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public enemy

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Everything posted by public enemy

  1. How exactly would they be able to change the in-game commentary to John Motson? To have John Motson, they would need to have had him record each and every single piece of commentary that features in the game or a more amatuish version of simply ripping his commentary off a random match. Either way I can't see it done as a bunch of patchers are hardly going to a) waste money on the unlikely option of paying him to do the commentary or b) waste time recording and attaching several hundred pieces of relevant commentary from a standard match. I think you must have heard wrong.
  2. Some. I know for sure they have Chelsea, Arsenal and manyoos. Liverpool's kit is not in. ←
  3. There's really no need for that at the minute, perhaps in the later contests. As it stands both myself and IWC have volunteered to judge, that along with AJ's scores would be enough. I've already sent my scores via PM and I hope AJ can find some-one else rather than IWC to cast the final votes, unlike myself he has a rather good chance of winning the contest if he keeps his entry instead of judging.
  4. So...... I started a new game recently with Inter Milan. They seem to be a decent enough team to play with. High expectations from the board and supporters and very little money to start off with. By signing Cavenaghi (as a replacement for Real Madrid-bound Vieri), I've only made one signing to the current team and have fought my way through a twenty-game unbeaten run now nine points clear at Christmas. Its not until you actually control a team with the games top-rated players than you actually start to realise how good they are. Similar to when I was playing as Juventus with Ibrahimovich, Adriano is fucking amazing with Inter. In January he won European Striker Of The Year, European Footballer Of The Year, World Player Of The Year AND World Footballer Of The Year - thanking me, the manager on the triumph every time.
  5. No Dream Theater. Apart from that, the list was fairly decent. Didn't like a lot of the bands on it but you could see how they'd make it onto such a list given the sort of guys that post at EWB.
  6. Although they are pretty much pointless, I do enjoy them. Last year, I watched all of United's pre-season USA tour. They left all the big names off the team until the last match due to complaints from the American fans. Before that we were just fielding our reserves, whom I'm used to watching anyway, getting some great experience against the likes of the AC Milan first-team. This year, we seem to be taking it a lot more seriously. The tour of the far-east is as much an importance as it is a business investment to the team and I'll surely be watching.
  7. Why would Anthony be up for eviction? From what I've watched of the show they all seem to like him reasonably well and by getting off with Makosi he's practically guaranteed immunity from her and her little group. Since there's not really any more grudges in the house, it'll be likely they'll chuck out one of the boring ones that no-one could give a fuck about (i.e. Eugene, Vanessa) unless something happens that'll cause some sort of divide. And what's with all the Science hating? I could easily say over the past week or so, he's been the most entertaining person in the house.
  8. 'Tapping-up' is basically talking to a player or member of staff of another club with the intention of bringing them to your club, without the permission from the club they are currently employed by. As you know, to sign a player a fee must be agreed before the negotiating party is allowed to discuss a contract with the player. Tapping-up skips right past this process, as the club will illegally go straight to the player with the intention of 'stealing' him away from the current club via the player expressing he wants to leave. The whole thing has been done in the past to numerous effect but the rules are becoming more and more strict towards it. Recent examples are Ashley Cole's alleged contact with Chelsea, Rio Ferdinand's two secret meetings with Chelsea's Peter Keynon and the illegal approach from Chelsea towards Tottenham's Sporting Director Frank Arneson. ...You just might be noticing a trend.
  9. Call me curious but theoretically couldn't Arsenal face a transfer ban if they're found guilty of another illegal approach? I remember reading about how an illegal agent was used in the transfer of Owusu-Abeyie last summer and that Arsenal would face severe consequences if they broke a similar rule in the next few years with a two-year transfer ban seeming like the most likely punishment. Realistically speaking, I doubt they are guilty. Sevilla seem to be clutching at straws at the possibility of losing one of they're brightest prospects again and throwing out wild accusations such as this seem all the more common when a club loses grip of one of it's key players.
  10. Where are you getting all that from? From what I've heard there's been no involvement from a club like Chelsea and double what Arsenal are offering (which would be £30-ish Million) is a ridiculous transfer fee for the player. Sky Sports, arguably the most accurate news site has only ever claimed that another premiership club has 'matched' Arsenal's bid (no indication of doubling it) only to have it also turned down. They say the other bidders are either Newcastle or Man Utd most likely the latter.
  11. Pkm files were stored in the C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2005\Temp folder until the last official patch. They were produced in massive amounts to store data such as goals from other matches aswell as the results of said matches, just in case you ever fancied checking up on them. Theoretically speaking the more pkm files you had, the slower the game would run. You used to be able to delete them easily and safely but SI moved them to a different location with one of the updates and no no-one seems to bother.
  12. Given the fact that so many people entered this contest, It's surely a lot harder to find judges. Not only could people not be bothered to rate each and every single graphic in this thread but those that usually would do it have already entered. If you're having trouble finding judges AJ, I wouldn't mind dropping out and giving my scores if that's ok with you.
  13. ...And by 'cheaper bargains', you mean shit?
  14. Having 'extra detail' selected becomes more noticable as the game progresses, especially if you don't bother to delete the .pkm files from time to time.
  15. I don't see why Chelsea are so keen to sign Wright-Phillips. He's a great player but there's no room for him at a club like Chelsea. They've already got world class players that are better than him to fill the position for now. He's better off staying with City until a club that can really make use of him makes a realistic offer.
  16. I'm suddenly feeling all-the more optimistic about the takeover procedure. Probably because this morning I watched MUTV's exclusive interview with Joel Glazer for the first time. Beforehand, I'd only read a number of quotes from the papers on the interview, most of which were taken out of context. The interview itself was quite insightful. He seemed to acknowledge the rich history of the club and the fact that the fans are the life and soul of a successful team. He also rubished as reported the 'rumours' of transfer caps, the running of the club from abroad, the changing of the United logo and the selling-lease of the stadium among otherthings. You could geniuenly see his frustration on behind such rumours as he repetedly assured the host that they would never have bought the club with the intention to fail. Don't get me wrong I've always been optimistic. If truth be told, the team needed a good shake-up and with the Glazer's obviously wanting to succeed on behalf of they're investment, I'm now all for the new ownership albeit moreso than I once was. Unlike the other self-proclaimed 'true fans' who have turned to violence and hooliganism, I don't want the club to be ran into the ground and if they would all give the Glazer's a chance like so many others including neutrals are prepared to do, then we'd be more than likely better off than the prediciment beforehand.
  17. I meant more along the lines that when I think of Inter I would automatically think of him, in the past at least. He's a player you'd just associate with the club and although he had 'been around' so-to-speak before joining them, when he did It just seemed like he had found 'his' club. Maybe thats just me though... Anyway, speaking of Vieri:
  18. If Bellamy's loan to Celtic has proven anything, its that medicore premiership players can become overnight stars in the SPL. With that in mind Aliadiere will come back over-rated as fuck and if they want to, Arsenal could probably get a good price for him. I'm also surprised to see Vieri released. I've always considered him to be an 'Inter player', in the true sense of the term. To imagine him at any other club in the world right now seems strange but I guess he'd have to move on sooner of later with the emmergance of Adriano and Martins at the club. He'll probably end up at Spurs, although his best days are long behind him he could still do a club like that some reasonable good.
  19. Vote: HFD His graphic just seems to do a lot more for me. Both fit the rules pretty well but the idea and execution of HFD's graphic gives it the edge. Good battle, you two. (Y)
  20. Mourinho made it perfectly clear he didn't want Crespo back and that he'd have to halve his wages if he were to even consider it. Now that Chelsea have found themselves in a bit of a dilema, he may not have any other choice. Realistically speaking theres not too many world-class strikers left that could be persuaded to move. Shevchenko, Eto'o, Trezeguet, Gilardino and Torres to name a few have all made it clear that no matter what the money offer they won't be leaving. Not that Crespo up front is a bad thing but after being rejected in the past, who can blame him for not having the desire to play for Chelsea?
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