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Survivor: Caramoan **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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More like Pawn.

I absolutely hate this. I love Dawn outside of this season. She's really nice and great with fans. But she just killed her own game and her own reputation tonight.

It's basically a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Dawn tbh. But ugh. Brenda brought this on herself, but ugh. Congratulations to Cochran. Flawless victory.

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Not getting rid of Cochrne tonight was a mistake. I hate that Dawn spends the etire episodes crying her eyes out, until the person she voted for is eliminated... She miraculously gets the same damn smirk. It was especially irritating tonight, cause Brenda reallyis a genuine person and the backdoor, while partof the game, was just mean, especially after sh gave up her own reward FOR them.

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I don't think that objectively, not getting rid of Cochran was a mistake for Dawn. She can't beat Cochran or Brenda. Cochran is probably more beatable, but not really by much at all. And really, she can still get rid of Cochran. She just needs Sherri and Erik, though at this point I think Erik might actually have a chance at winning in that particular F3.

I do think, though, that not voting for Eddie was a disastrously awful mistake. That is absolutely horrible jury management, because Brenda knows for sure that Dawn blindsided her and when you combine that with getting her teeth that one time and everything that happened in this episode, you just sent someone with a massive axe to grind against you to stew over it for days and probably talk about it with the other jury members. Dawn should have taken out Eddie (who is also likely unbeatable for Dawn in F3) this time and then taken out Brenda at F5, or Cochran if Brenda won immunity.

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Yeah, fuck Dawn. She's been a mess this season and not likeable at all. Brenda really shined the last few episodes, she was sweet, kind, strategically she was doing well and she was a beast in challenges despite being injured. Dawn won that challenge 'cause she's short, simple as.

I'm guessing Cochran, Dawn, Sherri final 3, Cochran wins. Erik is the one that gets taken out of the game. If it's not Erik, it's probably Dawn going mental which would then mean Cochran/Sherri/Eddie final 3.

By the way, SPOILER for what the (rumoured) theme will be for the next season and one major contestant:

Loved ones versus each other......yeah. So we'll have returning players on one side, and one of their family members on the other. Rob C and Nicole are heavily rumored which would be fantastic. Russell/Brandon's father wouldn't surprise me either actually

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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There is a Survivor: All Seasons thread on here where I posted a few speculated names.

Oooh Cochran. That was a great great move. You know who Cochran reminds me of this season? Sophie. This was shades of Brandon's boot from South Pacific. Just the way they took the natural qualities of an individual and used them against themselves. So freaking smart. Cochran had everything to lose and Dawn had everything to gain from that move.

Brenda... you played as flawless game of a game as you could and that's why you went home.

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Just to confirm why this move was suicide for Dawn; in her post-boot interviews Brenda has said she's never going to talk to Dawn again after Sunday. Ouch.

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Yeah. Dawn's just gone and soured the jury even more. You never try to send somebody home at 6, 5, 4 really angry. Horrible time to blind side because you are just sending really pissed off and angry people onto the jury.

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So is it fair to assume yet, that if Eddie and Cochran somehow or another end up going this sunday, that this is offically Erik's game to win? Dawn done a pretty good job of sealing her own fate last night, Sherri after Shamar's exit never, ever had a shot of winning this game and to even hint otherwise would be insane, even going up against Phillip and Dawn (let's say), she'd still lose.

Also, its not too often my heart legitimently goes out to someone who gets the boot of a reality show, and this might be love (or lust -.-) playing a part, but I felt completely horrible watching Brenda ball her eyes out last night.

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For me? The awful pat of watching this episode is KNOWING that if Brenda had immediately stepped down when Dawn pulled her "Wah... I haven't one an immunity challenge.." bullshit? Dawn would've still acted conflicted, fake cried, and voted her off with that smirky superior shit.

I can never respect someone that does the weepy thing for the camera, but stays strong and rallies through, so when they act like dicks we're meant to root for them.

And her reaction to the family visit was just brutal. Poor Brenda, that was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

You give the reward away, Dawn hates you, you don't get food and family time, all your enemies do, and everyone gets to use it as a justification for you being too likeable and strong. Which I've never understood. "Yes, Jeff we're going to vote her out because she gave us a reward and if we don't now, she'll be untouchable."

Bullshit. It goes back to the One-Legged Kelly, who the fuck is going to give her a sympathy vote? The island full of people that fear her and have been trying to vote her out since day one?

But if you don't give away the reward, four people hate you, and Dawn gets food and family, but immediately runs over to the 4 and acts motherly the second you get back.

You should NEVER win a family reward, someone will always hate you for it.

Brenda lost when she let go of that rope, but she played a shining example of a "good person" game, which I didn't think she had in her so, bravo.

At this point I'm hoping for an Eddie, Erik, and Sherri final three, just because it would come out nowhere.

Edited by Pleatherface
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Family reward is probably the best dynamic of the entire game, it gives us insight to whom these people really are, usually reminds us that although they're playing a game and are often edited in a certain way, each and everyone of them are still humans, still have hearts, and most importently, are all equally vulnerable, and depending on hows really playing the game, and whos just lost in the emotion, can be a nice little insight on tribe dynamics.

Although I do somewhat agree, the added twist was a bit overkill this season, and not only Brenda, but just about anyone was damned either way with the decision they'd have to make.

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Yeah, you never want to win a family reward - it's like they've never seen any Survivor seasons in the past. :shifty: Dawn really made a bad move though, it's like she wanted to make a big move to show the jury that she's capable of it, but she did it on the worst possible player to pull it on. Brenda was hands down a neck and neck favorite with Cochran but had way more likability, and by taking her out it made Dawn look way worse than I think she even thought.

As far as the next season

I thought that they tape a season in advance? Wouldn't spoilers for the next season already be out by now? I'm not sure how much I like the Survivor: Love Ones edition, I miss the original Survivor... ya'know before they had to keep bringing everyone back all the time. If the One World season wasn't so horrible they probably would've tried another season without players from the past but that season just sucked so badly I think that they're just going to keep going back to the well with former Survivors from now on.

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No, they haven't started taping next season. They usually tape two seasons somewhat in a row during the summer, which is why it's already such a long time ago for the contestants in this season on TV. By the way, that spoiler is now rumoured to be for S28, and S27 will most likely be an all new cast. Because they are casting both seasons at the same time it's difficult for "insiders" to distinguish which person is in what season. Hell, they could even tape S28 before S27. Probst promised on Twitter while back that there would be an all new cast season in 2013/2014.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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It'd fit. They like to do it that way so if there are any players they love in the odd-numbered season they can immediately bring them back for another game if they're physically and mentally up for it.

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I feel as though, with Survivor's time maybe winding down on Network television, we are going to enter an era of only returning players. My guess is that Survivor on CBS probably ends at season 30 with an all winners edition. I would not be surprised, however, if it was picked up by a cable network and the budget was slimmed.

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