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Massive Draft [THE DRAFT!]

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And the variable metrics that form the infallible draft strategy have determined that yes, kicking is good so ROC drafts Yoshihiro Tajiri.

My pick coming in a little bit because I've got a billion different options at this point.

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My turn! He's not #1 on my shortlist, but I have plans for him so I'm not tempting fate...

Playing the role of "The One Bad Motherclucker", FL "Finger Lickin'" Chicken, everyone's favorite Guy Who Really Should Be On TNA More, Sonjay Dutt

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When I was a kid? I loved wrestling. Not really a surprise, I mean it's sort of bred into us, right? :rolleyes: I've been thinking quite a bit about that lately. Breeding. Genetics. How much of who we are is really determined by who we are? Can we really be the masters of our own fate, when our families play such a huge part in our creation?

I noticed something as a kid.. In wrestling? The people that looked like me were never the good guys. People that looked like me were never smart. It never seemed to bother anyone else... They just went along with it. I remember when I was a little boy I asked my dad about it and he told me "It's just the way things are."

And then he bit the head off a chicken, while my mom screamed and danced in the corner.

I always worked hard in school, I prided myself on it, proving to everyone that I was capable of independent thought, but something strange happened. The more I learned, the more I educated myself? The dumber everyone else seemed to get. I guess in the end, that's why I am so dead set making this move.

I love my family, I really do, and I'm very proud to represent my people... But I am not going to wake up tomorrow and feel the overwhelming urge to take vengeance on Roddy Piper.

I wont go to a MMCW show and hit Ted DiBiase with a SUV for Roman Reigns.

My sincerest apologies to Jay Lethal, but I don't care how much beef and spice is involved in the pig roasting process, I will not be attending your macho luau.

My brother doesn't get it. He doesn't know why I need a break, why I want to get away. He doesn't understand that I can't take it anymore, that sitting there night after night as he stares blankly at the wall biting into raw pineapples while the Brooklyn Brawler in a safari outfit gives instructions on how to operate the DVR, is killing me.

I am not a savage.

My people are not savages. Something strange is going on. I will find out what. I will find out why. And if someone is responsible? I will find out who.

It's just a matter of using your head, and I suppose just this once you can believe the stereotypes, because I am very good at that.

Florida seems nice this time of year.

Joshua "Inspector" Fatu

Edited by Pleatherface
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