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80s Mania Wrestling


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So, I did a quick search, but I came across no mention on EWB of this. And it shocks me. Because this seems like its something right up EWB's alley.


I just started a game and I'm having a blast. My favourite, by far, is Red Pirate Rogers XD

I've gone with Wrestle World for my first run through. So much stupid fun. 

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1 hour ago, Katsuya said:

Can you start earning tokens any other way than paying for it? Because honestly I'm kind of getting tired of just using the same people over and over again, with the same results because I can't increase their push <_< 

I think you get a token when you complete each year or something along those lines? It's slow to start for sure but it picks up and it can be fun to use push cards to try and make upsets happen etc.

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  • 1 month later...

I sent them an email a couple of weeks back with a suggestion on how they could improve the filters for booking a match by separating them into push/style/alignment - and they agreed with the diagram and stuff that I laid out.

They totally patched it in today with battle royals, tournaments and some other features. That's so awesome.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm at a weird point with the game where I'm just trying to max everything out. I come out on top for shows, can afford the best arenas, etc - so I just use the favorite/bookmark system to note the wrestlers I haven't maxed out in skill yet and spam them over and over again.

Really cool to see a lot of things I've suggested and gone back and forth with the devs make it into the game too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22/11/2018 at 14:57, Gabriel said:

Just picked this up recently to replace WWE Slam, and I'm having a good time with it.

Do card positions change at all? Like, will Chet Skye ever be able to be anything other than an Opener, for example?

You can promote them, but it requires tokens to do so.

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Just now, Carparama said:

You can promote them, but it requires tokens to do so.

I figured out that promoting a push just adds 3 to their push level, but does it change their card position at all? I swear Zen was a midcarder when my game started. I've promoted a push for him, so his push level is at 10/7, and he's currently listed as an Upper Midcarder.

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1 minute ago, Gabriel said:

I figured out that promoting a push just adds 3 to their push level, but does it change their card position at all? I swear Zen was a midcarder when my game started. I've promoted a push for him, so his push level is at 10/7, and he's currently listed as an Upper Midcarder.

Text doesn't really matter. Focus on the draw numbers (regarding rating) and push numbers (likelihood of winning).

Dr. B is listed as a "main eventer" because he's your top guy when you start, but he isn't really a main eventer in the grand scheme of things.

That being said, the card position will change, but again, other than organizational purposes, doesn't really matter.

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