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How is there not more excitement for this! I love the Aliens franchise, even at it's worst (hello, Resurrection) it's wonderful. Ridley Scott returning? A freakin' amazing cast? Michael Fassbender! Aliens but not Aliens! Space Jockeys! Awesome trailer! It looks wonderful.

First trailer...

And also, a piece of Viral Marketing with Mr. Weyland himself, of the not just yet Weyland-Yutani Corperation.


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How is there not more excitement for this! I love the Aliens franchise, even at it's worst (hello, Resurrection) it's wonderful. Ridley Scott returning? A freakin' amazing cast? Michael Fassbender! Aliens but not Aliens! Space Jockeys! Awesome trailer! It looks wonderful.

First trailer...

And also, a piece of Viral Marketing with Mr. Weyland himself, of the not just yet Weyland-Yutani Corperation.


I think it's a quiet excitement. I mean I can only speak for myself, but if I talk about how excited I am for this movie my head might explode and I really wanna live long enough to see it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My body is so ready for this film. Finally Ridley Scott returns to the Alien franchise, at least in some form. And I am so fucking excited.

Yep, I can't think of many films I've looked forward to this much for a long time. Just a pity Alien 4 and AVP exist really, that trailer by itself does a good job of erasing them from my mind.

I like the fact that Scott tried to distance it from being a direct prequel while it was in early production, but clearly there's so many links that that's clearly what it is. Ace.

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I am going to catch flak for this, but I am actually quite sad that an Alien film with Ridley Scott NOT at the helm was ever created. Not that Aliens is a bad film at all, it is a great action movie but I am a bit grated how much it throws away from the original film and that Aliens is base for the future franchise of games, and later movies. It is probably because Alien is one of my favorite sci-fi movies after 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Okay, TKz, you can punch me now. :shifty:

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I am going to catch flak for this, but I am actually quite sad that an Alien film with Ridley Scott NOT at the helm was ever created. Not that Aliens is a bad film at all, it is a great action movie but I am a bit grated how much it throws away from the original film and that Aliens is base for the future franchise of games, and later movies. It is probably because Alien is one of my favorite sci-fi movies after 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Okay, TKz, you can punch me now. :shifty:

Eh, it's fair. I'd never want to lose Aliens because it's by far my favorite film (just, ever) but there's really no denying that the move to being more of an action film resulted in the franchises eventual downfall. We probably wouldn't have gotten Alien Resurrection, which would have been lovely. But then, honestly, it's not like the horror genre is really better at all for keeping sequels at the same quality. I'd rather have Aliens, Alien3 (which was okay. I guess) and Resurrection as a package than several more Alien sequels that start reaching Friday The 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street levels of shitty. (as in the sequels, not the first films)

Basically, what I'm saying is, we should probably just nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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I am going to catch flak for this, but I am actually quite sad that an Alien film with Ridley Scott NOT at the helm was ever created. Not that Aliens is a bad film at all, it is a great action movie but I am a bit grated how much it throws away from the original film and that Aliens is base for the future franchise of games, and later movies. It is probably because Alien is one of my favorite sci-fi movies after 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Okay, TKz, you can punch me now. :shifty:

Eh, it's fair. I'd never want to lose Aliens because it's by far my favorite film (just, ever) but there's really no denying that the move to being more of an action film resulted in the franchises eventual downfall. We probably wouldn't have gotten Alien Resurrection, which would have been lovely. But then, honestly, it's not like the horror genre is really better at all for keeping sequels at the same quality. I'd rather have Aliens, Alien3 (which was okay. I guess) and Resurrection as a package than several more Alien sequels that start reaching Friday The 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street levels of shitty. (as in the sequels, not the first films)

Basically, what I'm saying is, we should probably just nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

James Cameron's Aliens was a sci-fi action movie abandoning the sci-fi horror genre that Ridley Scott established in the first film. The first film is no doubt a classic but I also love the second film. The Space Marines really are the selling point of that film. Alien 3 tried to bring the series back to it's roots. The less said about Alien Resurrection the better. I don't know how I feel about Prometheus. I don't know if I really want to know the origins of the Space Jockey. I kind of like the mystery surrounding them in the first film and would like to leave it at that.

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I have no idea how to rate the other movies (except the fourth one, which is utter shit). I enjoyed that Aliens 3 tried going back to the roots but when it wasn't Ridley Scott leading, it was doomed to fall flat on its face. The reason why I probably enjoyed it more than Aliens is probably not so much because of the movie itself but because I can't stand James Cameron. But enough about that; more talk about Prometheus and how Ridley Scott will make another great movie!

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Alien is epic, my favourite horror movie ever and also my favourite sci-fi.

I like Aliens but it's not as good as Alien for me. However I can see why people might prefer it.

Alien 3 is good, a return to similar vibes as the first. Fincher directed it and reading into the production process is really interesting. He wanted it set on a vast space monastery rather than a prison and had loads of other amazing plans that were slowly changed by the studio. Still a good film but with freedom it would have been incredible.

Parts of Alien 4 are fine. Jeunet is a brilliant director and directs competently with this. Sigourney Weaver puts in a top drawer performance and some scenes are good. They raped the alien itself though.

HG Giger's thoughts are another interesting read/watch/listen. His original Alien and everything around it is pretty sexual. The Alien itself is brutal but so well designed. By four it had been turned into a dripping machine. By AvP.....Ugh.

So, bear in mind that Alien is by far my favourite of the franchise. I love the feel that I'm getting from the trailer. Ridley Scott has made sooo many films I love big time. I can't wait.

Seriously, I was just picking up so much stuff from watching trailers that the hairs on my neck were standing up - the ship, the gun with the creature, the design of the helmets, the goo, the style of everything, Theron looking like an android....Yes.

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  • 4 weeks later...





Though really, D would come first as this is based before Alien.

Also, who is "Call"? I don't remember any android in the franchise with that name. Nope. Not at all. No idea. Not in any of the three films.

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Come on, the 4th had some good parts about it. Weaver's acting was pretty good for a start.

I did like the supporting cast. Michael Wincott was great, though they killed him off pretty quickly. Winoa Ryder is just the worst though. The worst.

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I was going to ask what you were thinking but then I saw that it was a TKz post and remembered you have mushmellow brains and are generally wrong about everything.

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