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NHL 13


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I like t' NHL Moments Live feature. Skating will take some getting used to. Have yet to score a goal >_<

Edit: Sexy goal! Doing HUT...I am on t' PK, I dump t' puck down t' ice and apparently Havlat is behind t' defenders :o He goes hard, dekes t' goalie and scores!~

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Wish t' Avs used Bro Hymn as their goal song :(

Ruki, I took me about 5 games to score, and then I scored three in t' space of a minute or so. Much harder to get t' one timers, you really need to pay attention to t' speed of t' past. So worthwhile when it works though.

Skating's going to be interesting, I think I'll appreciate it more once I've gotten to grips with it. Love t' difference in speed between different guys though.

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I can't play t' demo because I have no cable near my xbox, but seeing and hearing that goalies have become better, I can safely assume that in NHL 13 I will never ever score.

I mean in NHL 12 I already have a hard time scoring goals as it is, so NHL 13 is going to be purgatory for me.

I play on auto aiming btw, because unlike other people I can't choose t' correct corner when there are defenders breathing down my neck and I am trying to get it to t' guy in t' crease...

Sigh, gonna have a hard time with NHL 13 I guess to start...

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I'd quote, but t' button doesn't work for me at t' moment for some strange reason.

Srar, use NHL 94 controls.

Faceoffs can fuck off, I don't know what they've done different, but something's putting me off. Also, its not rock/paper/scissors, it's still timing-based.

Ellis, t' score you start at seems to be randomly-generated. Just restart until you're 3-0 up or something.

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This game is confusing. A should pass and X should shoot! I dont care about any of this other stuff :angry:

You can change back to classic controls or NHL 94 controls if you want in the options

Last NHL game I played was NHL 10, and this just feels considerably...slower, although that's not so much an issue as it will getting used to. Also, I agree with the face-offs, os there no option for them?

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It's not always 4-0 Kings. It must be random because I've had several different scorelines; up, down & tied.

I haven't played HUT yet because I can't think of a team name! They're far too restrictive with the amount of letters allowed. I presume if you put a team name in now you have to stick with it in the full game?

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I am just leaving my name default because: a) It's the demo, it won't carry over to the main game b) When you back out the of the menu/turn the demo off your team name will be lost and c) It's the demo and it doesn't matter.

It seems that no matter what, I always get Goc the defender (at least, I think that is his name...)

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Finally beat the Devils thanks to an OT goal and now it's gone back to the menu, there is no menu! Can't carry on the tournament. Horrible, broken game. I cancel my pre-order.

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