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Teemo is not the best around. If he's ahead, he will be focused and exploded (because he is so squishy), if he's behind he will be useless.

While Teemo is a lot of fun, he just isn't that viable...except against certain champs like Poppy, Nasus, Garen, Shen or something.

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Gave them another $50, time to test him out!

Edit: So...here's the deal: He's fun. Hard to catch the boomarang, gonna take some getting used to, but fun. Need to look up some builds, as I'm not sure if I should build him tanky or damagey.

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Doesn't look like I am getting another game with him tonight.....team builder is super slow (and nobody is looking for toplaners for obvious reasons), and in draft pick he is instantly banned.


Edit: Decided to do another bot game....I am doing a lot better this time around. I like my Bruiser runes/masteries on him more than my tank. I died once, because I went in on 4 of them with no back-up and not as Mega Gnar. Oops.

Edit 2: Twice....went in on Amumu who had his ult and I was low. Got held up and Ez popped me again with his ult. If you want to crush....BotRK, Ghostblade, Trinity Force. Expensive, yes, but you will do lots of damage.

Edit 3: Three times....dove under tower to get a kill. Ez hit me once again with his ult. Don't dive towers unless you are mega gnar, or have lots of tank items.

Edit 4: A mean combo when you have the Tri or Sheen? Boomarang, auto, hop, auto. You'll get the extra damage from your W (works like a mini Vayne W), good damage with Q and E, plus proccing the Sheen/Tri twice with the auto.

I feel like once people learn how to use Gnar, he is going to be a beast.

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I got a new worst game ever for you!

I fear my lol crashed, shit didn’t load, bitched about some firewall i don’t have. When i finally am able to load the game i see that others seem to have problems to so we arrive in game and at least on my team the players that are actually there all cant see any champion including their own. So i force quit the game to see if a new load fixes it, i arrive in time to still get blue buff as soon as it´s spawning but i am 5 v 1 (the other team seemed to fix this much faster) for a solid 5 Minutes before we slowly edge ourselves into three active players. Jinx arrives a bit later wondering why she can´t see anyone so she wasn’t even there for 6-7 Minutes. By that time all lanes already lost the first tower. Signed, our fifth player, dos not arrive all game long.
So much for promotion to bronze 2 again after that horrendous loosing streak. Sometimes shit is shitty and than bad luck joins it.

Edited by Herr Matzat
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I went 0/3/7 testing him out 5 vs bots. I was pretty much playing him as a rear-line harasser meaning I was always going to be assist heavy with Riven as my lane buddy. I perhaps could have gotten a few kills but twice mis-tapped on my level up hitting my W when I meant to bump my Q, meaning I didn't get full Q until level 10, So dumb, so much damage missed out on. He is so cute! They would make a mint if they sold plushie Gnars.

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Oh, most definitely. I would be surprised if they DON'T make plushie versions.

Also, a good way to level up skills is to press control + Q/W/E/R. Much faster, and eventually easier. Takes a little getting used to, but you will be glad you did.

Another thing you (and everyone here) should learn as soon as possible: Smart Casting.

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Oh, most definitely. I would be surprised if they DON'T make plushie versions.

Also, a good way to level up skills is to press control + Q/W/E/R. Much faster, and eventually easier. Takes a little getting used to, but you will be glad you did.

Another thing you (and everyone here) should learn as soon as possible: Smart Casting.

I do. That's how I stuffed up :(

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Just played my promo series. First game I go top Nidalee vs. Shyvana, win the lane pretty comfortably despite Fiddle getting a first blood on me after my jungler stood yards away watching me die whilst I almost 2 v 1'd them. But yeah, won the lane but it really didn't matter - my bot and mid lane stomped so hard it was an easy win.

Next game I go Nid top again, this time vs. Gnar. I gift him first blood as I hadn't realised he could tower dive at level 3. Anyhow, end up going 6-1 in lane but fed anivia is helping bot get fed and we lose despite me going 11-3.

So last promo game, I'm a bit annoyed at the last game and I first pick Gnar (who I've played once, vs bots.) - Never a good idea. Their top picks Darius who I hate playing against. LoLNexus then tells me he's in Gold 3, so I figure I'm gonna get destroyed. Turns out, I can actually play Gnar - I made Darius rage quit by going 4-1 in lane :) Our Akali gets fed too. Easy win and promo back to SIlver 3 :)

Gnar is so much fun. He actually has similarities with Nidalee, which is why I think I can play him a bit. I much, MUCH prefer his regular form though. I find his mega form a bit clunky and definitely harder to use. Had a few times where an unfortunate transform cost me a kill/got me killed, but I guess I'll get used to it.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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