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I Need Help With Consoles


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I'm trying to choose between the XBox One or the PS4, but I am really out of touch with games these days. I like games like Skyrim quite a bit, so I'll probably be getting Shadow of Mordor. Last Of Us for PS4 is high on my radar too, but are there any other exclusives for either system I'm missing out on that I should consider?

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I guess it matters what you had before this? Sony has ported over a few games from ps3 that you may have missed out on, like last of us of course... but more than that.

Some real gems are there for a second chance, so if you never played them there, that makes it a good way to fill out your library with the ported ones, since most were worth it to make the effort to do so.

On the Xbox side, forza and the kinect game "dark dreams dont die" will be ones to watch out for. Yes, thats right, a kinect game that doesnt suck supposedly. titanfall too was a big name, but people may have shifted from it now.

If it is for the people, there seems to be more on this site with a ps4, and the base itself is 4 million higher world wide and climbing.

Both have their advantages. On the WiiU side, Bayonetta2 seems to be getting rave reviews.

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I'd say we're pretty evenly split between PS4/XBO to be honest. There's more action going on in the PS4 thread, but a lot of the XBO guys are playing sports games together and discuss that in the particular threads and stuff.

D4 is pretty awesome actually, heck yeah.

Forza Horizon 2 is the best driving game I've seen in a heck of a long while, I've played it at a friends and went to buy it - it's sold out all over town which is nuts.

Sunset Overdrive is coming out soon with a special edition One - and it looks like crazy 8-person multiplayer fun. It's like.. Tony Hawk was a brightly coloured shooter at first glance.

Others on the horizon are a new Crackdown game, a new Gears of War, the Halo 1-4 collection, Halo 5, and Project Spark which is pretty neat.

You'd also have stuff like Dead Rising 3 or the remastered State of Decay for zombiesque stuff.

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I don't think it's close to a 50 50 split, but I can't really say for sure since the xbox1 gamertag part isn't really filled out. The ps4 one has about 42 or so. I would say however the 360 one had a rather large following, and was likely well over the ps3 on this site.

Either way, if such things really sway you in any way, the ps4 is the more popular system currently WW, but who is to say where that will end up in a few years?

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Tell everyone you're going to get an Xbox One, post in the Xbox One thread about how stoked you are to be getting an Xbox One because it's easily the better of the two systems, plan your purchases for the Xbox One, including when and where you're going to pick up all the awesome exclusives (Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall) and basically swear blind allegiance to the Xbox One for life and then buy a PS4.

Seemed to work for me.

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I have an Xbox One myself and I love it. We get regular updates that make the system far more advanced than the PS4. My friend has both so I tinker with the PS4 all the time, and I'm just not impressed with the system as a whole. So far there are no exclusives for the system and unless you're one of the people that just need everything to be 1080p 60fps, the One is just a better system. Better dash, better functions, better apps, easier social functions, games with gold and EA Access make it worth it. If you get a One, sign up for that and you get 6 games instantly. I love my One. The PS4 just doesn't impress me bar higher frame rate for some games, which I could give a shit about.

Plus, Halo MCC. Not a huge Halo fan myself, but even I have to admit that's an amazing deal.

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I'm gonna throw the spanner into the ''exclusive'' shit and say neither console have enough interesting exclusive titles to warrant me to buy either console.

I'm still waiting until I buy either console. And seeing most of my wants are being released on PC anyways, I'm more than content to wait a long time, and a bunch of price-cuts till I jump up.

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Agreed with the lack of exclusives being a major selling point at this time, disagree that superior resolutions and 60FPS isn't a good thing.

Although it does raise a good point, for me a console plays games, I can't speak to the abilities of either console in the regard of social functions and apps but it being a major selling point of either seems weird. Do you know what has even better social functions and apps and can be built with similar specs for not much (if any depending on where you live) more money? A PC, not to mention games generally being much cheaper and faster to drop in price.

I can't see Microsoft closing the gap, they seem to be doing everything in their power to do the opposite: 'wow indie games seem quite popular, we'd better tell all the indie devs that if we don't get a simultaneous release then they can never publish that game to our system. That seems like a good way to make friends'.

Edit. The only 'next gen' console I own is a Wii U and that's because they have games I can't experience on a PC in Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario World 3D. There are similar games (and I'd argue Sonic Racing Transformed is just as good as MK8) but nothing that is quite Nintendo quality in nostalgic goodness.

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It constitutes a feature, it's just not one that matters to me and not one that I think should be the be all end all for most people when deciding on a console. The Xbox is supported 100% more than the PS4 is. That's just a fact. We are constantly getting updates that improve the UI and overall performance of the system. So yes, the framerate and resolution matter, but i'm just tired of people saying the PS4 is the better system because of it. Because it's not. I play games with a ton of other people, and the One is just far more accessible in a social aspect. Sure, you can say that PC's are better at it, but that's just not the matter at hand.

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I'm looking at this more from a game perspective, but I'm not seeing a whole lot that would sway me for exclusive titles just yet. Is there even a good open world RPG for either system yet?

I may wind up getting a good PC instead, but that's a different thing altogether.

Edited by EndOfAnEra
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Dragon Age comes out soon and Witcher 3 is coming out soon as well, though its multiplat.

Shadow of Mordor is good as well, but again. Multiplat. It all comes down to what system you'd want more. PC is a viable option if you don't have friends that already own a system though. I have a good gaming PC, I just never use it because I don't have anyone to play with.

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It constitutes a feature, it's just not one that matters to me and not one that I think should be the be all end all for most people when deciding on a console. The Xbox is supported 100% more than the PS4 is. That's just a fact. We are constantly getting updates that improve the UI and overall performance of the system. So yes, the framerate and resolution matter, but i'm just tired of people saying the PS4 is the better system because of it. Because it's not. I play games with a ton of other people, and the One is just far more accessible in a social aspect. Sure, you can say that PC's are better at it, but that's just not the matter at hand.

I don't even fucking get this. The One is more accessible in a social aspect for you because that's what all your friends have. Of course it is! For the two hundred million or so that got a PS4, that's the more accessible. The PS4 is plenty supported. No, the UI doesn't seem to get updated, but it works, so why does that matter? If you honestly think they're not supporting their pride and joy that's still selling crazy amounts of copies, I've got a few bridges I'd love to sell you.

Both systems are basically identical. The PS4 has slightly better hardware. That's a fact. It's not better enough for most people to bother caring about, I totally agree. The only valid reason to pick one console over another at this point is because that's the one your friends are getting, or you're really into Halo or Naughty Dog games. That's it.

So let's not do this all again, because when everyone is grasping at the smallest straws to prove their point, it's a good indication that it's not worth arguing about.

EndofanEra, do you have friends? If yes, what console do they use? Get whatever one the ones you like best use. If no, then do you like Halo? If yes, get a One. If no, then get a PS4, because the hardware is like 2% more efficient and it's cheaper by £3.

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No. The social aspects being better on Xbox One aren't all based on the fact that my friends have one as well. Some of my friends have a PS4, some have a One. Some have both. I don't only play games with the people I know personally. I have met a ton of people on Titanfall and BF4. It's easier to set up a chat, meet friends, send messages, etc. I don't get the attitude either. This is a discussion on what system someone should get. You have your reasons for choosing one, I have my reasons for choosing one.

Fact of the matter is, the PS4 is supported. Duh. Of course it is, but it isn't supported as well as the One is. Period. You don't have to bog through a bunch of screens just to send someone a message. You hit the guide button twice and can send a message in 10 seconds. For some people, like apparently you, that doesn't matter. And that's fine. But it matters to me, and this is a debate on which console is better IN OUR OPINIONS. The UI for the One is just better. Who cares? Fine, I guess that's an acceptable response. If you're going to be using the system a lot, the UI had better matter to you in the long run, because you'll be using it a shit ton.

Edited by Brody
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