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Survivor: Caramoan **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Honestly, I was bummed about no new players, but I've resigned to what Survivor has become. The first 10 seasons of the show were the classic, the next 10 were the reinvention years and the last 6 have been about returning players. It's a much different show nowadays, but I'll likely keep watching till it's canceled. If they had tried to bring about a family twist in like season 8 or 9, everybody probably would have ran for the hills. Now we just shrug our shoulders and hope for some solid characters and moments when they bring about a shitty twist or the same players to play 3-4 times.

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I've wanted to see a twist for a while now where we get the old generation of players (lets say, anything up to the first All-Star season) going up against the new generation of Survivors, the game has changed so much in the way its played that I always felt like it'd interesting to see the older veterans adapt to Survivor as it is today. Mind you, in recent seasons you've had BR, Rupert and Skupin all return so I guess that makes that twist kind of pointless.

I just want me some more Lex in the Survivor world.

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The rumoured returnees for next season are very old school indeed.

Kat, Stephanie V, Tina Wesson, Natalie Bolton , RC, Rob C, Aras, Gervase, Terry, Tyson. Plus their respected love ones.

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I love Survivor and I don't want it to die :( I love returning players even though i'm a hardcore fan which I guess is an oddity I guess. If they go with the returning players you mentioned next season I'll mark out and watch anyway. Hell, this season has turned out to be great. The best seasons have been Micronesia, HvV, this season etc for a reason.

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Give me an old school season like Pearl Islands or Amazon or something later like China or Exile Island over HvV/FvF. Not that returnee seasons are the worst, I just would rather watch a new batch of players try and make their mark. Returnee seasons are good, because you are usually certain to have a cast loaded with great personalities, but I'd rather have a new cast loaded with great personalities.

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I don't even think Sherri would've honestly voted for herself if she could've. <_< It was Cochran's game to lose once Erik went down and he made it happen with the final immunity win. Now I need to see if that Boston Rob book is legit or not...

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"I like dogs, and I like bars. So if I could open a bar and you could take your dog there..."

I straight-up slow clapped. God bless you, Eddie.

EDIT: HOLY SHIT SHERRI. "By the way guys I'm also a successful businesswoman! Give me money!"

EDIT II: Dawn's jury performance was fun.

EDIT III: Wow and damn, Brenda. This is going to actually end up being an interesting vote now.

EDIT IV: Nope. Well done, Cochran.

EDIT V: RUDY!!!! I'm going to watch the reunion after Mad Men.

EDIT VI: As much as I love Rudy and Hatch, kind of insulting that none of the pre-merge boots got to do anything. And yeah, so the loved ones thing is definitely a thing.

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"On any given day, anybody can amaze you" when Probst was talking with Cochran last night and he just pulled out that line out, right then and there it hit me, that is the reason people should watch Survivor, and to a lesser extent, its incestious brother Big Brother.

Also, was I way overthinking Brenda's request for Dawn to remove her teeth, or did Dawn just not get it, but I saw it as a metaphore of giving up fate. Brenda said, that Dawn said by finding those teeth that Brenda had her (Dawn's) game in the palm of her hand. By asking her to remove her teeth at FTC, I saw it as a metaphore to see that once again she (Dawn) is once again trusting her fate with not only Brenda, but the entire jury and it appear to go a mile over her head or,

I just way too much into the situation. Also, this Boston Rob "the greatest of all time on any reality show, ever" thing is really growing old. Yes the guy played a great game on Redemption Island, but it took him four attempts to put together a game winning strategy, that means he's a three time loser, I dont consider that being the greatest of all time.

Edited by WeAreOne
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There is a lot of outrage over Brenda telling Dawn to take out the teeth. But uh... a) Dawn didn't have to do it, b) Dawn herself kinda leveraged the whole teeth situation in the game, so it's fair play and c) Given Brenda's question, it was a reasonable request. If Dawn's claim was that the teeth incident wasn't as big as it was made to be and Dawn would have kept playing, than take your teeth out right now. That's what happens when you play a super personal game and stab people in the back.

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"On any given day, anybody can amaze you" when Probst was talking with Cochran last night and he just pulled out that line out, right then and there it hit me, that is the reason people should watch Survivor, and to a lesser extent, its incestious brother Big Brother.

Also, was I way overthinking Brenda's request for Dawn to remove her teeth, or did Dawn just not get it, but I saw it as a metaphore of giving up fate. Brenda said, that Dawn said by finding those teeth that Brenda had her (Dawn's) game in the palm of her hand. By asking her to remove her teeth at FTC, I saw it as a metaphore to see that once again she (Dawn) is once again trusting her fate with not only Brenda, but the entire jury and it appear to go a mile over her head or,

I just way too much into the situation. Also, this Boston Rob "the greatest of all time on any reality show, ever" thing is really growing old. Yes the guy played a great game on Redemption Island, but it took him four attempts to put together a game winning strategy, that means he's a three time loser, I dont consider that being the greatest of all time.

Boston Rob did well in All Stars and his wife won. In HvV he got screwed by a retarded decision by Tyson, otherwise he would have run that alliance to the end. Don't forget he also did well in Amazing Race, came second.

What a great moment that was, Dawn taking her teeth out. Justice.

By the way, I thought Brenda's announcement was going to be she's competing in the Loved Ones season. Anyone else? Although eventually I did notice her boobs were larger than usual :shifty:

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It was very obviously going to be Cochran's win as soon as Eddie was gone. That being said, and I hate saying it, I found Dawn defended herself very well as honestly thought that she may have nabbed a few votes. No way was she going to win, but the jurors talking and Dawn's arguements made me think a few were gonna give her the nod.

And yea, I thought Brenda was legit leaving for next season but alas... twas not to be...

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Yeah, Dawn did really well. It was just a thing where pretty much nothing but Cochran imploding (and of course he wouldn't) was going to change the jury's minds at that point.

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  • 2 months later...

First off, I apologize for digging up such an old topic, but I just found a video of a contestant of this show that was posted on youtube months before Survivor Caramoan hit the airwaves, and its of one Shamar Thomas. Honestly, from what I can recall from his time on the island, Shamar seemed pretty negative, and was just a pain to watch with his unnecessary mood swings and emotional outbursts, but quite honestly I thought at least some of that was subject to editing and some form of game play, and that he actually was at least either playing his Marine who may be suffering from PTS image up for the camera, or at the very least there was reasons unseen to us for his outbursts on the show but after viewing this video - I can safely assume that the producers just utterly took advantage of this guy.

Clearly Shamar saw and probably done things over in Iraq that fucked with his head, and properly adjusting to life back home is, or at least was, out of is control. I know producers in the television business are all about ratings and whatnot, and probably saw a goldmine in this guy, but frankly after seeing this (and since this the age of technology, if there's one video of this nature floating around, there's probably more) I can't help but seem somewhat disgusted. Every time I watch this show now, I, personally won't be able to help myself but wonder, is such an such (i.e. the infamous Phillip Sheppard) just an erratic person, is it game play and/or editing, or are they just simply a mentally/emontionally unstable person being villainized and used for a quick laugh for something they can't necessarily help.

Again, I apologize for digging up such a dead thread.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumpity bump. I haven't been on for a good while so I just saw this video. It's not that bad honestly. Shamar seems unstable but it's not like he's aggressive and out to hurt somebody. Why was there an HD camera following him right from the start anyway? Seems staged.

Anyway you can also make a case for Brandon being casted twice for the show despite clearly having mental issues. They could have made a mistake the first time, but they could have known he'd be a loose cannon the second time but that's obviously what they wanted. It's not like Survivor is the only show that does this type of casting though; Big Brother, the MTV Challenges, Redneck Island etc they all thrive off of these crazy personalities.

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