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Talisman of Ascension, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, then I adjust for what we need. If my ADC is doing well I tend to build armour/MR so I can hang with him longer, if not I build AP so my Q and R are more useful. Whichever my choice, my next item combos that with something that will max CDR.

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I get what it does :P

I might use it possibly as a late-game item where I tend to get more involved during teamfights - but I like the suggestion of Athene's a lot more. It just suits how involved I am more...particularly as I'd just (as I said) noticed the Chalice of Harmony just before I read the post and had intended to add it in. My build order used to be: Rush Talisman, then boots, wing it from there. But I find that I don't need to start aura-twisting until later, so the CDR isn't as important. So next time I'm going to try:

Start: Ancient Coin (+ only 1 pot, I used to buy all three, but as I get better I need them less.)

1st Back: Turn my Ancient Coin into Nomad's Medallion and maybe a Faerie Charm or two to reduce the cost of Chalice if I can,

Next back: Build Chalice (+ another Faerie Charm or two, as they're used in Talisman)

Third: Level the Medallion into Talisman. Then whenever I get spare gold in the middle of this is where I look to add the boots. Heck, it might be more important to get the boots before Talisman.

Then after this I can level the Chalice into Athene's Grail, and look to build from there. This is where I start to look at an AP build or a tanky build (I know Sona doesn't tank super-well but if I can get my defenses into the 80-100 range that's often enough to launch one more W which can make all the difference.) and that'd be where I'd look at something like a Lich Bane. Last time I tried to go down a Morello/Deathcap build which was fun but I don't think it was very useful - Lich Bane would be way better than these.

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Where's your Sightstone?

I'm typically going

Ruby Sightstone

Talisman/Frost Queen

Boots of Mobility


Lich Bane


Oracle's Lens

I build Sightstone first to get the health boost and ward against ganks. I start with Ancient Coin/Spellthief's Edge, Health Pot, Mana Pot, Stealth Ward, and Sweeping Lens. Sona has a lot of options for auras too, it's why something like Zeke's can work on her during a team fight due to the life steal boost.

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OK, I just looked it up. It's going to take a lot of convincing to show me how that item *isn't* hot garbage. I already have my normal ward, my ADC's ward and flash to protect against ganks, and my other summoner is Clairvoyance which 1: doesn't cost 800 gold 2: lets me assist my jungler by providing him continuous LOS of dragon/baron/colour buffs and 3: lets me cast it on their SP at the start so we can see what items they built and who is going to which lane..

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Upon further-further review (and looking up a couple build guides) it seems that the SOP for Sona is to be a lot more aggressive with her than I am. Which does make some sense - her W heals self AND a nearby champ, which enables her to take hits that I am normally reluctant to take. With that in mind, the Sightstone - and particularly the Ruby Sightstone makes a lot more sense - the standard way to play Sona makes her more vulnerable to a gank, so she absolutely needs all three wards up, and if they somehow sneak in anyway, she needs to be able to take hits.

Whereas i'm *a lot* more conservative, and I never expose her to these hits in the first place, so as long as my ADC wards the far bush, I'm behind the lines, so I can flit in and out of near bush to reveal it and then dash across to ward river as needed to protect vs ganks - and I don't take the hits to need the HP in the first place.

I imagine that this way lets you harrass a lot more, giving you earlier bot lane edge (which also explains why the build guides max Q first when I max W first)

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Oh...Plubby....have we not told you to build a sightstone when supporting?

You always get a sightstone when supporting. That is the supports main job! Make sure you always have 3 wards + 1 pink down at all times.

Also, your summoners, as a support should be Flash + Exhaust (good for fights, good for chasing, good for disengage. It's just really good)

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The Pink ward is not invisible

To clear it you need to hit it five times instead of three

it has no timer (it sticks around till someone kills it or you put a new new ward down)

It´s limited to one per player instead of three

Costs 100 gold

makes Invisible things vissible (wards, akali in her pool, twitch, eve, shaco ect.)

I left my game in a promo to silver 3 last night and now they dare to rather patch than let me play. Boooh. But by now i am feeling a lot better teams, players actually trying. Still tons of unnecessary fights in the middle of nowhere but overall a clear feel of people being more Serius about getting a good game played.
My seonc promo match last night i lost. I Picked Amumu top vs Ryze because Amumu is just so Hillariusly strong and my team was in desperat need for a tank and CC. It was kind of a hail Marry but i just went straight for MR instead of my first jungle item so he hardly did DMG to me and we both had even farm all out through laneing phase. When eve jungled into the lane it was easy to escape with his ult. Might be a viable choise vs AP champions just that killing the other champion issent easy due to Amumus low DMG. Killed the tower when Ryze ported away to help bot. Sadly in the end we dident win and my states kinda sucked in teamfights, might be because that extra gold from jungle was missing or might just be that the other lanes died to much to tank the gold they gave to the others.

I aslo learned that aperently my ult dos not stun kata out of her ult. She did penta in that engagement. >_>

I should learn Darius, Renekton and Malph, maybe even Nasus, Top so i don´t have to go desperat laneing with a jungler next time though.

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