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That was such a good episode! Just knew from the opening minute it was going to be good, what if Randy acting all 'pro supporter' for Obama. Guess the episode would have been a bit silly if Obama didn't win the election campaign.

Anyone notice the 'change' reference? One scene out on the streets, few people just kept saying 'change'. Linking this back to the episode about all the homeless guys invading South Park. That made me laugh, since i loved that episode.

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Yeah, it's not like this is the first time they've made an episode in a matter of hours. Plus, they probably had two versions waiting to go in case McCain won.

If they did, I hope they release it sometime, on a DVD or whatever, I'd like to see it just to see what Randy does.

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Actually, there is an interview with Matt on IGN. He said that they didn't have a fallback plan if Mccain won..they were just going to run the episode as it was...they said MAYBE do an MST3K style episode with them badly subbing the lines..IE during all the partying scenes, have the dialog be how upset they were Obama lost etc...

Ah here it is http://tv.ign.com/articles/928/928073p1.html

Edited by Lint6
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Yessss, an episode with the goth kids. Looks like they're parodying Twilight too. Bonus! What a rubbish series of books.

"How can thy ground.. that which is ungroundable?" Bwahahaha.

"If we get the right packaging, we can just FedEx him somewhere."

Man, this episode is fucking great. Doesn't hurt that I love love LOVE the goth kids.

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I nearly pissed my pants when Butters gave Cartman a hickey instead of sucking his blood. Fucking great episode, though I almost wished they could have made some sort of mention about Emo culture. Granted it was only a few episodes back when the Goth kids were mistakenly labeled Emo, but I was wondering what Parker and Stone's thoughts on that difference was.

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I nearly pissed my pants when Butters gave Cartman a hickey instead of sucking his blood. Fucking great episode, though I almost wished they could have made some sort of mention about Emo culture. Granted it was only a few episodes back when the Goth kids were mistakenly labeled Emo, but I was wondering what Parker and Stone's thoughts on that difference was.

Last christmas, I found out my 13 year old cousin Kaitlyn went "emo". Mom said "I was wondering when she was dressed all gothy"...I looked at her and said "No..she's emo, not goth." Mom asked the difference..I said "Emo is kinda like goth..but less moping, more whining"

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