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Doesn't matter, you don't sell your boots.

If you're ahead, odds are you aren't going to lose. What can happen though? You get caught out because you are warding the jungle. You could have gotten away, but your E isn't enough...you're dead....now the team fight is 4 v 5.

If you're behind, same situation. You will get caught out (and you WILL get caught, the entire enemy team is faster than you...speed boost or not), and make a hard game even harder.

And using E to get around the map? A waste of mana. I know you likely have mana regen, but still, it's a waste.

The only situation I find it to be ok to sell boots is when you're an ADC (or another AD attacker) who has reached a full 6 item build, with elixers and 3000 spare gold, at which point you sell your boots for a Zepyr or however it is spelled.

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Doesn't matter, you don't sell your boots.

If you're ahead, odds are you aren't going to lose. What can happen though? You get caught out because you are warding the jungle. You could have gotten away, but your E isn't enough...you're dead....now the team fight is 4 v 5.

If you're behind, same situation. You will get caught out (and you WILL get caught, the entire enemy team is faster than you...speed boost or not), and make a hard game even harder.

And using E to get around the map? A waste of mana. I know you likely have mana regen, but still, it's a waste.

The only situation I find it to be ok to sell boots is when you're an ADC (or another AD attacker) who has reached a full 6 item build, with elixers and 3000 spare gold, at which point you sell your boots for a Zepyr or however it is spelled.

I feel like I already addressed this.

"Don't sell your boots"

"Well yes, normally you are right but I did this for reasons A, B and C."

"You are wrong because don't sell your boots"

Even if you are right, that's just circular logic. Also I already described the precise scenario in which I did say I would sell my boots and in NEITHER of them is kiting around the jungle a factor. For the whole part of the game that it is, I wouldn't dream of it. It is very easy to say "You should sell your boots because you get tracked down out of the jungle and can't escape" and I couldn't agree more - but none of them had even left their base to MAKE IT to jungle in the last five minutes, let alone were able to set up a kill out of it.


If you're ahead, odds are you aren't going to lose.

I actually dealt with this precise point in your post. You are almost certainly right. We probably lose the game in this situation 1/1000 if I keep my boots. Maybe one in 10,000. But if I sell my boots, then we lose it zero times, I feel. If I can take my chances of losing to .1% or even .01% to absolute zero, why would I not do that? Simply so I can stand smugly and say "well I've never sold my boots" - to me that's just silly.

It isn't like it's something I do regularly, or something I ever aim to do. I don't have some 25 minute check where I say "alright - are we blowing them out? KICKASS IT'S BOOTS SELLING TIME~!" It was a unique combination of map control, awfulness of opposing team and vision (at literally no point over the 2-3 minutes prior to me selling them did we ever have an opposition team member unaccounted for) that made me decide that i'd pull the trigger on the boots sale.

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I just had to do the hardest carry job ever, and of cause got reported for it.


Match opens up, no one helps blue, red gets invaded. I am already behind on farm and pull because i also have to steal their red solo and even die vs a Minion. Game unfolds very negativ early but i got no bang because i get counter jungled on top of this. We only won this because kha was afk several times.

The mental stupided of this match was so bad and i constantly had to talk people into doing the right thing. Like defending the base several times when i as the tank ported home to do it because no one else bothered and MF still screaming at me for not being on the offense even with super minions atacking our nexus towers. (happend several times before, Talon abandoned top quick so fiora was just solopushing the lane all day long and no one exept me gave a shit) - Obviously when we hit them big right in front of barron they all ignore my ping for barron and walk in the oother teams base to die who now go grab barron right away.

So yeah. Best states of the game, tried desperatly to talk the team into doing smarter moves and get reported for being negative because you said "if you dont start listening to me we will loose". This games community.

In other news i am now in some sort of club (not a clan for whatever reason) with older players that are all very friendly and a bit older players. Its much more fun to have a reliable source of DuoQ partners like that i think.

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And now this happened. 18:29 +15lp


Morgana had three kills before the match started... came in, midalane, akali down, she roams top, kills GP, akali comes top, Morgana kills her again. Sadly i have no lolrecorder replay of this. I would have loved to see her work.

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That's not how you play Sona.

If it works there is no reason not to break meta. Other items have their value to.

Selling off boots would only work at a low level like that. Players are too good in ranked that Sona's E isn't gonna help. They check what equipment she's carrying and will know what the strategy is, to supplement the E for the boots.

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And another ranked win in unter 20 Minutes. WTF is going on with this matchmakeing :D

Championship Thresh is being sold right now. You might want to pick it up for collectors value. Outside of the time he is being sold people charge like 100-250€ for him, because... i don´t know. ^^

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Show: That's only if they catch you :P

Level 1 E all by itself is only 2.1 units behind all magical boots except boots of swiftness, and out-of-combat boots of mobility., and it's better than all except those two once you add a point in R. At level 9 (if you push E, which you shouldn't, but if you do) assuming you took R at L6 as you always should, E actually outperforms Swiftness too.

If one buys an AP+100 item *instead* of boots (and no other AP items), then E at level 18 is less than 5 points shy of matching boots of mobility out of combat. Now, I buy boots all the time AND I have my E. But...you know, just crunching some numbers here. :shifty:

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Anyone watch any of the worlds stuff yesterday (well, yesterday my time)? It was really interesting for me still being new - the way they approach things is so different than anything i've played in, or even any of the ranked games i've watched...

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So this just happend.


Why did we loose you ask? Lucian started screaming at me for not towerdiving (not even often, i disengaged like two times) and went AFK (i am not even kidding) so tryndamier who was rageing all match long, dieing in their jungle and complaining about me not being there, solo laneing never being with team ect. decides to join him because OMG TIS AUMUM IZ SO BADZS PENISPENIS!

And sudenly your in an easily won match... 3 v 5. These instable children.

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Just watching the Samsung White/Dark Passage game from this morning....holy shit.

23 minutes into the game, SSW up 15-0, and Imp just got a pentakill on Vayne. And Dark Passage surrenders...that's...ouch

Saw this live. Wasn't pretty. >_<

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I've been the most impressed by Bjergsen, inSec and like...all of SSW. Particularly Bjergsen, because I felt I was a decent mid (for my level and experience, of course), but I am pretty sure he would sweep me in lane even if I made him take a shot of tequila every time he killed me.

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