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Survivor: Kaoh Rong ***SPOILERS***

GoGo Yubari

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Which one is supposed to be Lady Coach. 

Early favorite is Kyle Jason, because I love hairy, tattooed, burly men. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a nutter. 

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2 hours ago, RPS said:

Which one is supposed to be Lady Coach. 

Early favorite is Kyle Jason, because I love hairy, tattooed, burly men. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a nutter. 


From her bio: "I have military training in summer and winter survival, shelter building, fire making, food procurement, torture training and a superior will to survive. Plus, I’m fun too! I’m a card carrying member of the Reading Juggler’s club, so I’ll teach them how to juggle."

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of my faves had a near-nervous breakdown (then was a challenge beast), the next of my faves inexplicably tried to go for an Idol on like day 2 in broad daylight, and the third of my faves got voted out over Useless von Crazy Eyes. That was a gut punch.

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I'm flabbergasted he was voted out over Alicia. Yes, he dropped the mask, but he did apologize and actually helped in other ways. She was completely useless.

Edited by GhostMachine
spelled Alicia wrong....just like some of the contestants
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Also, man, way to build trust in your tribe. You have to know there's a swap coming at some point and if you're stuck with Alicia on a tribe at some point, you're not in a great spot. I guess they might have thought either he or Alicia had an idol but that didn't seem like the greatest play on their first boot. Just keep Alicia thinking she's tight with you. 

Fun first episode, there are some characters I like - Tai, Jennifer, Neal, Caleb, Nick, Cydney, Scot. Lots of fun personalities here I think, 

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Yeah, that was a pretty good way to turn me against basically the entire tribe. Which I'm going to assume is the point, because they really drew it out and emphasized every negative quality Alecia had.

Proooobably shouldn't have made Jason my winner pick but seriously nobody was speaking to me as The Winner going into the season.

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Tai should be given immunity for the entire game. He seems super nice and funny. Of course he is going to search for an idol - they put the gay 50 year old Vietnamese refugee with a thick accent on the tribe with 5 young people. He's got zero hope. 

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Unbelievable. Pulls all that crap, proving herself one of the biggest idiots in Survivor history, then seals the deal on that by being surprised she got eliminated. I'm really glad Jenny is gone because I was smiling at the prospect of Kyle Jason being voted out, before she turned into the village idiot. That guy can eat a bag of dicks, then wash it all down with a shitshake.

I was actually hoping Brains would go to tribal, though, just to see who they would vote out. (Hopefully, Debbie, but Joe is proving to be an ass)



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Kyle (or Jason, I dunno) said in his pre-game interview he wanted to play like Russell.

I actually really liked Jenny, but I was hoping they were going to vote out Alecia. That tribe is a mess.

Tai and Caleb's relationship is adorable. I love it.

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