Kourtney going home was probably the natural outcome of a woman's loss - she seemed to be setting herself apart from day #1 - however, the way it all went down just didn't feel quite Survivor like. Survivor is a show that does have extreme challenges and the producers probably could have turned a serious injury like a broken wrist into gold, but not on the first episode.

Initial thoughts:

I get the impression Colton isn't play to win, but playing to be memorable. Survivor can be a career if you make the right moves - hello Cochran! - and that's the impression I get from him. Colton actually would have probably fared very well if it wasn't a men vs. women season - he knows the way to get in the good books of the women and that's an incredibly good asset in a game of numbers and where women make up 50% of the people playing. I understand the awkwardness of having to work with straight guys and while Matt made it clear they weren't doing anything to make him feel awkward, I really don't buy that. His misogynistic comments and the "I knew he was gay when I saw him" speaks volumes probably to how they might be treating him. Colton having an Idol can only be a good thing for him in the long term and I think he might stick around until before the merge.

The Frat Boy alliance is annoying and seeming to set themselves up to get eliminated. There cockiness was hysterical - four votes controlling the game? They do realize there are 5 other people who are quickly going to pick up on their frat boy alliance? I don't think it will end well for them.

The men in general, outside of Colton, seem to be very dumb in their dealing with the women. Stealing from their supplies? Horrible move. Getting pissy about them keeping the 2 chickens when hours before they stole their supplies? Horrible move. Not giving them fire automatically? Horrible move. Not playing the rest of the immunity challenge? Horrible move. These are people who you are going to be having to align and work with in the near future and you instantly appear uncooperative. On top of that, the condescending attitude is disgusting and asking them to strip two seconds after talking about how they were mature men? Horrible.

On the woman, I like them a lot more. Sabrina seems to buck the trend of Survivor casting borderline stereotypes in black people and I think she has a good chance of sticking around for a while. I like Kat - she seems like a cool girl who will fare very well. Alicia was loud and obnoxious and reminded me of a cast off from Jersey Whore. Chelsea snagging two chickens was great. Christina negotiating with the other side - while questioned by Alicia - was actually a very bold and smart move and benefited them in the long run.

However, my pick to win the game right now is Kim. She was smart, funny, knew what was going on, inserted herself into the dominant alliance, and is attractive. She seems to know exactly what is going on and she's my pick just based on first impressions.

I'm excited for the season. My prediction - frat boy alliance doesn't fare very well, the women dominate the middle of the game, and that a woman is going to win this season - my hope at this point Kim.

EDIT: Also, dumbest player of the night? Michael. Stealing the stuff was a bad move, but having the audacity to ask "who do you think is calling the shots?" and than to mock the woman for picking Tarzan was so hysterically bad. In essence, he exposed his alliance, mocked the women as idiots and exposed Tarzan's position in his tribe. Horrible move.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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I'm still impressed by the twist. I'm not as impressed by the cast. The edits in the first episode were like... I came out of it liking Jonas and Christina and being indifferent to or annoyed by everyone else. Kourtney getting hurt is unfortunate but not a huge loss because she had "pre-merge" written all over her.

EDIT: And as per her exit interview with Rob C., it turns out the doctors found a tumor in her abdomen earlier this week. Jesus Christ.

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Entertaining first episode, the twist is really paying off as we've already seen someone infiltrate the other camp and use it to his advantage (Colton), and lots of negotiating and tension. Instead of constantly hanging around the girls though, it might be smart to try and form some sort of alliance with the older guys and the midget 'cause obvious Frat Boy Alliance is obvious. It's going to be interesting to see when and how Colton plays the idol. Actually, they should now try to find the women's idol too.

I like Sabrina, she might break the token black girl spell. There are some hotties on that tribe, damn. Alicia is like a cross between Monica and Laura from Samoa, I can see her shooting herself in the foot just by running her mouth. Chelsea is lovely.

I'm still impressed by the twist. I'm not as impressed by the cast. The edits in the first episode were like... I came out of it liking Jonas and Christina and being indifferent to or annoyed by everyone else. Kourtney getting hurt is unfortunate but not a huge loss because she had "pre-merge" written all over her.

EDIT: And as per her exit interview with Rob C., it turns out the doctors found a tumor in her abdomen earlier this week. Jesus Christ.

Oh god, that is terrible. She's beautiful :( Was a shame seeing her go so early but she wasn't part of the core alliance from the start and would probably have left the first vote anyway.

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Nah. Christina would have been first if they stayed in and lost the challenge because she's the biggest threat to Alicia. Kourtney seems really nice and sweet but she has no teeth and probably would have just gone quietly the next time around (unless Monica or Nina did something to draw the Heathers alliance's ire).

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Is it justme or is Alicia very Naonka-esque? I mean the irrational anger, the talking over at tribal council, the aggression for the sake of aggression. Works with kids wants to show them they do anything, is a clear bad example.

I don't know why but I imagine someone in casting saying NaOnka was great tv, we need another one of her that wont quit and force us to cast boring people due to backlash from those things that give us money.

Maybe Survivor just attracts certain personalities, but Alicia just smells of stunt casting to me.

I support the Jonas love, and despite my initial dislike of Leif, something about him defending the fire? It made me happy. I think I'm going to like him.

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