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public enemy

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Everything posted by public enemy

  1. Bring you're joy elsewhere. Theres no rules against foreign transfer discussion in the transfer thread and we've already got a /forum/index.php?showtopic=19890">foreign football thread. Seeing as you like to bump up old topics for little or no reason, why don't you just give it a try again instead of creating your own useless topics.
  2. Samuel has a good reputation because in the past he's always gotten the job done. How exactly is open for debate, he's the kind of player that even of you do get past him; you could be kicked two or three feet into the air for you're troubles. He's not a bad player now by any means but football generally has moved on a lot since that kind of play and he hasen't so-to-speak. And West Ham's chairman is the owner of JJB, he's hardly strapped for cash and it's rumoured the team had in excess of £35M to spend in order to ensure Premiership survival. Trouble is whereas they have the cash to bring in big names, no-one wants to be the first to go to them given the struggle they may face. Figo's huge wage demands were enough to throw United, Arsenal and Newcastle reportedly off the scent but he's the kind of player that West Ham could use to lure others to the club.
  3. Sorry if I kept you waiting... (Y)
  4. Nine Lives - 1/10 Horrible. Just Horrible. Paris Hilton should stick to porn, even though she’s not good at that either it’s certainly a lot better than cheap god-awful movies like this. Terrible acting added with every horror-flick cliché in the book (We’re snowed in/phone lines are cut/let’s split up/ugh) made this barely watchable and altogether just horrible.
  5. Yeah, it sucks when a band concentrate more on performing great music over a stage set.
  6. I'd have been more interested in Dream Theater, the supporting act.
  7. 1. Dream Theater 2. Pink Floyd 3. Radiohead 4. Tool 5. Led Zeppelin 6. Steve Vai 7. Joe Satriani 8. U2 9. Alice In Chains 10. Muse
  8. The Big Brother website says she's twenty. It also reveals that her favourite film is 'Showgirls' whilst her favourite book is Jordan's biography...Nice to have an intellect in the house at long last.
  9. She's a catholic? I thought she was from Northern Ireland? AKA, the bit of Ireland that has protestants and needed Britain to step in and say 'calm the fuck down'. Just wondering (off-topic), but how are things over there right now? I think Scottish news had pretty much gave up on coverage of it because no one really cares that much anymore. I assume nobody really cares much over there either, and that it's only the leaders of both sides that refuse to kiss and make up. ←
  10. I doubt that Lampard will be as good this season as he was last. After having a really exceptional season, I can't see him getting anywhere close to the peak he's achieved. Although he may do reasonably well next season, I won't be surprised if he doesn't live up to the expectations he's set himself. As for a potential transfer, I can't see that happening either. Mourinho seems to like him and I'll be damned if Chelsea need the money for him. Although they could do with a player like Owen up-front, I don't see why Chelsea would want Solari. As much as he's a good player, they already have three players in his position that are arguably better than him. (Duff, Robben and Cole) Also, I think Chelsea are right to be looking around Juve for a striker. With rumours of them bringing in either Cassano or Gilardino, they'll be looking to offload one surely. Trezeguet in my opinion is the one striker Chelsea have been linked with (aside from Owen obviously) that could adapt to the premiership and fill the void up-front they have been suffering from.
  11. I must say, I'm surprised on the Kezman deal. Knowing Jose's ego, I'm surprised that he would allow the player to leave given the money and confidence he poured into him with so little pay-off. Kezman would probably be better off somewhere else though, if his performances in the Eredivisie prove anything, its that he has talent even if it wasen't altogether visable at Chelsea. With a striker gone and only two first-team candidates remaining, Chelsea must be pretty close to agreeing a deal with a replacement. I think the questions of everybody's lips however is just who and how much?
  12. It's about damn time they brought a catholic in, albeit a hot one. They've had just about everything else... ¬_¬
  13. Introducing three new housemates is a great idea. The shows started to bore me and I'm sure other's will agree. Everyone in the house has gotten to the point where they've just pissed off into they're own little groups. A shake-up like this is just what the show needs especially given that the housemates going in tonight will have more knowledge of they're other housemates than anyone else. I'll probably watch it to see how it goes but I fail to see as to how its a bad idea.
  14. public enemy


    I've been playing Ocarina Of Time a lot recently. I didn't actually realise that I still had it until I found the Gamecube version that was packaged with Wind Waker. The version I'm playing (Master Quest) was apparently never realeased. It's pretty much the same except for the Dungeons which although having the same layout as before, are a lot fucking harder. Still a great game though.
  15. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Verbal Kint, "The Usual Suspects" (1995) Strangely that was on the second list that was posted but not the first. That, and "just like that...he's gone" from Suspects also should be pretty high on any list IMO.
  16. Everton away is a tough fixture to open the season. They still have a lot to prove and can generally make it tough for any team as our last result against them showed. If we are to hit the ground running coming into the new season, Everton's one of the best teams to get it over with.
  17. It's funny now how Mourinho quickly dismissed being linked with Ashley Cole when the whole 'tapping up' affair arose, stating that he already had a world-class left-back in Wayne Bridge. Funny that the same Wayne Bridge will most likely be dropped for new-boy Del Horno or even potentially sold given the predicted arrival of others such as Ashley Cole and Kaladze. He may have inherited a few Englishmen that make up the backbone of his team, but that’s about the height of it...suddenly neither Parker or probably Bridge are of Mourinho's or Chelsea's standard.
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