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What have you read today or in the past week?

MalaCloudy Black

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Cloudy read 4 books in the last week? :o

Erm, I don't know what's so odd about that? Each of the books was in the area of 500 pages, and read in all my spare time at school (except during lunch) and then when I go to bed at night I usually read a few hours.

I suppose I should also say that by the time I was 12 years old I could read and comprehend books on the 12th grade reading level :blush:

I don't actually read that much so it came as a great annoyance when I was told to read the rest of Othello for English.... man it sucks.

I also bought Battle Royale yesterday, so I gotta get to reading that.

I hate reading books for classes, because I'm always restricted to what I can read. I'd much rather be able to read Koontz or King or Lumley or something to my liking for an assignment than Dickens or Homer.

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Well lets see last week of reading I have read.

The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands by Stephen King

Everythings Eventual by Stephen King (bunch of short stories)

The Running Man by Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman

The Stand by Stephen King

Phantoms by Dean Koontz

currently I am reading

From A Buick 8 by Stephen King

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Guest Bluesman

Aside from the countless newspapers and daily news sites?

Cruising the Caribbean: U.S. Influence and Intervention in the 20th Century

Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America

Nothing like some old fashioned propaganda...

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"Different Seasons" by Stephen King [features four "novellas", three of which were made into movies - The Body (Stand By Me), Apt Pupil, and Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption (Shawshank Redemption, obviously)]. Good stuff. The fourth novella [The Breathing Method] is sort of lame.

An excellent book, I say this alot, but something about those stories I enjoyed better than the movies. It's really due to the fact that there is so much more detail in the story.

As for books I've read and am reading recently:

Pulp Faction (The Revenge of the Rabbit Kisser and other jailhouse stories) by Mark Brandon Read. This was a very good book that my cousin found at a used book store. It says "other jailhouse stories" but, all of the stories are connected. Mark Brandon Read is/was a convict in Austrailia, and actually became a hitman who took out criminals.

Currently I'm in the middle of a book called "England's Dreaming" (Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond) by Jon Savage. It's been a very interesting read thus far, it's filling me in on alot of stuff I had never known about the Sex Pistols and how they were formed. Alot of it is familiar to me, but this book is filling in alot of minor details I wasn't aware of.

After I finish the above mentioned book, I'm going to read "Rotten" (No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish). This book is the autobiography of John Lydon a.k.a Johnny Rotten. A friend of my dad's managed to get this book autographed by Johnny himself at a book signing in New York a few years back.

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I just re-read Bill Maher's "When You Ride Alone You Ride With Bin-Laden" and Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."

And I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this, but it's too funny not to share. So I figured I'd put it here.

Cheney Returns to Camp Crystal Lake

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