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VR Presents: The Best Damn Diary Split


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Oh. Doesn't seem fair to the other diaries that this is pinned just because 2 of you are mods.........But again, good diary. I like the fact that this takes place in 3 different years and imagine it is very difficult to do everything right.

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

...actually, doesn't pinning this keep it above all other diaries, regardless of last posting? Doesn't the 'posts per page' setting include pinned topics?

Not bad so far, a little slow in updating, but worth it for the quality.

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Oh. Doesn't seem fair to the other diaries that this is pinned just because 2 of you are mods.........But again, good diary. I like the fact that this takes place in 3 different years and imagine it is very difficult to do everything right.

Plus, didn't TGC used to be a mod?

Anyway, very original concept + 3 good writers = good enough reason to be pinned for me.

Yis, he was, and he rocked at it too.

The diary is looking better than ever, nice shows on both sides, I think you both pretty much nailed the characters on the head and I'm glad TGC is back, me :wub: TGC diaries.

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Guest Vince Russo

WWF Monday Night Raw - January 7th 2002 - New York, NY

A series of clips, set to dramatic music, highlight the most recent happenings in the WWF. On this past Thursday's Smackdown, The Rock calls out Chris Jericho and challenges him to a Undisputed WWF Championship match at the Royal Rumble. Jericho accepts, but when Rock makes as if to attack him, Jericho runs off. however, later on in the evening, during Rock's match with Lance Storm, Jericho attacks Rock out of nowhere, laying him out with a shot from one of his title belts, and then giving him a Breakdown onto the other title belt, leaving Rock unconscious in the ring. Ten days ago on Smackdown, Ric Flair decks Vince McMahon, and announces that he has made a match between the two, and that it will take place at the Royal Rumble. Then, we fast forward to this past Thursday on Smackdown, and Vince McMahon declaring that while he cannot cancel his match with Flair at the Rumble, he can make it a tag team match. He then calls Flair out, and the two begin to argue. Suddenly, the lights go out, and when they come back on, a masked man lays Flair out with brass knuckles, and then delivers a familiar looking elbowdrop onto Flair. McMahon then announces that his tag team partner is the masked man, who takes off his mask to reveal Randy Savage

The Raw introduction sequence plays, showing a revolving series of clips of the numerous wrestlers on the WWF roster, as well as other non-wrestling personalities, such as Ric Flair and Vince McMahon. The camera then switches to a wide shot of Madison Square Gardens, where Raw is taking place, and we see, well, a sea of fans, waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. Finally, we pan down the announce position, where we see Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler sitting at ringside

Jim Ross: Hello everyone, and welcome to a sold out Madison Square Gardens, and the first Raw of 2002. And King, it promises to be one of the most volatile Raw's in a long time.

Jerry Lawler: It sure does JR, because Triple H, The Game, is making his return to Raw, tonight.

Jim Ross: Not only that, but hopefully we'll hear from Ric Flair, and get his reaction to the shocking turn of events last Thursday on Smackdown.

Jerry Lawler: If you didn't see Smackdown, you missed out on what could be the shocker of a lifetime, because Randy Savage is back in the World Wrestling Federation, and he is side-by-side with Vince McMahon, and now it's going to be Vince McMahon and Randy Savage taking on Ric Flair and an unknown partner at the Royal Rumble.

Jim Ross: Ric Flair has yet to pick his partner for the tag match at the Rumble, and we may find out who that person will be tonight on Raw.

Jerry Lawler: I don't know if anyone has enough stupidity to be Flair's partner, because that would mean taking on, not only Vince McMahon, but Randy Savage as well. Whoever winds up siding with Flair is going to be just asking for trouble.

Jim Ross: Maybe we'll find out that answer to that question on tonight's action packed Raw, and we kick things off with tag team competition.

The cheesy sounding music of Billy and Chuck blares out, and MSG lets out considerable booing as this strange due makes their entrance, writhing and grinding around each other in a highly suggestive manner. This greatly irritates the MSG crowd, who let B and C know it, but Billy and Chuck just laugh at them as they enter the ring. The pounding music of The APA hits, and MSG roars with approval as Bradshaw and Farrooq storm out of the back, and practically run to the ring. Bradshaw and Farrooq slide into the ring, and immediately attack Billy and Chuck, and this match is underway

Match one: The APA v Billy and Chuck

This match certainly started the night off in a fast paced manner. Bradshaw and Farrooq hammered Billy and Chuck all around the ring, and the raucous MSG crowd cheered as The APA handed out a very uncomfortable looking beating. Bradshaw dropped Billy chest first across the ring barrier, and Farrooq delivered a stiff looking powerslam to Chuck, almost shaking the ring. Billy and Chuck did make an attempt at a comeback, but, for the most part, The APA dominated with their sheer physical superiority. Billy and Chuck had to rely on underhanded tactics to gain an advantage, and it was these very tactics that led to the end of this match. With Farrooq having covered Chuck after a spinebuster, Billy goaded Bradshaw into entering the ring, which distracted the referee. Billy then adjusted his kneepad, and took a run up and kneed Farrooq high in the back, knocking him out of the ring. Billy rolled out of the ring, and out of the sight of the referee who began to count Farrooq out. Bradshaw tried to help Farroq back in, but was ordered back to his corner by the referee, and Farrooq was subsequently counted out, giving Billy and Chuck the unpopular win.

Time of the match: 7:21

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: I don't know what Billy did to his kneepad, and I'd be suspecting that he had something in there, but whatever he did to it was enough to give he and Chuck the win over The APA, but it wasn't a win they didn't deserve.

Jerry Lawler: Deserved or not, they got the win JR, and The APA aren't going to take this laying down. Well, Farrooq might, because he still hasn't gotten back to his feet.

Jim Ross: And you bet that was down to whatever Billy had in that kneepad. When we return, we're going to hear from Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, about the shocking events of this past Thursday on Smackdown. Don't go away.

Commercial Break

We return to a quiet MSG. Then, No Chance In Hell bursts out, and the entire arena erupts into loud booing as Vince McMahon walks out, accompanied by Randy Savage. McMahon arrogantly walks to the ring, in his usual fashion of an exaggerated Buddy Rogers strut, while Savage brings up the rear, and is his typically keyed up self. McMahon enters the ring, and Savage follows him. Vince grabs the ring mic, and orders the ring announcer to leave the ring. He surveys the crowd, who are chanting "asshole" at him, before beginning to speak

Vince McMahon: You know, I expected that kind of reception from you vulgar New Yorkers; it typifies what you undignified people stand for. (the crowd boo even more loudly, and Vince just sneers) Keep it up people, because it's that kind of behavior that just fires up Randy and myself even more, and it's the wrestlers you like that will pay. Wrestlers like Ric Flair, for example. You see, this past Thursday on Smackdown, myself and The Macho Man, put one over, not only on Ric Flair, but on each and every one of you. Everyone, from the lowly grease monkey on the ring crew to the main event star in the back, were shocked when Randy Savage returned, and that is just how I like it. I like the things that I do to shock and surprise people, and last Thursday was probably the most shocking moment in the entire history of Smackdown. Now, I know the question that everyone is thinking; Why did you bring Randy Savage back into the World Wrestling Federation, Vince ? Well the answer to that one is, like all of you, very simple. (the crowd boo loudly, and Vince just smiles) I brought Randy Savage back into the WWF for one simple reason; to help me take out Ric Flair once and for all. You see, Randy hates and despises Ric Flair just as much as I do, and, just like me, he wants to eliminate Ric Flair once and for all. But, don't take my word for it. Macho, tell the Garden how you feel about Mr Flair.

Vince hands he mic to Randy Savage

Randy Savage: Ric Flair, you listen up, and you listen real good, ya hear me ? I hate you Ric Flair, with a passion. I hate you like I've never hated anyone, and that includes Hulk Hogan, and we all know how much I hate that jerkoff. Ric Flair, ten years ago you drove a wedge between myself and my wife at the time, Elizabeth, and later that year, thanks to you, she left me. And on that day Ric Flair, I swore that one day I would get even with you. And then, almost three years later, you and I crossed swords down in Atlanta, and shortly thereafter Elizabeth came back into my life. Things were going great between us, but what happened then ? I'll tell you what happened. Ric Flair, you corrupted her you sonofabitch. (The Garden cheers this loudly) You turned a virginal woman who had morals into a sick money hungry slut, you bastard. And yeah, she and I may have had a brief reunion later on down the line, but it wasn't the same woman, because you killed that woman Ric Flair. You killed the love of my life, and you left an empty shell in her place, and I shall never forgive nor forget that Flair, ya dig it ? So when Mr McMahon made the call, and asked me if I wanted to get my revenge on you Flair, and take out over a decade of pent up rage and frustration on you, I jumped at the chance. Ric Flair, this past Thursday on Smackdown was just the first step in the plan Mr McMahon and I cooked up to take you down, and I tell you right now that it felt good. It felt good to smack you across the face with those knuckles. It felt good to climb up to the top, and fly off, driving the big elbow deep into your chest. And it felt real damn good to look down on your unconscious body, with blood pouring down your face. Ric Flair, at the Royal Rumble, I will get my revenge on you, and you will be taken out of the World Wrestling Federation.

Savage hands the mic back to Vince

Vince McMahon: Ric Flair, I told this to Steve Austin once, and I'll say the same thing to you. Ric Flair, don't cross the boss, and make no mistake about it; in the World Wrestling Federation, I am the boss. Ric Flair, we'll see you at the Royal Rumble.

No Chance In Hell blares out again, and Vince McMahon and Randy Savage walk off, with the sellout Garden crowd booing them tremendously loudly as they leave

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Can you imagine the rage and hatred that is inside Randy Savage ? Savage holds Flair to blame for the end of his marriage to Elizabeth ten years ago, and that rage has to have festered into something horrible over the years, and I don't know that I could call Savage balanced after what I heard tonight.

Jerry Lawler: Well, Ric Flair has to shoulder some of the blame for what happened between Randy and Liz back in 1992. I mean, the whole world saw those infamous photo's of Flair and Liz together by the pool. and, even though Liz and Randy said they were fakes, they still must have caused a rift of some kind between the couple, and the blame for that has to go on Flair.

Jim Ross: That may as well be King, but I have a feeling that if some faked photo's caused that much of a rift, then there was probably a great deal of strain on the marriage of Randy and Liz already there. In any event, Randy Savage holds Flair personally responsible for the end of his marriage, and he wants nothing more than the end of Ric Flair, and I don't know of anything that can stop him.

Jerry Lawler: Well, Ric Flair better find someone to help him stop Savage and Vince, or, come the Royal Rumble, Flair may find himself on the end of a horrific beating.

Jim Ross: And we still have no idea of who Flair will choose as his partner, and I don't know that anyone will want a piece of Randy Savage, considering the incredible rage that must be within him. In any event, we must continue with Raw, and when we come back, we'll see Lance Storm take on the very popular Rob Van Dam.

Commercial Break

We return to a shot of The Dudley Boyz backstage, with Stacy Keilber, and they are

pacing back and forth, and are clearly not in a good mood

Bubba Ray Dudley: I can't believe it. I just can't believe that we lost our tag titles to those two punks.

D-Von Dudley: Maybe if you (points at Stacy) hadn't gotten up on to the apron, it wouldn't have helped Tazz put that damned Tazzmission on me, and I wouldn't have had to tap out.

Stacy Keibler: (looks angry)] And maybe if you had held yourself together a little longer, Bubba would have been able to save your ass before you tapped out. So don't go blaming me for this one D-Von; you lost the match for us, not me.

As they continue to argue, they are interrupted by Tazz and Spike Dudley walking into the picture. They are holding their tag title belts, and are smiling at what they see

Tazz: Do my eyes deceive me, or is there trouble in Dudleyville ? Gentlemen, maybe you should get your house in order before defending those belts next time. Oh, wait, I forgot; you don't have those belts anymore. We do

Bubba Ray Dudley: (goes eye-to-eye with Tazz) That's real funny Tazz. But we'll get our belts back at the Rumble.

Tazz: Ah, yes, your automatic rematch clause. Well, come the Rumble, we'll beat you, again, and we'll still be the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions.

D-Von Dudley: Don't be so sure of that Tazz. Don't be so sure.

Spike Dudley: We are sure. But don't worry D-Von. We're generous, so we'll let Bubba tap out this time. And, if you need yet another chance to get the belts back, we'll let Stacy tap.

Tazz: (smiles) You're used to getting tapped aren't you Stacy ?

Tazz and Spike laugh, and walk off, leaving The Dudley's to fume, and Stacy looking furious

The stern and somewhat monotonic music of Lance Storm goes up over the PA, and MSG boo as Storm makes his way into the arena. Storm has his usual all-business expression on his face, and walks somewhat mechanically to the ring, and wipes his feet on the ring apron before entering the ring. The music of Rob Van Dam blares out, and the MSG crowd explode as this ultra-charismatic wrestler makes his entrance. Van Dam is clearly buzzed to be competing in The Garden, and bounds to the ring enthusiastically, tagging hands with the fans. Van Dam rolls into the ring, and poses in the corner for the fans, who respond with more loud cheers

Match two: Rob Van Dam v Lance Storm

This was a really good match, which saw Storm's techincal skills pitted against the aerial wizardy of Van Dam. Storm started out using scientific wrestling to keep Van Dam grounded, while Van Dam was able to keep Storm off-balance a fair bit with some impressive flying moves, which wowed the MSG crowd. The contest was fairly even until Van Dam went to the top rope, and before he could go for a big move, Storm pulled the referee in the way, distracting Van Dam, and allowing Storm to crotch him on the top rope. The MSG crowd booed this, and Storm just shook his head at them, and kept up his attack on Van Dam. Storm wore down Van Dam with various holds and moves working on his back; the crowd kept behind Van Dam though, and chanted his name loudly to keep him going. This paid off as, when Storm went for a springboard leg lariat, Van Dam countered with an incredible spin kick of his own, which nailed Storm right in the jaw, and knocked Storm ass over tit. Van Dam pulled himself together, and hit a second spin kick, quickly following up with Rolling Thunder. With Storm on the back foot, Van Dam kept up the pressure, hitting several good looking moves. Storm did try fighting back, and stunned Van Dam with a superkick to the gut, but this was momentary, and Vam flattened Storm with a rolling karate kick. With Storm out of it, Van Dam pulled him into position, and, as he ascended to the top rope, the MSG crowd rose to their feet. Van Dam did his double thumb pose for the crowd, who ate it up, before flying off the top rope, and crashing down onto Lace Storm with a tremendous Five-Star Frog Splash. The three count soon followed, and The Garden exploded into cheers and applause for Van Dam, and the crowd gave Van Dam a great ovation for his win, in what was a great match.

Time of the match: 10:23

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Van Dam gets the win there, and this Garden crowd were really set on fire by Van Dam.

Jerry Lawler: Van Dam is very unorthodox, but I guess that's why they like him here in MSG; they've never been conventional in New York.

Jim Ross: Van Dam of course the former Hardcore Champion, and with a few more wins like that, he may get a rematch with The Undertaker, and I'd pay to see that match. Just before Van Dam's win, we saw The Dudley's have some words with the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Tazz and Spike Dudley, and these two teams will hook it up again at the Royal Rumble.

Jerry Lawler: And did you hear what Tazz had to say about Stacy Keibler ? He had no right to say that about such a lovely lady.

Jim Ross: Looks aside, Stacy Keibler isn't the kind of gal I'd bring home to my momma down on Oklahoma.

Jerry Lawler: She's the kind of girl you bring home for daddy instead. (Lawler cackles pervertedly)

Jim Ross: (shakes head) This past Thursday on Smackdown we saw the shocking return to the World Wrestling Federation of Randy Savage, as he and Vince McMahon left Ric Flair a bloody mess, and when we come back, we'll hear from Ric Flair.

Commercial Break

We return to a quiet MSG. Ric Flair's music hits, and the Garden explodes into wild cheering, and you can hear "Whoo's" reverberate throughout the arena. This reaction intensifies when Ric Flair, a bandage on his forehead, makes his entrance. Even with the injury, Flair stills struts and smiles his way to the ring, and when he enters the ring and takes the mic, he waits for the crowd to quieten down so he can talk. It takes a while to happen, and Flair looks out at the crowd, and seems genuinely touched at the reaction he is getting

Ric Flair: Did my ears play tricks on me, or did I hear Randy, whoo, Savage out here earlier, crying the blues ? And Vince McMahon I definitely heard what you said pal, and I'll get to you in due course. First though, I gotta few choice words for the Macho Man. Randy, you blame me for you and Liz splitting up ? You blame me pal ? (smiles) Randy you gotta quit crying the blues son, because that happened almost a decade ago. You gotta suck it up pal, and get used to the fact that you and Liz grew apart, and I had nothing to do with that. And if what happened between us, those mind games I played, had something to do with your old lady walking out on you, then I gotta say that you would have probably split up anyway. So quit bitching pal, and get used to the facts of life; Liz left you, and it had everything to do with the two of you, and nothing to do with me. Moving on from one embittered windbag to another, and I got something to say to you Vince. I'll admit to being as surprised as anyone this past Thursday when the Macho Man showed up, because I never thought you'd bring him back into the World Wrestling Federation, but you did, and you two got one up on The Nature Boy. Don't get too cocky, though, because plenty of people have gotten one up on me, but in the end, I've come back better than ever, and given them one hell of an ass kicking, whoo, Nature Boy style. Now, the question that everyone has been asking since Thursday is who will my partner be at the Royal Rumble ? Who is going to be the person that Ric Flair chooses to be by his side as they take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage ? Is it someone from my past, someone from my present, or someone that The Nature Boy has never tagged with before ? Who is that person ? Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, you sprang your surprise on me on Smackdown, so I'm going to do the same to you. You two show up this Thursday, and as God and New York as my witnesses, you two will get the shock of your lives, but here's the kicker; you might now what is going to happen, but you won't know when it's going to happen. We might surprise you when you show up, we might surprise you while you're watching in the back. But rest assured Vince, you will be surprised, and maybe this one will be like all the best surprises, and have a sting in its tail. Wohoo.

Flair tosses the mic back at the ring announcer, and makes his way to the back, strutting and whoo-ing his way up the aisle, to another tremendous respone from the sell-out MSG crowd

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Ric Flair with plenty to say to Randy Savage, and Vince McMahon too, and, King, who do you think Flair has picked to be his partner ?

Jerry Lawler: I don't know JR, but whoever it has got to be nuts, for wanting a peice of Savage and McMahon, especially given how crazed The Macho Man appeared to be earlier. Whoever Flair has lined up had better be ready for the fight of their lives at The Rumble, because make no mistake about it, it will be a fight.

Jim Ross: Well, it will be a fight, and I don't know who Ric Flair has chosen, but I can't wait to find out.

We are taken to a video highlight package showcasing Tajiri, the WWF Cruserweight Champion. Set to his entrance music, we see the Japanese Buzzsaw in action against a variety of foes. This amazing wrestler is shown blitzing his opponents with lightning fast kicks, a number of aerial moves, and some great mat action, as well as his ever popular Tarantula. Among the opopents than Tajiri takes apart are Kidman, Syxx-Pac, Taka Michinoku, Crash, and each one goes down to the Japanese Buzzsaw. Tajiri is in fine form, and there are plenty of signs for him in the crowd; a testement to the popularity of this tremendous wrestler. Tajiri is a clear favorite of the fans, and, as the highlight package ends, the last shots are of Tajiri, posed in the ring, with that enigmatic smile of his, and the crowd chanting his name

The operatic music of Christian blares out, and the European Champion makes his entrance to loud booing from The Garden crowd. Christian just cackles insanely as he walks to the ring, pulling away from fans who are reaching over the guardrail. Christian enters the ring, and arrogantly tosses the European title belt to the referee, who only just catches it. Diamond Dallas Page's music blares out, and this always smiling charismatic wrestler makes his way out to a really strong ovation from the MSG crowd. Page is grinning widely as he saunters, rather jauntily, to the ring, and tags hands with fans as he walks down the aisle; he even pauses on occasion to hug a lucky fan or two. Page slides into the ring, and, after posing a little more for the fans, the bell is called for

Match three: WWF European Champion Christian v Diamond Dalls Page - European Championship match

This was another really good match, with both wrestlers putting in tremendous effort. Christian started out with lots of old-school rulebreaking tactics, like eye rakes and hair pulls and such, but Page responded with some hard hitting offence, and that soon had Christian backing up. Page followed Christian, and a chase ensued, which ended when Christian entered the ring, and attacked Page has he came through the ropes. Christian went back to the old-school rulebreaking to wear down Page, as well adding in use of the ropes to try and get the winning pinfall. Page struggled to get back into the match, with Christian cutting off his comebacks with a rake of the eyes, pull of the hair, or use of the tights. Christian slammed Page in the middle of the ring, and smirked and laughed as he climbed to the top rope. Christian readied himself, and, as Page got to his feet Christian launched himself off the top rope. At the last minute though, Page reached out for Christian's head, and dropped down, executing a tremendous desperation Diamond Cutter. The MSG crowd popped big for this amazing move, and applauded Page, and began to cheer him on as the referee began his count. At the 8 count, Christian staggered to his feet, only to be flattened by a right hand from Page. Christian tried to get to his feet again, but again, Page decked the European Champion with a hard right. The MSG crowd cheered as Page staged his comeback, and battered Christian around the ring. Among the moves DDP hit for near falls were his discuss clothesline, a slingshot suplex, and a flying shoulderblock off the top rope, the last of which saw Christian have to put this foot on the bottom rope. Page signalled to the crowd, and readied himself to hit the Diamond Cutter on Christian. Page snagged Christian, but Christian pushed Page off, straight into the referee, knocking him down. Christian stumbled backwards, and Page spun him around and hit a Diamond Cutter, popping the crowd big, and laying Christian out. Page covered Christian, but there was no referee to make the count. Page went to attend to the referee, and, as he did so, William Regal came charging down the aisle, a pair of brass knuckles on his right hand. Regal slid into the ring, and snuck up behind Page, and, when Page turned around, Regal slugged him in the jaw, knocking him out. Regal sneered down at Page, and left the ring, as a dazed Christian pulled himself on top of Page, and hooked the leg. The referee shook his head clear, and, noticing Christian's cover, made a slow three count, giving Christian the win. The MSG crowd booed loudly as Christian rolled out of the ring, and held his neck with one hand, and holding up the European Championship belt with the other. Christian limped to the back, leaving a still groggy referee to tend to an unconscious Diamond Dallas Page.

Time of the match: 11:24

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: What the hell was William Regal doing ? He had no business interfering in this match. Page had the Eurpoean Championship won before that idiot got involved.

Jerry Lawler: Regal obviously wanted to help Page up, and slipped, accidentally hitting him in the jaw.

Jim Ross: Are you serious ? You saw those knuckles on Regals hand as well as I did. You know damn well that Regal intentionally knocked Page out, and that let Christian get the win, and retain his European Championship, though why that is I don't know. I guess we'll find out in due course. In any event, I....hang on a minute. I am getting word in my headset that a vehicle has just pulled up in the parking lot. Let's see if we can get a camera back there to see who is in it.

We cut to the parking lot where a dark blue Corvette has stopped, the engine still running. The windows are darkened, and we cannot see who is inside. The engine stops, and the drivers side window rolls down half way, but the drivers face is not visible. A sound is heard, and a bottle of water is tossed out of the window, landing on the floor of the car park. The window is rolled back up, and there is a brief silence, before Motorhead music begins to boom from the car

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: King, do you...do you think that someone we know could be in that car ?

Jerry Lawler: He could be JR. The water bottle and Motorhead music seem a dead giveaway, but you never know, I guess.

Jim Ross: Well, if it is him, then we now know he is here, and he could come out at any minute. Things could get reak interesting at any point now. When we come back, the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho will have some words for The Rock, who will challenge him for the Undisputed Championship at the Royal Rumble. Don't miss it.

Commercial Break

We return to a quiet MSG. Suddenly, the arena darkens and Chris Jericho's entrance video begins to play. When the countdown reaches Zero, fireworks explode out into the arena, and Jericho's music blares out loudly, and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion comes sauntering out. Jericho has both of his World Title belts over his shoulder, and, as he arrogantly walks to the ring, the sell-out MSG crowd boo this cocky young man very loudly. Jericho just sneers at them, and climbs up the ring steps confidently, before stepping into the ring. Jericho puts both of his belts over one shoulder, and snatches the mic from the ring announcer. Jericho has to wait for the booing to stop before he can talk, and this displeases him greatly

Chris Jericho: For those of you who don't know by now, my name is Chris Jericho, and I am the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, and for those of you who also do not know, I beat Steve Austin and Rock, in one night, to achieve this truly amazing feat. (MSG boos loudly) Boo it all you want you jackasess; it won't make it any less true. Now, ever since I became the Undisputed Champion, and even before, people considered me a joke. People said that I wasn't worthy of being the Undisputed Champion, and that me even being in the one-night tournament last month turned the whole thing into a joke. (the crowd cheer and applaud this, which causes Jericho to pause, and shake his head) Well, to those people, and to each and every jackess in the audience tonight, I have but two words; screw you. (the crowd jeer loudly) To hell with everyone who thought I was a joke, and thought that I would not make a worthy first ever Undisputed Champion. Anyone who doubted Chris Jericho's ability and talent, can, right here and now, kiss my ass, because I showed the entire world that Chris Jericho is for real, and that I am the true Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. And you know something else, I...

Out of nowhere, The Rock's music blares out, and MSG explodes into thunderous cheers and applause. The noise level increases noticably when The Rock walks out onto the stage, and the crowd immediately begin chanting his name. Rock has a microphone in his hand, and paces back and forth on the stage as he takes in the incredible reaction he is getting. Eventually, the reaction dies down enough that Rock can speak

The Rock: Finally, The Rock has come back to New York City. (the crowd cheer this very loudly) The Rock was in the back, chilling, relaxing and having fun. But then he heard this noise, and it really started to get on The Rock's nerves. So The Rock asked someone what the annoying noise was. Turned out to be a whole lot of whining from Chris Jericho. (the arena reverberates with laughter, as Chris Jericho stomps and pouts in the ring) Chris Jericho, for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, the first Undisupted World Champion in the history of our sport, you sure do a damn lot of whining. Why is that ? The Rock wants to know why someone who has so much would keep up with the bitching and moaning ? (Chris Jericho is almost irate at this point, and makes a number of threatening gestures towards Rock) Hey, now, calm down. Calm down Chris, The Rock was just playing with you. Not the way you play with you, but he was still just playing. So Chris Jericho feels underappreciated ? He feels that he is not taken seriously ? Well, let The Rock tell you something Chris Jericho; The Rock takes you seriously. He takes you very seriously. You see, despite what anyone else thinks, The Rock knows for a fact that you are a tremendous athlete and a world class wrestler, and at the Royal Rumble, The Rock will absolutely be taking you seriously. Because The Rock knows that at the Rumble he is going to be in for the fight of a lifetime, because he knows that...

Chris Jericho: Are you done yet you self-serving sonofabitch ? (MSG "ooh" in unison, and The Rock looks a little taken aback) Let me tell you something Rock. I'm quite familiar with this routine of yours. You come out here, you put someone down, and then you suck up to them, tell them how great they are, and these sheep out here buy into. I'm bored of that, these people would be bored of it too if they had a mind of their own, but they're too busy going along with everyone else, and cheering for you. They don't have the will, they don't have the brains to snap out of it, and see you for the patronizing egotistical jerkoff that you are. (The Rock is barely able to contain his anger, and his pacing increases) I know the truth Rock; that you don't see me as a threat. I know how everyone, not just these fans, but everyone in the back sees me. They see me as a joke. Well, screw them, screw the fans, and screw you Rock. You think that I'm a joke ? You people think I'm a joke ? (the crowd cheer, and Jericho just smiles slightly) Well, this joke is calling your ass out Rock. Come down to this ring you jerk, and see what this joke is made off.

The Rock tosses down his mic, and begins to walk to the ring, taking off his shirt as he does so. Chris Jericho drops his title belts and the mic, and gets ready for The Rock. Rock pauses at ringside, before charging into the ring, and he and Chris Jericho begin to brawl at a furious pace. Both men exchange lefts and rights, and both men quickly tumble to the floor. Rock knees Jericho in the gut, and goes to whip Jericho into the security barrier, but Jericho reverses the move, and redirects Rock, sending him head first into the ringpost. Rock staggers back, in a daze, and Jericho cinches him up from behind and drives him face first into the floor with a Breakdown. Jericho stands up, and looks down on The Rock, who isn't moving. Jericho sneers, and rolls back into the ring. He picks up his title belts, puts them over one shoulder, and picks the microphone back up

Chris Jericho: (deliberately does not look at Rock at all) When the bitch wakes up, tell him I'll see his candy ass at the Rumble.

The MSG crowd boo Jericho loudly, as he tosses the microphone down and walks off, still not looking at The Rock at all. As Jericho makes his way up the ramp, some medical staff come down, with equipment in hand, to check on the condition of The Rock. Jericho just laughs as he walks to the back, not even looking up at the Titantron, where The Rock is being shown, still unconscious

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Can you believe what Chris Jericho has done, King ? Not only did he attack The Rock and leave him laying, but the level of disrespect he showed was just galling. To talk to The Rock in the manner he did was just wrong of Jericho, no matter how he feels.

Jerry Lawler: Well, look at it from Chris Jericho's side JR. The fans did think Jericho shouldn't have even been in the tournament to decide the Undisputed WWF Champion at Vengeance to begin with. And Chris Jericho hasn't gotten the respect he feels he deserves, not only from the fans, but from the other wrestlers in the locker room. I'll agree that Jericho treated Rock with total disprespect, but I have to say that Jericho should stand up for himself. You just cannot let people talk about you that away JR, and not respond. Jericho had the right idea, but he probably went about it all wrong.

Jim Ross: I'll agree you should stand up for yourself; I've done that myself a number of times, and gotten fired for it, but the way Jericho talked to The Rock, the language he used, was just too much for my liking, and I think that Chris Jericho is in for the butt whooping of his life at the Royal Rumble when he faces the Rock, one-on-one. We'll try and compose ourselves here folks, and when we return, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Big Red Machine Kane take on Booker T and The Undertaker. This is one tag match you won't want to miss.

Commercial Break

We return to MSG, which is still buzzing over what has happend between Chris Jericho and The Rock. Booker T's music hits, and MSG erupts into strong booing as the five-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion makes his entrance. Booker looks all business as he walks to the ring, and as he awaits the arrival of his tag team partner, Booker takes the time to pull of a pre-match spinaroonie. The Undertaker's new music hits, and MSG respond with loud booing as the American Badass, and current WWF Hardcore Champion, rides his Harley Davidson out into the Garden. With the Hardcore Title belt around his neck, Undertaker rides down to ringside and goes around the ring a couple of times, before parking his bike beside the ring, just to the left of the aisle. Undertaker climbs into the ring, and he and Booker engage in a brief staredown, with neither man fully trusting the other, given their history. The Garden lights go down, and the crowd let out a cheer as strange organ music plays out, and the entranceway is bathed in red light. The MSG crowd cheer loudly as fireworks shoot up around the entranceway, and Kane walks out onto the stage. Kane makes his way to the ring, apparently as stoic as ever, though it is hard to tell what lurks beneath that red mask. Kane walks purposefully to the ring, and enters by climbing over the top rope. Kane stares straight at his brother The Undertaker, who just looks back, and seems to tense up a little. Booker just leans in one corner, and looks on at the scene, as he gets ready for the fourth particpant to be introduced. The sound of broken glass echoes throughout MSG, and the sell-out Garden explodes into thunderous cheers as Stone Cold Steve Austin walks out into the arena, at which point the noise level rises considerably. Austin walks to the ring forcefully, and, when he gets to ringside, he suddenly storms the ring and goes straight for Booker T, and a four-way brawl quickly erupts, and the referee hurriedly calls for the bell

Match Four: Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kane v The Undertaker and Booker T

This match started out at a frantic pace, and stayed there for the whole duration. Austin and Booker stayed in the ring, while Undertaker and Kane spilled out onto the floor, puching away at each other. Booker whipped Austin into the ropes, but set his head down too early, and Austin kicked him hard in the chest. On the floor, Kane grabbed Undertaker, and suplexed him on the floor, and The Undertaker winced in pain. The MSG crowd cheered loudly as all four men continued to battle it out all around the ring, though, eventually, a semblence of order was restored, and the match continued somewhat as normal. Booker and Kane started things off for their respective sides when the match settled down, and both men exchanged moves back and forth. The most notable sequence, which took place well into the match, saw Booker reverse an attempted tombstone by Kane, and hit a Book End, leaving both men down. Some blatant double teaming from Booker and Undertaker prevented Kane from making a much needed tag to Stone Cold, but when Undi went for a Last Ride, Kane slipped out of the move, and hit a desperation choke slam. As a winded Undertaker tried to hold on to Kane's ankle to stop the tag, Kane rolled out of it, and tagged in Stone Cold to a monster pop from the sold out MSG crowd. Stone Cold came in all guns blazing, and assaulted Undertaker and Booker with a barrage of punches and kicks. Austin was the proverbial house on fire, and Undertaker and Booker were reeling from his onslaught. Austin whipped Booker into the ropes and hit a big backdrop, before quickly clotheslining Undertaker off the apron to the floor. Austin continued to attack Booker, and was soon signalling that it was time for the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin kicked Booker in the gut, and nailed him with the Stone Cold Stunner, and MSG popped big. Austin made the cover...1...2..Undertaker pulled Austin off of Booker. This brought Kane into the ring, and another four-way brawl erupted. With control completely lost, it was no surprise to see the referee have to scramble from the ring to avoid getting squashed by the four individuals battling it out. With the referee on the floor, and looking out to avoid getting hit, Booker T was able to nail Kane with a lowblow, and execute the Book End. As Booker got up though, Stone Cold hit him with the Stunner, popping MSG again. However, Undertaker was laying in wait with his Hardore Title belt, and smacked Austin over the head with it, knocking him silly. Undertaker hauled Austin to his feet, and lifted him for a Tombstone, but Kane had recovered from the Book End, and surprised Undertaker by springing up and snatching him by the throat. Undi dropped Austin, and Kane then lifted Undertaker up and planted him with a big chokeslam. Kane made the cover, and the referee quickly darted into the ring, and made the three count, giving Kane the surprise pinfall win over The Undertaker.

Time of the match: 12:05

MSG popped big for the finish, and cheered Kane as his music played. Booker rolled out of the ring, still feeling the effects of the Stunner, and Austin got back to one knee, trying to shake off the belt shot from Undertaker. Undertaker himself meanwhile was still laying in the ring, barely moving after the huge chokeslam from Kane. Kane meanwhile posed in the ring, over his fallen brother, raising his arms and then bringing them down, and fireworks shot up from the ringposts, and the MSG crowd continued to cheer for The Big Red Machine.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: What a win for Kane and Stone Cold, and Kane managed to score the pinfall win over his brother,The Undertaker, and you have to believe that The Undertaker is not going to be pleased when he realises that his younger brother beat him.

Jerry Lawler: The Undertaker isn't going to like it, and Kane better watch his back, because we all know, you especially JR, what Undertaker gets like when he's angry.

Jim Ross: Yeah, I know what it's like , and it sure isn't pretty. Kane is a marked man from here on out, mark my words. The waiting is over and when we come back, The Game himself, Triple H, will make his triumphant return to the World Wrestling Federation. What will he have to say ? Don't miss this one folks.

As Raw fades to a commercial break. a graphic appears on screen: The Game Returns To Raw: Next!

Commercial Break

We return to MSG, with the crowd abuzz over the imminent return of Triple H. The first riffs of It's Time To Play The Game blare out, and MSG erupts into thunderous cheers, possibly the loudest of the night. The entranceway is bathed in green light, as the rest of the lights in MSG go down, and a familiar looking figure appears in the entranceway. As the lights go back up, the thunderous cheers echo around MSG again as Triple H is revealed. Wearing a leather jacket, denims jeans, and a Triple H t-shirt, The Game has his familiar bottle of water in hand, and takes a drink out of it before walking out onto the stage, to even louder cheers. As Triple H begins to walk out, MSG cheers and applauds, and many Triple H signs are waved about, as the fans let it be known how popular Triple H is on his return. Triple H makes a couple of steps out onto the ramp, when a chair-wielding Kurt Angle sprints out of the back and smacks Triple H in the back with the chair, knocking him down. With Triple H's music stopped, the boos and jeers of MSG are even more evident now. As Triple H staggers to his feet, Angle takes another run up and smashes the chair into Triple H's head, knocking The Game almost completely out. With MSG thoroughly booing their hearts out, Angle just sneers as he places the chair onto the stage, and drags a barely conscious Triple H to the chair. Angle looks out at MSG, and shakes his head, before getting Triple H into position for his own pedigree move. With a yell of triumph, Angle pedigree's Triple H face first onto the chair, well and truly knocking The Game out cold. Angle just kneels in front of Triple H, and begins screaming and yelling abuse at the unconscious Game, and, as Raw fades to black, the final shot is of a deranged Angle yelling at the unconscious Triple H, who is not moving at all

End Credits

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WWF Superstars

Sunday January 1, 1995

The show opens with a brand new montage video featuring the stars of the new generation of the WWF. HBK Shawn Michaels, Diesel, "The King Of Harts" Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Razor Ramone, Double J and The Roadie, The Smoking Gunns, The Heavenly Bodies and James E. Cornette, Lex Luger, The British Bulldog, The 1-2-3 Kid, The Undertaker, and Tatanka and Ted Dibiase are featured prominantly in the video. From there an explosion of the WWF Logo leads to a shot of a new set, where Jim Ross and Michael P.S. Hayes are standing behind two podiums with a "control room" seeting behind them, complete with people milling around and working, and various monitors showing WWF Superstars wrestling or cutting promos.

Jim Ross: Welcome to a brand new year here in the WWF. I am Jim Ross and beside me is the Freebird himself, Michael P.S. Hayes. We are your brand new hosts of WWF Superstars where we will travel the country alongside your favorite, and not so favorite, WWF Superstars week in and week out bringing you the best action we can find.

Michael P.S. Hayes: You got that right Jimmy. We have one heck of a show for you this week too as we start the new year off with a bang.

Ross: Indeed we do, as this week we will see Doink The Clown and MVP square off in a match, The Undertaker continuing to have his issues with The Million Dollar Corporation as he takes on King Kong Bundy, and in our massive Main Event, The Bad Guy himself Razor Ramone will defend his Intercontinental Title against Pierre Oulette.

Hayes: The Bad Guy against a man who thinks he's a pirate. That oughtta be something. I'm not even going to mention a clown wrestling a human baseball. However I think The Undertaker's days could be numbered here in the WWF now that The Million Dollar Corporation has him in their sights. Dead Man or not, he's up against the likes of King Kong Bundy and Bam Bam Bigelow backed by the genius and the money of The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

Ross: You could be right. All of this plus we'll hear from several Superstars as they give us their New Years Resolutions for 1995. However for now, let's head to the ring coming to you from the great state of Ohio.

Doink The Clown vs. MVP

MVP is in the ring sort of hopping around as Doink walks around ringside slapping hands with kids, blowing kisses at the ladies, and poking the men. He finally climbs into the ring and soon after the ref calls for the bell. The two men lock up and the resulting action is anything less than stellar. It's slow and plodding featuring a variety of arm bars and other assorted rest holds. It comes to an end when MVP attempts a Running Bulldog that Doink is able to get out of. MVP turns around and Doink grabs him nailing a short arm clothesline. Doink makes the cover and gets the reasonably easy 1-2-3 pinfall victory. Doink rolls to the floor where the ref raises his hand as his carnival music begins to play. He shambles around ringside for a few moments as MVP gets to his feet looking groggy. MVP motions for Doink to return to the ring. Doink looks to the fans for an answer, then finally climbs back in looking wary. MVP says something to Doink that can't be heard, smiles, then extends his hand for a handshake. Ross mentions MVP's sense of sportsmanship as Doink smiles then sprays MVP in the face with his water filled flower lapel. The fans cheer and clap as Doink hightails it out of the ring and up the aisleway, laughing at his own joke all the way. Inside the ring MVP looks upset, then smiles and laughs himself, pointing a finger at Doink.

Winner: Doink The Clown by pinfall

Time: 3:05

OR: 59

Back in the "control room" Ross is laughing while Hayes looks less than thrilled.

Ross: Well that's Doink for you, always looking to have a good time, even at the expense of others.

Hayes: A good time, Jim? Are we watching professional wrestling or a three ring circus?

Ross: When Doink The Clown is in the ring, Michael, it's a bit of both. Now lets take a look at the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament currently going on as we head towards The Royal Rumble and the crowning of new WWF Tag Team Champions.

The WWF Tag Team Titles Tournament Thus Far

A video plays showing some of the action that has gone on in the opening round of the tournament to date. Shots are shown of all the competitors in action and the closing moments of each match before brackets appear on screen to update who has moved on and who is out of it.

Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka


Men on a Mission

Winners: Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka

The Headshrinkers Fatu & Sionne


Owen Hart & Jim Niedhart

Winners: Headshrinkers Fatu & Sionne

The Heavenly Bodies


The Bushwhackers

Winners: The Heavenly Bodies

1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly


Well Dunn

Winners: The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly

Finally Jim Ross tells us as the graphic is shown that tomorrow night on the first Raw Is War of 1995 that we will see The Heavenly Bodies take on The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly.


We return to the "control room" setting following the commercials.

Ross: And now lets take you to The Smoking Gunns, Billy and Bart, as they reveal for us their New Years Resolutions for 1995.

A Smoking New Year

The Gunns are standing in front of a colorful WWF Superstars background, neither man smiling nor looking particularly happy.

Billy Gunn: A new year and a new chance for The Smoking Gunns to win some tag team gold here in the WWF. There's only one little problem that we can see, and thats that we ain't even in the Tag Team Title Tournament.

Bart Gunn: Well, as far as we're concerned that ain't that big a deal though. You wanna know what our New Years Resolution is for 1995? It's to win the belts. So right here and right now we have a challenge to whichever team might walk out of The Royal Rumble as the champions.

Billy: The next night on Raw, why don't ya'll put those belts on the line against us. The Smoking Gunns vs. whatever team can win this whole dang thing.

Bart: And just to show ya'll we ain't looking for a leg up, we're right here and right now entering our names in The Royal Rumble itself. The Smoking Gunns are looking for all the gold we can get.

Billy: Yeeeeeehaw! I hope the winners have what it takes to make this challenge happen.

The two shoot off their "guns" as the scene returns to the "control center".

Hayes: Whoa. Now thats a challenge. I may not care for those country bumpkins much, but even I can't say they aren't one of the absolute best tag teams in the WWF right now.

Ross: Indeed they are, and they are looking for their first opportunity to become WWF Tag Team Champions. Not only that, but Billy and Bart are the first two entrants into the 1995 Royal Rumble, coming to you exclusively on PPV on January 22nd.

Hayes: They may be the first Jimmy, but they sure as heck won't be the last we hear from this week alone, if not on this very show here tonight.

Ross: Up next after these commercials, folks, we'll see The Undertaker take on King Kong Bundy, and this one is going to be a war I can assure you.


King Kong Bundy (with The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase) vs. The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

We return from commercial to hear the ending of Dibiase's music as he stands in the ring with the massive King Kong Bundy, both men smiling. That changes when the lights dim and the familiar gongs go off, followed by the music that heralds the imminent arrival of The Undertaker and his portly manager Paul Bearer. Bearer comes out first holding the urn in the air followed by The Dead Man himself and the crowd erupts. As the two denizens from the darkside slowly make their way towards the ring, Ross and Hayes remind fans that it was at Survivor Series last November that The Million Dollar Corporation attacked The Undertaker in his match against Yokozuna and by all rights started this war. Once Taker hits the ring and disrobes it's a staredown of mega proportions as the two men simply look at each other. On the floor the cackling of Ted Dibiase can be heard as well as the howling of Paul Bearer. The fans are solidly behind Taker, and boo when Bundy lumbers forward and attacks after the slow start. Taker absorbs the punishment for a bit, before coming back and laying massive shots to the face of Bundy that sends the big man reeling. Bundy is against the ropes as Taker is unrelenting in his assault. The cheers of the fans quickly turn to boos however as the camera catches IRS, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Tatanka sliding into the ring behind the two giant men. IRS slams his ever present briefcase across the back of Taker, who stops and quickly turns around. He grasps IRS by the throat, as the bell sounds signalling the DQ ending to this short match, but soon enough Bigelow and Tatanka are also attacking him as well as a suddenly rejuvenated Bundy. Taker falls to one knee as the four men lay into him, and its another briefcase shot to the head that sends him down onto the mat. The others hold him in place face first on the mat as Dibiase, now in the ring, instructs Bundy to finish him off. Bundy roars and bellows then drops his massive frame onto Taker's prone body. Once he regains his footing Bundy is congratulated by his manager and teammates, who all exit the ring and head towards the back. Bearer enters the ring and holds the urn up, and the face down Undertaker slowly rises to his normal one knee kneeling position to the excitement and happiness of the crowd. Dibiase, IRS, and Tatanka hold Bigelow and Bundy back from heading back to the ring as The Undertaker's music rings out through the arena, his eyes fixed on The Million Dollar Corporation.

Winner: The Undertaker by DQ due to interference

Time: 7:12

OR: 67

Ross and Hayes are looking at a monitor in the "control room", then turn back to face the camera.

Ross: 1995 picks up right where it left off for The Undertaker and Ted Dibiase's Million Dollar Corporation, Michael.

Hayes: It sure does, Jimmy, but I tell you this here and now, this is the year that The Undertaker takes his leave of the WWF for good. Ted Dibiase has made it his number one priority to destroy The Undertaker once and for all. With his money I think he can do it. Everyone has a price yannow.

Ross: According to The Million Dollar Man they do. Folks, when we return we'll hear from Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase as they tell us their own resolutions for 1995.


The Hitman Has His Target Set For The Royal Rumble

Bret Hart is standing in his wrestling attire, his wet hair dripping, and his trademark sunglasses and jacket on in front of the colorful Superstars background.

Bret Hart: So you want to know what the Hitman has planned for 1995? It all starts tomorrow night on RAW when I get my rematch against Bob Backlund. After I beat him, I head to The Royal Rumble, because I am indeed entered into it, where I will throw as many men out of that ring as I have to to be the last man standing. Then I'm on my way to WrestleMania where I will defeat Diesel to once again become the WWF World Champion. Simply put, 1995 is the same as every year for The Hitman. I'm going to send my opponents down with The Pink And Black Attack, showing every single last man in the WWF why Bret Hart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, and it starts tomorrow night.

The scene cuts to the "control center" yet again.

Ross: The Hitman showing confidence and...

Hayes: ...and stupidity if you ask me Jimmy. Tomorrow night he wrestles the ONLY man in the history of the WWF that can claim he did not lose his World Title by either quitting or by being pinned in one Mr. Bob Backlund, and The Hitman is looking past him all the way to WrestleMania. Well Bret, let me tell you not only is getting past Mr. Backlund something you couldn't do at The Survivor Series, it's something you can't do tomorrow night if you ask me.

Ross: Point of fact, Michael, but that was the past. As we all saw last year Bob Backlund lost his last World Title cleanly, and quickly I might add, to Big Daddy Cool Diesel. Anyways, despite my colleague's strong opinions on the matter at hand, tomorrow night we will indeed see The Hitman Bret Hart take on Bob Backlund in our huge Main Event. Not only that, but along with The Smoking Gunns we can now add Bret Hart's name as entered into The Royal Rumble on PPV on January 22nd. Now let's hear from Ted Dibiase and his Million Dollar Corporation as they share their own New Years Resolutions.

Hayes: I already know what it is, Jimmy, but this should be good nonetheless.

The Million Dollar Man And His Million Dollar Corporation Are Looking Forward To Undertaking A New Year

The same set up as previosuly with The Smoking Gunns and Bret Hart, this time with The Million Dollar Corporation members IRS, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, and King Kong Bundy standing behind and beside The Million Dollar Man.

Ted Dibiase: Mwwwaaahahahahahaha. 1995, according to the Chinese Calendar, is The Year Of The Million Dollar Corporation. Mwaaahahahahaha. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the five of us have only three things on our minds as we start off the new year. First is Bam Bam and Tatanka going all the way to The Royal Rumble and winning the Tag Team Titles and bringing just a little more gold into The Million Dollar Corporation. As easily as they defeated Men On A Mission they will also defeat The Headshrinkers in two weeks on Raw, then defeating whatever the other team is at The Rumble. Our second resolution for 1995 is taking out The Undertaker. We started that right here today, and we won't stop until it's done. In fact, if we haven't succeeded in our mission by The Rumble, we will definitely finish it up in The Rumble itself. Word, and a few bribes here and there, has it that The Undertaker has already added his name to the growing list of competitors and so have IRS and King Kong Bundy. So if you make it that far, Undertaker, you won't be walking out of that match. No matter what it takes. The third thing is either IRS or Bundy winning The Rumble and heading to WrestleMania to win the WWF World Title. You don't need to read any of those dirt mags at the checkout lane when you're using your foodstamps to see some psychic give you their predictions for the new year, you just need to listen to the smartest, and richest, man in the world today. Me. The Million Dollar Man. You know what I say, EVERYONE has a price for The Million Dollar Man. MWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dibiase's music begins to play as the scene fades back to the "control room" once again.

Hayes: Now thats a prediction and a New Years Resolution you can take to the bank, Jimmy. Hahahaha.

Ross: Well folks, despite what The Million Dollar Man may or may not think, we now know five Superstars that are entered into The Royal Rumble for sure in Bret The Hitman Hart, Bart and Billy Gunn, IRS, and King Kong Bundy, and we have a rumored sixth entrant with The Undertaker. The 1995 Royal Rumble, live and only on PPV on January 22nd, is already shaping up to be one of the all time best we have ever seen.

Hayes: Thats an all star group of wrestlers so far, Jimmy, and we can only guess who the other 24 Superstars will be.

Ross: I am sure we'll have even more names announced tomorrow night on Raw. Up next folks, our Superstars Main Event Match for the Intercontinental Title. Don't go away.


Coming To The Royal Rumble...

A black screen is shown as some heavy guitar riffs begin. Soon a full blown guitar solo plays as the following words hurtle at the screen:

It's HAMMER Time At The Royal Rumble!


Main Event Intercontinental Title Match: Razor Ramone© vs. Pierre Oulette

Pierre Oulette comes from the back to some "pirate" music with an eyepatch over his left eye as the fans boo a little. He gets into the ring, removes the patch, and waits. He doesn't have to wait long as Razor Ramone's music blares out and The Bad Guy saunters from the back, his IC Title around his waist and a toothpick in his mouth. Ross puts over Razor's current reign as Intercontinental Champion, naming Double J, Doink, Adam Bomb, and Marty Janetty as just some of the talented Superstars Razor has beaten. Hayes says that despite Pierre's fascination with all things piratey, he is a world class athlete and no pushover for Razor here tonight. After Razor's normal routine is over the bell sounds and the two men immediately lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Pierre nails a knee to the midsection giving him the advantage, but Razor reverses an Irish Whip into the ropes and follows through with a Belly To Back Drop that sends Pierre onto the mat hard. Razor proceeds to go to work on the neck and upper back of Pierre much to the fans delight. Pierre soon rakes the eyes, much to the chagrin of the fans and the ref who warns him, then he begins to go to work on the left leg of Razor. Hayes mentions that Pierre has recently been claiming that something called The Peg Leg is set to make it's debut, and he wonders aloud if this is the set up for that. We never find out however, as Razor kicks out of an attempted Figure Four Leglock and hobbles to his feet. It's only a few moments later that Pierre finds himself atop Razor's shoulders and slammed down hard to the mat with The Razor's Edge. The 1-2-3 is academic as Razor successfully retains his Intercontinental Title today. He is handed his belt, which he shines up a bit with his right hand, then smiles, winks, and puts it around his waist. He turns and sees The Roadie coming down to ringside carrying a guitar. Razor stands ready as Roadie stops and looks uncertain on what to do. However from behind Razor Double J appears from literally nowhere and enters the ring. Roadie smiles and points behind the champ, who turns only to be blasted with a guitar shot. Razor crumples to the mat as the fans boo. The Roadie enters the ring with the other guitar as Double J smiles then talks trash to the fallen hero. Roadie hands Jarrett the second guitar then removes the title belt from around Razor's waist. He puts it around the waist of Double J, who hops onto the middle ropes, holds the guitar high, and proclaims as loud as he can that the belt is coming back home very soon. He gets off the ropes and Roadie points out that Pierre is getting to his feet. Double J stands ready, then blasts the second guitar over Pierre's head dropping him back to the mat. Jarrett removes the title, kisses it, then lays it over Razor's face as he and The Roadie exit the ring to boos.

Winner: Razor Ramone by pinfall

Time: 5:45

OR: 75

Back in the "control room" one last time, Ross looks disgusted.

Ross: That was utterly reprehensible by Double J and The Roadie, Michael. What was that all about?

Hayes: Well I can't speak for Jeff Jarrett, Jimmy, but I think he's made his New Years Resolution known here today as well. He wants the Intercontinental Title back.

Ross: Well I don't think he's going to find Razor Ramone disagreeable about a rematch following that stunt. And if those two aren't careful, well it may already be to late as a matter of fact, they may have made an enemy of The Pirate Pierre Oulette.

Hayes: I don't think they much care, Jimmy. What a first week of Superstars for 1995 we've had though, huh?

Ross: You are right there. And what a Raw we have for you tomorrow night on The USA Network. We will see The Heavenly Bodies take on The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly in the first of our two Semi Final Tag Team Tournament Matches, and then, in our Main Event, it will be The Hitman Bret Hart and Bob Backlund going one on one. Folks, for Michael P.S. Hayes I am Jim Ross coming to you from the Traveling WWF Control Center and we will see you next week.

End Show

OR: 70

Attendance: 7037

Edited by thegodcomplex
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Someone should shoot Bart Gunn. Seriously. :) You've got the Million $ man to a tee, definitely a good read.

Matches are a bit iffy... but that's the WWF 1995 for ya. Oh well. *shrug* Good job on a first show... can't wait until a Monday Night RAW is posted.

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The Van Hammer debut thing makes what looks like an average WWF Superstars superawesome. Hammer time, bitch.

Oh, and Raw was spiffy too. I dug the Jericho/Rock segment.

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