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Fuck yes maokai. 4/7/15 overall, was with a friend who was level 30, DoIt4TheVayne who was on skype with me, helped me so much. Basically just walked with em and we were a walking deathstick tandem. Just built a partial masteries page for em, so that will help me even more so now.

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Oh, look at that...using my build :shifty:

But yeah, having a masteries page for your champs is a good idea. Until you realize you can only have 20 or so. Then I just put up generic mastery pages (ADC, Mid Mage, AD Assassin, AP Assassin, Bruiser, Bruiser Tank, AP Tank, AD Jungle, AP Jungle, 100% Tank, and a few others)

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It´s amazing how i almost went to bronze 4 without loosing any match and as soon as i lost my red ribbon i started only getting shit teams. I think i am down to 20 points again, but only loosing 14/15 points per match because i am actualy still doing a good job... and if you think about how you loose the ribbon, you actualy play as the best player on your team and in the last minute two people decide that they need to report you because you made one bad decision that "cost them the match". ...

I found out that these "you got reported" popups are just like the you got honnored popupps. It´s nnot that anyone is checking our why you get them, if you get reported they simply drop your rating and you get less frindly teams because of it... oh what i would give for a payed server...

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Huh, weird. I've never had that.

And man, someone was just a prick. I was having an off game (little bit on tilt)....and their enemy jungler is all "I can tell you're not very good with Gnar." Bitch, please. I'm a great Gnar, but I haven't been trying for the past 15 minutes because the game was done at 12.

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You should never play a ranked game like it is lost. The strangest viceroys have been pulled, a stolen barron, a surprising ace, the other team getting careless. Worst case scenario is just you learning to run with stones in your shoos helping do better when you are up in a more even fight in your next match.

I got my Red Ribbon back earlier today, spend a ton of IPon finaly having propper Leona Runes and took her to town in three TeamBuilder matches winning all of them (two even with very good states).

First match back in ranked, two full games AFKs and i am stuck with ADC (my worst role)... - 22LP, thank you Riot >_>

Second game just now i carried hard with amumu. Not only did i get a shit ton of kills i also spend like 10 minutes talking to my team explaining them why they should be with me, not go in in front of me in teamfights ect. ect. (i guss stuff like that is getting me reported when we loose even if i do it mostly friendly and without sarkasem) but in the end they listend three times, we won two teamfights, stole barron and gg. phew. - What dos riot give me? +18LP Haha ;-p

(match not found currently, something is up with their servers)


Edited by Herr Matzat
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When/if it becomes available to load. We came alll the way back from like 5-16. Still finished behind on kills. But we got a big team quad-kill. (Enemy Lux was protecting her 0 deaths and never came close enough) Then we pushed through Bot, sweeping up both towers and the base while Lux hid behind the Nexus.

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Also just realised that my last two game results i've posted have led me to 2/4/41..yup, LOVE those assists :D

Also I get der infinite honour from my teammates and also compliments as to how good a Sona/Sup I am. It trips me out that I can do so well as sup, but I am so decidedly average top/mid and so spectacularly bad as ADC. Obviously Sup is easier, but it's such a huge difference.

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